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Post by mike987 »

I don't doubt many here might be suffering strictly from halitophobia and nothing else, and I admit I used to fret over a variety of socially perceptible things, but this breath.. this is real. FART BREATH. Back when I lived in America, I once asked my brother to tell me if my breath smelled. I breathed on him and he quickly covered his face and said it smells like farts.. I wasn't satisfied, so I breathed again and chased him out of the room.

That was the only time I heard an actual 'your breath smells like farts' comment. Before that I didn't really work or have to speak in people's faces regularly, so I was never really certain other than the reactions I perceived.

Well I came to Japan and started teaching.. I've gotten all kinds of reaction, and plenty of my students saying things about it. Not just 'who farted' but things like 'not this stinky teacher!' or 'it smells like farts when you talk'. I've also had students on days where I didn't even get any backdraft, run out to their parents and say 'sttiiiiiiiiinks' or 'smeeeelllyy'.l I've also had a work acquaintance cover his nose and tell me straight up, 'hey, your breath really stiinkks'.

I get the backdraft often enough to smell it myself, though only for a moment. Sometimes I wonder if it's also coming out nasally too, or has much more range than I think, because it's always easier for me to get a back draft after I had just run around the room breathing hard. It's as though it's not a direct back draft, but just someone breathing through a cloud of my own exhaust.

I was loosening up a lot yesterday. I had the kids far enough away that they shouldn't be able to get a whiff of my breath if I use my other tactics. I heard someone talking about 'what stinks', but that room is kind of musty, so I can't assume that was about me. Anyway, I was feeling pretty good, and i ran around the room a bit with the kids, and soon afterward I got a backdraft of which was that damned smell. The fart smell. It's so much like a fart that everytime I sniff around, trying to see if it was an actual fart, but it doesn't linger like one, not that I can detect.

If you guys aren't sure, and think it really may all be in your head, do yourself a favor and just start talking, breathing more in people's faces, and look for genuine reactions. Just figure it out, for your own piece of mind. If you only look for nose scratching, coughing, etc, . while those things COULD be a sign of your own BB, it's not at all reliable, you'll never be sure and just drive yourself crazy.

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Post by deebo »

jess wrote:
bbsux wrote: We are good friends now... hangout 2-3 times a week.
My point exactly why meetups are important. The irony is none of the people in this threat have their location posted in their profile.
Please people post your location in your profile.
bbsux , i have never met with a member or been to any meetup yet ,although i have helped set up several via internet .

ive asked the same question of those who've met up . People usually say they can't , some have told me they could . One of the forum leaders told e when he met a member thathe could not smell the other person BUT he had the urge to clear his throat ,cough and sneeze while he was near . THis stopped when the person went away for minute and started again when he returned .

Not all these odors are the same or similar so there may be a case of our diminished sense of smell also .
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Post by jess »

I smell people's bad breath all the time, (and no it's not mine, I know when it's my own breath that I'm smelling). I've never been to any of these meetups yet, but I'm sure if I met you guys here who truly suffers from bad breath, I would be able to smell all of you!
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Post by bbsux »

deebo wrote:
jess wrote:
bbsux wrote: We are good friends now... hangout 2-3 times a week.
My point exactly why meetups are important. The irony is none of the people in this threat have their location posted in their profile.
Please people post your location in your profile.
bbsux , i have never met with a member or been to any meetup yet ,although i have helped set up several via internet .

ive asked the same question of those who've met up . People usually say they can't , some have told me they could . One of the forum leaders told e when he met a member thathe could not smell the other person BUT he had the urge to clear his throat ,cough and sneeze while he was near . THis stopped when the person went away for minute and started again when he returned .

Not all these odors are the same or similar so there may be a case of our diminished sense of smell also .

This is really really interesting because when i am with my friend i am not able to smell anything on him but MY NOSE DOES ITCH ALOT MORE THEN WHEN HE IS NOT AROUND.

I find that i touch my nose alot more and my nostrils have itchy feeling. I wonder what this means...does it mean that he is blowing smoe kind of air that i am allergic too or does it mean that he has bad breath that my sense of smell cant catch but my nose is still having allergic reactiong to it.
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Post by HigherThoughts »

Maybe for the people that can't smell each other breath, you guys don't have chronic bad breath. Only once in a while.

