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Anyone tried enzyme inhibitors?

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Joined: Wed Apr 15, 2009 5:19 am

Anyone tried enzyme inhibitors?

Post by Ash »

Assuming the usual cause of halitosis is bacteria in the mouth, non-competitive inhibitors of carbohydrases and proteases should stop bacteria breaking down proteins and carbohydrates in the mouth into sugar and amino acids that they can metabolise, thus killing them. The lack of sulphur containing amino acids would stop them producing sulphur containing gasses and the lack of monosaccharides would stop them producing any ATP for energy. It seems to me like a good idea to try using them. You might also have to avoid eating food with high levels of sugar in them like fruit and juice. There's no way the bacteria can adapt to it either because it acts on such a fundamental level, so unless the bacteria can break the laws of physics and create energy out of nothing, or magically create an enzyme against the inhibitor despite having no amino acids to do so it should be a lifelong solution.