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A guy from CHINA,my story,and some IDEAs

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A guy from CHINA,my story,and some IDEAs

Post by halitosiser »

Hello to there all.

I am a guy aged 28 from china.i have been through this nightmare for a whole(or more than) 10 years.

Living with this is not a human life.having no respect from others,no mercy,no love.Its so ****ing strange that people can pitty those with AIDS but when the subject to BODY OR NASAL ODOR,it seems like they just turn their heads away as if i was the demen from hell and do not deserve their save!

i thought my bb was really mild at the begining but i dont know.maybe it wasnt,its just that i didnt find it my bb can alway be smelt by others from my nose breathing and it can reach quick far away like 100 meters.half of my village can smell the discusting smell from time to time.i can hear them snize or cough when i was home.

when i was in high school,i was driven out of a bar by a very rude method.some one asked a child to put hot water onto my back!

and other things that you can imagine,like people run away from me,talk about me,say "***k","shit",such things.

but tried my best to live as best as i can.i did a business that broke the law and earn lots of money,but i was in jail for like 4 months.and i had 3 girl friends and the last one became my wife,and now i have a very sweet baby.
sometimes i was proud of myself,becoz i did it when someone with a normal life cant do what i have done.i have house and car.its a economic standard in china here to judge people if you are good or not.and i did it.

my families love father ,my mother,brother and my wife.when i was in jail,my brother even cried and afraid that i wont get out and would stay in prison for years.

when public people like OBAMA or any one else talk about 'PEOPLE SHOULD LOVE EACH' or such things,i just say in my heart '***k you'.
there's no love between random person and person.i am the exam set by god.if there's love,people would not treated me like that.i am no difference as a man kind.i just got sick.and everyone has the chance to get sick.if they can do this to me,they can do it to any unlucky insidely,THERE'S NO ****ing LOVE.

but i have a suggestion to you guys LIVING IN AUSTRALIA OR AMERICA OR CANADA.
you people there have LOTS OF LANDS with VERY FEW PEOPLE.the lands there are very can do something to become a land owner,and live peacefully and quietly can have a wife,a beautiful house with green garden,have childrens,have a car which you can drive to anywhere you want.

that's my dream.and my wife do not feel bad about life like that.its just the land here in china is so ****ing rich.very few people can afford a very big have a chance and choice.

THATS JUST MY SUGGESTION! i know you people do not like OR pretend do not like people commanding you.


Jimi Stein
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United States of America

Post by Jimi Stein »

I never knew Chinese people can be so rude. I though that Chinese were the least rude regarding the bad breath because they explain bad breath as a heat from liver.

I am sorry you have to endure this
This is me, Jimi Stein, I created this site in December 2005. Welcome.
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Post by bblady »



Well, according to your views, because I happen to be an American, I am a rich, spoiled and ungrateful brat. All I have in response is this. No matter who or where or you are, no matter your background or situations in life, there will ALWAYS be someone in the world who is WORSE OFF THAN YOU! Instead of spewing out your feelings of anger, jealousy and bitterness at others, why not focus on your own troubles instead. Yes, I am truly blessed for living in the land of the free and for having been successful in my career and love life. I couldn't possibly feel anymore thankful for those good things … it is those good things that prevent me from taking my own life, now, if that isn't being thankful, than I don't know what is. Living with my own chronic halitosis, which is the room filing variety, isn't easy for me either, just as this isn't easy for ANYONE. You really seem angry in your post and you are blaming everybody for your own misfortune. This attitude needs to change if you ever want to learn to find happiness and inner peace. You need to let go of that anger, find forgiveness, learn to accept and love yourself, and take ownership of all your problems. This is the only way for you to release your inner turmoil and suffering; you are only bringing on this misery on yourself. STOP THIS. Your bad breath is NO ONE"S FAULT including your own, so stop blaming others. Just accept it and get on with your life. You also need to grow up and act like a level headed, emotionally stable adult.

