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Stomach acidity/heartburn is the easiest to test

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Stomach acidity/heartburn is the easiest to test

Post by Carri »

It's been 18 days (according to the tablets number missing) that I'm taking famotidine (10 mg) 15 minutes before eating in the morning and 15 minutes before eating I night.

Since I have done it I don't have :

-morning bad breath
-empty stomach bad breath
-no bad breath after brushing
-tingling in my right tooth (very hard to describe)
-immediate bloating after eating

I went to the doctor last year and I said that I felt that an acid liquid came up from my stomach after a 1h speech at school. He gave me some liquid for that but he never bothered to do a follow up on me. I guess it came back.

I swear I can talk to people face to face now, laugh when they're close and all.

The tablet I'm taking is pepcid (famotidine 10 mg). I am sort of scared when it will be done (12 more days) because my paranoia might get stronger.We will see then.

But my point is that this is probably the easiest thing to test for yourself to see if it is the main cause or one of the causes adding to bb. I hope someone will have success with it.

Good luck