Mike at least someone is able to tell you truthfully to your face. Even though not 1 single person has been honest with me, I know my breath stinks. It's not just from nose touching or coughing or something. I have literally seen people pinch their noses when I was close to them. A lot of people can't even look at my face when they talk to me. They keep moving their heads around and looking everywhere else but at my face. I know any of you guys would be able to smell me because I think mine is not just a bad breath from the mouth. It is from something inside of me.
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Post by mike987 »

HigherThoughts wrote:Maybe for the people that can't smell each other breath, you guys don't have chronic bad breath. Only once in a while.

Mike at least someone is able to tell you truthfully to your face. Even though not 1 single person has been honest with me, I know my breath stinks. It's not just from nose touching or coughing or something. I have literally seen people pinch their noses when I was close to them. A lot of people can't even look at my face when they talk to me. They keep moving their heads around and looking everywhere else but at my face. I know any of you guys would be able to smell me because I think mine is not just a bad breath from the mouth. It is from something inside of me.

Have you ever thought that something other than your breath might be inciting those reactions? For example, if you keep looking at someone's nose or their mouth area, they might be inclined to rub it or touch it in some way.

You might be doing it unintentionally, but you and I both know that's what we look for when we're close to people. And that wide to small pinch that starts on the whole face and ends by squeezing the nose is a good way to get rid of something that might be on your face.. Also, sometimes people do that kind of thing in thought, or just out of habit.
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Post by HigherThoughts »

mike987 wrote: Have you ever thought that something other than your breath might be inciting those reactions? For example, if you keep looking at someone's nose or their mouth area, they might be inclined to rub it or touch it in some way.

You might be doing it unintentionally, but you and I both know that's what we look for when we're close to people. And that wide to small pinch that starts on the whole face and ends by squeezing the nose is a good way to get rid of something that might be on your face.. Also, sometimes people do that kind of thing in thought, or just out of habit.
I know its not from me staring at their nose or mouth area. Usually I see people rubbing or pinching their noses from the corner of my eye when they think I don't see them. Also when people pinch their nose its in the way someone does it when they smell something bad. Also have some people where they constantly sniff the air when I'm around like you know when you smell something and you keep sniffing. Either way I know when people are reacting to the smell or when they are just scratching their nose or something. Honestly if I put some hidden camera on myself and recorded all my interactions with people I'm pretty sure it will be obvious that people are reacting to my bad breath.

Also some people when I am talking with them pretty close to their face they usually make that kind of face when you are trying to hold your breath. Like some people purse their lips. One guy was even trying to hold his breath so hard his face was actually turning red. I didn't imagine it and I know it's not from anything else. His face literally turned red from him trying to hold his breath. I hate being around people because even if I don't think about my bad breath once I see the reactions it just reminds me of my problem. I don't even look for reactions all the time. When I just talk to people without even thinking about it, the reaction just happens. I know its normal for people to touch their noses and whatnot. BUT it is not normal for it to happen so frequently every time I talk to people.

I still remember what it was like to interact with people before I had this problem. So I see the big difference in the way people treat me. It gives me a lot of perspective on the way people act. With this bad breath problem, even though I am the same person the way a lot of people treat me has changed. I see just how fake and full of it a lot of people really are.
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Post by everhopeful81 »

I would be very keen to meet up - I live in London - I have had some bad experiences this week: one of my colleagues resigned today and another colleague and I were speaking about it when he said "i think he left because of you and the smell - his desk was close to yours"..I KNOW I get very bad breath and I hardly ever feel comfortable talking to anyone face to face without covering my mouth or chewing gum (which goes stale after 10 mintues anyway). Recently i have felt more confident though a couple of comments like this can be really upsetting.

I would definately be keen to meet (somewhere in London preferably) as it would be great to get people's honest opinions and just chat...let me know if anyone's keen
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Post by mike987 »

If anyone is ever in Japan, let me know.
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Post by deebo »

everhopeful81 wrote:
I would definately be keen to meet (somewhere in London preferably) as it would be great to get people's honest opinions and just chat...let me know if anyone's keen
thats hilarious , there are loads of meetups in UK . Just had the Thames festival meetup with like 20+ members with various malodor conditions and the breath testing at the same time . (btw next breath test is in NY )
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