Re: A guy from CHINA,my story,and some IDEAs

Post by jamesmcavoy »

U say u r from china , i am indian .
Actually what u say abt lands in aus , usa is true .
Why dont u move to australia as too many chinese are migrating to australia .
What u said is good from ur point of view but it seems weird when somebody other reads this .
Haaa , what to say !!!!
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Re: A guy from CHINA,my story,and some IDEAs

Post by bblady »

jamesmcavoy wrote:but it seems weird when somebody other reads this .
Haaa , what to say !!!!
I will agree with you there. I don't understand the point of China man's post. According to American standards, i am not rich, I am in the middle class. I have never owned my own home because I cannot afford it and I have no children for the same reason. I will probably never be able to afford the luxury of retirement due to rising inflation and my salary isn't keeping up with those rising costs. I expect that I will have to work until the day I die, hoping that I will be able to find good enough jobs that pay enough to live off of. The US is not the land of opportunity that it was say 30 years ago. We have now reached a point that grown children are having to stay with their parents and only 10% of the country's population can afford to go to college. The average income continues to get smaller, more people are in debt., while education, good paying jobs and opportunities are getting smaller and smaller. If this makes you feel any better, than it says something about your own views of we Americans. You might want to think about that. You do sound either jealous or somewhat prejudiced. You might not be aware, but according to statistics in my country, it is the Chinese who are doing the best these days in areas of education, and they are landing the most, good paying jobs. Hmmmm. Interesting.

Post by jamesmcavoy »

Actually bblady and jimi ,
This chink has no bad intentions saying wht he said .
He just played the role of man pretending to be wiser giving us his precious advise .
Apart from this ,there is no specific purpose but definitly sounded rude .

Again bblady , u are right about usa ,its not the country of land opportunities as it used to be .
There is only one country these days which tops in this category and that is Australia .
I am an indian (again one of the worst situation finantially over the globe ) but if i had money , i would definitly migrate to Australia .
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Post by halitosiser »

i mean no offense nor that i am wiser or anything like was just my dream that i can live just as far away from people as i can.and i see that the land are cheaper in AUSTRALIA than in china.maybe i was wrong.

just forget about the suggestion.


people,do you ever heard about 'Vasomotor Rhinitis'?

this illness can cause MUCUS in nasal passanger for no other's connected to the nerve system.
and you know,the MUCUS is the best food for fugus and microbies.and fugus can cause extrem odor like NH3..this stuff really stinks and can also canse people cough.

my new theory,please write back your thoughts.i wanna change my life.

being poor is better than being stinky.

Post by jamesmcavoy »

Enough of arguments !!!
So u said u have nasty odor from ur nose .
Its no wonder it is roomfilling .
There are only 2 ways u could have nasal odor .
First is u have tonsil stones .
Lets just say even if u are sure abt yourself not having them u may have them .
Thorough check is needed .

Second is bad nasal passage .
You know solutions to both .
Only some times ,a periodontal disease or cavities cud lead to nasal odor but its rare .
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Post by halitosiser »

i mean for real that i wann live alone.just with my family.
people may think thats not good to live alone away from the society.but i cant agree with that.we always recommended to be socialized.but in our condition,i cant get any amusement from being socialized.maybe living a natural and quiet life is much better for us.
i've seen alot of movies made in hollywood showing that when people live a real life,its soo beautiful.
like the movie The should watch that.i just wanna live like that.
with my family,we dont have to worry about for children,debt,what other people have that we dont have..things like that.we just live everyday life of our,getting some bear,sunlight,sunset,beautiful picture of everyday..
why the world is like this..its soo fucked!
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Post by halitosiser »

the day i was taking a walk with my wife and baby.there were 2 kids watching me with dirty looks and i think they had ugly words in low voice.i suddenly cant control myself and asked what the ***k are you talking about.and i hild his face.he said nothing and i released him.
i feel so bad.this should not be no ones life.
years ago when i taking a train,2 guys talked ****ing stink.for defending my self i hold the pen and looked at them,one more word ill do it.i remember that well,they looked at my hand and stoped.
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Post by Asian_skunkgirl »

Now that is called an anger problem - not bb problem. Threatening people with a pen is too lame, you should've just breath on them. :lol:
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