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What Cured My Halitosis/Bad Breath - Tonsils and Adenoids - BEWARE SIDE EFFECTS, CHOKING ON LIQUIDS, 9YEARS SCAM????

Everything related with bad breath can be found here. Everything about products, research, news about bad breath......
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Post by ThinkPositive »

i have visited my ENT, he checked my nasal area and said that i have small adenoids, on my left nostril he said there was tissue i asked him to explain what he meant by it but he was like "its just tissue", he said i have chronically inflamed tonsils and it could be why i have the halitosis but didnt make any promises. we started talking about my reflux issues which come and go and he said it'd be better to have a barium test done to see if the reflux is bad or not. and then move onto the tonsils

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Post by StillHoping »

Its been almost 3 weeks since my tonsil/adenoid removal surgery. I still have scabs and some pain; soo I cant really give a conclusive report. But I don't feel like the surgery has made any difference for my BB at this point based on reactions. I plan on returning back to my lemon water regime because I think my problem is due to low stomach acid.
2012: Wisdoms remov
2015: Tonsils+adenoids remov
2017: TMAU1 & 2 Negative
2019: Internal biopsies normal
2019: Completed SIBO treatment
2020: DigEnzymes help but side effects
+ low fodmap/GERD diet also help
Jimi Stein
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Post by Jimi Stein »

that confirms that that abuseive idiot 5years or what was his name was wrong. I am glad he was banned, I still suspect that it was a smart marketing trick where he silently plugged that doctor website.

For god sake he worked as a medical assistant for years, administration, marketing etc.......

I am not 100% sure....but just my doubts to this methods made him enraged...
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Post by StillHoping »

I think the problem with BB is that we all have different causes; maybe it really will work for some people and not others. I am glad I went ahead with the surgery though, atleast I have eliminated that area as a possible cause
2012: Wisdoms remov
2015: Tonsils+adenoids remov
2017: TMAU1 & 2 Negative
2019: Internal biopsies normal
2019: Completed SIBO treatment
2020: DigEnzymes help but side effects
+ low fodmap/GERD diet also help
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Post by feelitagain »

Hey guys,

It has been little bit over 3weeks since the surgery. I am near the end of the recovery process and would like to share some of my thoughts with you guys.

I think its safe to say the removal of tonsils and adenoids has not been a cure for me as I can still feel the hot/dry air in the mouth and I can still smell the breath. This is very devastating for me as I was very optimistic before the surgery as many of you were/are.

I have a severe nasal odor(I would say my bb from mouth isnt a room filler) and this surgery did not fix that problem as well.
The morning breath is still horrible...

I will post back in 2weeks to make my conclusion from this surgery but I think my current condition will not change during the time.

This does not mean the removal of adenoids wont work for you. We all have different problems that lead to this terrible condition. Some others had success going through this surgery so I recommend you going to an ENT and consult with a doc.
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Post by whatdidido »

I really think this surgery will work for people who just developed bad breath out of the blue in their adult lives. Ive spoken with a few people from here and its those that have had it since a young age or the ones who have never had tonsil stones that aren't finding relief from tonsil removal. Im really looking forward to the tonsillectomy/adenoid removal being the cure for me. We will see when the ENT finally calls for my apt.
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Post by Bear44 »

whatdidido wrote:I really think this surgery will work for people who just developed bad breath out of the blue in their adult lives. Ive spoken with a few people from here and its those that have had it since a young age or the ones who have never had tonsil stones that aren't finding relief from tonsil removal. Im really looking forward to the tonsillectomy/adenoid removal being the cure for me. We will see when the ENT finally calls for my apt.
I agree with you. I'm one of those people who had an adult onset of bad breath. Seeing as I had enlarged and smelly tonsils, tonsil stones, and it was a symptom that seemingly came out of nowhere as an adult, I was very confident it was a localized problem stemming from my tonsils (and potentially my adenoids as my ENT said they were infected and removed them as well). For people who have had this problem their whole lives, the source of the bad breath may be more systemic than localized, so this intervention may not have as large of an effect (especially if you already have healthy tonsils/adenoids).

