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Other things not directly related to bad breath
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Post by soulsk8erboi2008 »

Bad breath seems to be eating all of us away, the best way to deal with it is to get your mind off of it for awhile...SOO....a big thing in my life is MUSIC, i play guitar in a band, i can also play the drums pretty well....My favorite bands are Metallica, Trivium and Chevelle. So what is everyone elses choice of music? :?: :?: :?:

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Post by jess »

I love music very much too. As a matter of fact I plan on learning how to play the violin as soon as possible. It's just that with school and work I basically have no time for it yet.
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Post by noptical »

heh I was about to make this thread :P

I play guitar too, both classic and electro, but Im not in a band. I'm mostly into heavy, power epic and everything that has influences from classic music. I also love flamenco and of course classic.
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Post by austuser »

i really like Live, they seem to tap into the internal space of their listeners and truly reflect what I believe about life, spirituality and the one-ness of mankind

My favourite song of theirs lyrically is from their debut album "Mental Jewelry" back in 92. You can listen to it here ... re_mp3.php Press play where it says to.

Brothers Unaware

so many people
I know only a few
yes I may say that I love this man
and that man
but what keeps me from loving you?

date of birth, geography
the color of my skin, ideology
you've got ten fingers, two legs, one nose
like me
just like me

and it's as simple as that
you see

and if I don't know who to love
I love them all
and if I don't know who to trust
I trust them all
and if I don't know who to kill
I may kill myself instead

from the mouth of a baby
will come the world saving words
that will save us all
and from the lungs of a child
will come the everlasting breath of God

increasing peace and honesty
and not carrying on despite of me
don't you know
this ain't about no race, no creed
no race, no creed

and it's as simple as that
you see

and if I don't know who to love
I love them all
and if I don't know who to trust
I trust them all
and if I don't know who to kill
no s*****e
I'm already dead
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Post by soulsk8erboi2008 »

WOW austuser that song is REALLY good...i'm more usually into the hard stuff, but that song is good. The only Live song i have heard before this one was one that was on the Mummy Returns, which was a real catchy song. I'll listen to them a little more, what are their best cd's?

So noptical...what are your fav bands? And sorry but i have never heard flamenco...what is it?

jess. i'm glad we share a love for's the best thing on crappy day. The violin is one instument i have never picked up and learned....find the time and learn it...and it'll be your best know kinda soothe the soul...especially when you learn something cool. That is how it is with me and my guitar. 8)
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Post by noptical »

soulsk8erboi2008 wrote:WOW austuser that song is REALLY good...i'm more usually into the hard stuff, but that song is good. The only Live song i have heard before this one was one that was on the Mummy Returns, which was a real catchy song. I'll listen to them a little more, what are their best cd's?

So noptical...what are your fav bands? And sorry but i have never heard flamenco...what is it?

jess. i'm glad we share a love for's the best thing on crappy day. The violin is one instument i have never picked up and learned....find the time and learn it...and it'll be your best know kinda soothe the soul...especially when you learn something cool. That is how it is with me and my guitar. 8)
I'm sure you heard flamenco (or at least some other type of music mixed with flamenco)., you just didnt know it is flamenco ;)

There's also a band called Flametal (stupid name i know :P ) and they play metal mixed with flamenco. The result is awesome. Here's a video of a song: (it seems they removed the mp3 from their server and left only the vid)

Also here's a sample of flamenco I accidentally found on flametal's site (their guitar player also plays normal flamenco as a side project):

Fav metal bands Blind Guardian, Rhapsody (although they get kind of repetitive and sometimes are TOO epic), Kenziner (this is a completely unknown band which btw doesnt exist anymore), Stratovarius
I also love malmsteen (when he's not repeating his shitty scales x1000)
Of course theres a lot more stuff that I like some thrash and heavy bands but power epic's just my fav :mrgreen:

btw, what music does your band play?
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Post by austuser »

soulsk8erboi2008 wrote:WOW austuser that song is REALLY good...i'm more usually into the hard stuff, but that song is good. The only Live song i have heard before this one was one that was on the Mummy Returns, which was a real catchy song. I'll listen to them a little more, what are their best cd's?
Start with "Throwing Copper".
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Post by soulsk8erboi2009 »

Sorry i havent been able to get on, this is the same guy that posted this topic, i was just having password issues and finally gave up and started a new profile. Whatever...

Thanks for the music recommendations it's good stuff, and my band plays Heavy Metal when i'm on the drums, like Trivium and Metallica, but when i play guitar i play the lighter stuff like Chevelle and Snow Patrol.

BTW, you guys should read my Topic about the Cure i found for myself, it's called Tongue cure found.
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Post by j0n1982 »

I like reggae music. Kind of laid back. Always eases tension.
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