It's about day 11 after surgery for me, and I'm very confident it worked for me, but as you said, I think I am one of those people who this surgery works for because I'm very confident my issue was solely from my tonsils. So far I've noticed that my post nasal drip has been reduced if not disappeared. This may be due to my adenoidectomy and/or turbinate reduction. This may change the more I heal as I still have scabs and a stuffy nose. Also I can tell my tongue/saliva no longer smells. Will update in another week or two when I'm more healed.

p.s. Anyone getting their tonsils out, prepare for a rough recovery. I only got 3 hours of sleep a night for 9 nights in a row because of the pain. After day 9/10 is when you really start to see the light though.
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Post by StillHoping »

sorry to hear that feelitagain; I know how you feel and we are in the same boat :(

But yes, it is more likely to be helpful for those with tonsil stones.
2012: Wisdoms remov
2015: Tonsils+adenoids remov
2017: TMAU1 & 2 Negative
2019: Internal biopsies normal
2019: Completed SIBO treatment
2020: DigEnzymes help but side effects
+ low fodmap/GERD diet also help
Posts: 32
Joined: Wed Jul 15, 2015 12:30 am

Post by sun123 »

had my tonsils removed today…woo hoo….I am hoping this will cure my problem once and for all... :D
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Post by Bear44 »

So it's about 4 1/2 weeks after my surgery, and to my surprise, I still have bad breath. With that said, I am very happy I got this surgery and would do it again. My tonsils were large and had deep crypts where bacteria and tonsil stones had a nice protective home to fester. Also, my adenoids were infected so it was a nice surprise to have those removed as well.

My bad breath disappeared during the first week of healing post-surgery, and looking back now, I strongly believe it was due to the 7 day course of antibiotics I was taking. This makes me believe there is a strong link between digestion, gut health/bacteria/symbiosis and this breath issue. I will be researching deeply about this connection as I feel it is the root cause.
Jimi Stein
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Post by Jimi Stein »

like I predicted.

I suspect mouth flora has too much bad bacterias.....That is my opinion. And of course poor liver, intestines problem cause body not to fight off these bacterias and create healthy environment.
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Post by Trunks99 »

Talking about liver... Has anybody tried a liver flush? Does it help w/bad breath?
Jimi Stein
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Post by Jimi Stein »

I did like 20 of them, helped for few days I think, dont bother, it is bullshit
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Re: Hi

Post by somethinstinks »

Atrial wrote:Notanymore I have been member of this site since 2005 I only have bad breath so I assumed the problem is oral related I spent all my life cleaning my tongue and mouth I even flushed my nose with 2 liters of water everyday for months had tonsillectomy also got wisdom teeth removed then one day last year while I was feeling low i saw a bb meeting in london I was thinking I will smell others bb and they will smell mine I was absolutly shocked when I realised all of us could not smell each other apparently it's like that in every meeting
The reason we could not smell eachother is the same reason you can't smell your own breath we are all emitting same chemical trimethylamine how do I know this because some of those people had positive tmau results general public could smell them but we could not.
Tmau can be breath only and mostly it smells of garbage/poo
If you get negative results I will never mention tmau on this site.
Or what you can do is have meeting with anyone from this site there is probably someone from your city/country see if you can smell
eachother you will not be able smell eachother.

Hey Atrial. Youre saying at those meetups, those with halitosis couldnt smell TMAU sufferers and vice versa?
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Post by finallycured25yr »

I had to be my own advocate; I basically had to convince them to do it. I did the research and I felt that I knew what needed to be done. I needed to REMOVE ALL THE POTENTIAL SMELL GENERATORS
I really started thinking about linguals after I researched this site - take a look, they are in Virginia
I had a feeling it could be my adenoids too after irrigating that area and smelly material returned. Also, I got a lot of information from this web site. It is relatively painless procedure so I though I would remove this tissue as a "bonus" since I was already going to be going under anesthesia
It took me 10 days to recover.
It was done with General anesthesia
No CT scan - I don’t know how much benefit it would have been (if the saw something I would want it out, if they didn’t see anything, I would want it out)
I just asked the doctor to remove it (I asked politely - he said "yes you have a little bit of tissue there, we can do it, I would nicely insist on it). He did not really see anything wrong with it. Remember that the tissue can seem "normal" but it still smells.
Adenoids usually get smaller with time, but in some people they are still there or have remnants - if you think that this is a source, I would say go for it. It is a safe area, it is painless, you are under anesthesia (that is chance to get rid of a potentially smelly tissue even if it contributes only 10% to the smell)
I think I had nasal halitosis too (when I would get in an elevator and not breathe out of my mouth, I could sense similar reactions to people standing close by)

I think this is an area that is still being understood, but from talking to other people- They refer to the "finkelstein test" Involves pushing on the tissue and smelling the material (even in the absense of stones), if it smells the tissue may be contributing.

I am glad you have renewed hope - I think there is always an answer to a problem --> this has been one of the hardest problems to find a solution to.

I am assuming that you still have your lingual tonsils. I have no comment if it is your gut other than trying high potency probiotics at high doses and try using chlorophyll tablets (I
Read below and lingual tonsils as the cause (they are lymphoid tissues and can smell - I would really look into it and consider getting it removed, if it was really from your stomach, I don’t understand why the smell would discriminate and only go to your tongue and not the rest of your mouth)

Sounds like you have something that can be addressed and so I would be optimistic too.
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