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Jesus Christ CURE

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Post by Clear »

Clear wrote:Jesus Christ wasn't just a human. The Quran itself gives Jesus the name "Word of God" & "Spirit of God"
Atrial wrote:No it doesn't just more lies
"…O Mary! Behold, God gives you good news of a word from Him (Word from Allah), who shall become known as the Messiah, Jesus, son of Mary..." (Quran 3:45)
So Jesus is called the Word of God.

"We breathed into her (Mary) from My Spirit (Allah's spirit)." (Quran 21:91)

"…a Spirit created by Him. (Allah)"(Quran 4:171)

Messiah : a leader or savior of a particular group or cause.
Atrial wrote:Quran has more detailed description about jesus's life than bible
Jesus Christ Is also mentioned 25 times in the Quran, when muhammad is only mentioned 4 times.
Atrial wrote:There is 1.5 billion Muslims I'm pretty some of them have converted but reality is more people convert from your trinity worship to lslam
Where's the proof of that? I wouldn't even see why somebody would convert to Islam...That's my opinion though.

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Post by Atrial »

Here is the verse you're quoting it looks little bit different without your editing

And [mention] the one who guarded her chastity, so We blew into her [garment] through Our angel [Gabriel], and We made her and her son a sign for the worlds.

It talks about how the life of jesus was started by angel Gabriel.
How do you expect new life to start unless new soul/ spirit is placed in the womb. According to Islam same thing happens at some point in every pregnancy.
Stop making assumption based on your own desires. I'm guessing you're used to that because whole trinity is based on corrupted and twisted evidence old habit are hard to let go. I add the source link just to show i haven't edited anything i quote.

If you research more Isac Newton was believer but he did not believe in trinity bacause he said greeks mistranslated some of the scripture
Also all this christian groups do not believe in trinity

Do all this groups have different bible or did they just search for the truth?

Modern nontrinitarian groups or denominations include Christadelphians, Christian Scientists, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Dawn Bible Students, Friends General Conference, Iglesia ni Cristo, Jehovah's Witnesses, Living Church of God, Members Church of God International, Oneness Pentecostals, the Seventh Day Church of God, Unitarian Universalist Christians, United Church of God, and The Shepherd's Chape

2003 edition of the Guinness Book of World Records, Islam is the world's fastest-growing religion by number of conversions each year: "Although the religion began in Arabia, by 2002 80% of all believers in Islam lived outside the Arab world.
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Post by Clear »

Atrial wrote:Here is the verse you're quoting it looks little bit different without your editing

And [mention] the one who guarded her chastity, so We blew into her [garment] through Our angel [Gabriel], and We made her and her son a sign for the worlds.
What are you talking about? What editing? That's a completely different verse :shock:

And [mention] the one who guarded her chastity, so We blew into her [garment] through Our angel [Gabriel], and We made her and her son a sign for the worlds. - Quran 21:91

"…O Mary! Behold, God gives you good news of a word from Him (Word from Allah), who shall become known as the Messiah, Jesus, son of Mary..." - Quran 3:45
Atrial wrote:Stop making assumption based on your own desires. I'm guessing you're used to that because whole trinity is based on corrupted and twisted evidence old habit are hard to let go.
You literally thought the bible was corrupted, until I proved you otherwise.
You said that the Quran said the bible was corrupted, which made no sense since the Quran tells people to read the gospel and the torah AKA the bible.
"So if you (O Muhammad SAW) are in doubt concerning that which We have revealed unto you, then ask those who have been reading the Book [the Taurat (Torah) and the Injeel (Gospel)] before you. The truth has come to you from your Lord."

Remember that?

"There is only one Quran and it's still 100 % the same it was from day one."
You said that there is only 1 Quran, yet i showed you that there is about 20 translations just on this one page ... 68a31d.png , remember that?
Atrial wrote:because whole trinity is based on corrupted and twisted evidence old habit are hard to let go.
Where's your proof? Some guys saying they believe it was corrupted? That's proof? That's just an opinion, not a fact. Anybody can say anything is corrupted, it doesn't make it true.
Atrial wrote:If you research more Isac Newton was believer but he did not believe in trinity bacause he said greeks mistranslated some of the scripture
Also all this christian groups do not believe in trinity
That's fine. He can believe whatever he wants. He said greeks mistranslated scripture, does that make it true? Of course not, that's just what he believes. ... hesis.html
Isaac newton on the trinity HYPOTHESIS.
Hypothesis : a supposition or proposed explanation made on the basis of limited evidence
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Post by Atrial »

Clear wrote:
Atrial wrote:Here is the verse you're quoting it looks little bit different without your editing

And [mention] the one who guarded her chastity, so We blew into her [garment] through Our angel [Gabriel], and We made her and her son a sign for the worlds.
What are you talking about? What editing? That's a completely different verse :shock:

And [mention] the one who guarded her chastity, so We blew into her [garment] through Our angel [Gabriel], and We made her and her son a sign for the worlds. - Quran 21:91

"…O Mary! Behold, God gives you good news of a word from Him (Word from Allah), who shall become known as the Messiah, Jesus, son of Mary..." - Quran 3:45
Atrial wrote:Stop making assumption based on your own desires. I'm guessing you're used to that because whole trinity is based on corrupted and twisted evidence old habit are hard to let go.
You literally thought the bible was corrupted, until I proved you otherwise.
You said that the Quran said the bible was corrupted, which made no sense since the Quran tells people to read the gospel and the torah AKA the bible.
"So if you (O Muhammad SAW) are in doubt concerning that which We have revealed unto you, then ask those who have been reading the Book [the Taurat (Torah) and the Injeel (Gospel)] before you. The truth has come to you from your Lord."

Remember that?

"There is only one Quran and it's still 100 % the same it was from day one."
You said that there is only 1 Quran, yet i showed you that there is about 20 translations just on this one page ... 68a31d.png , remember that?
Atrial wrote:because whole trinity is based on corrupted and twisted evidence old habit are hard to let go.
Where's your proof? Some guys saying they believe it was corrupted? That's proof? That's just an opinion, not a fact. Anybody can say anything is corrupted, it doesn't make it true.
Atrial wrote:If you research more Isac Newton was believer but he did not believe in trinity bacause he said greeks mistranslated some of the scripture
Also all this christian groups do not believe in trinity
That's fine. He can believe whatever he wants. He said greeks mistranslated scripture, does that make it true? Of course not, that's just what he believes. ... hesis.html
Isaac newton on the trinity HYPOTHESIS.
Hypothesis : a supposition or proposed explanation made on the basis of limited evidence

We both quoted same verse the only differense is I have posted the whole verse instead of the middle part of it

Here my quote :

And [mention] the one who guarded her chastity, so We blew into her [garment] through Our angel [Gabriel], and We made her and her son a sign for the worlds. - Quran 21:91

Your misleading quote :

"We breathed into her (Mary) from My Spirit (Allah's spirit)." (Quran 21:91)

If this simple 1 verse mistranslation can confuse you imagine that bible is made of letters narratives and books and other writings more than half have literally unknown writers as ridiculous as it sounds and the fact that there is NO original hebrew/amharic source for all those books/letters to reference against the reliability goes down drammaticly with time and with intentions and chosen sect of the writer.

You have only heard of the trinity version of your religion combined with few cliche quotes from someones's version of the bible.
I don't really care if you believe in trinity or not I just want you to realise it might not necessarily be how you see it.

The New Testament is a collection of writings by early Christians, consisting of narratives, letters and apocalyptic writings. Among Christian denominations there is some disagreement about the contents of the canon, primarily in the Apocrypha, a list of works that are regarded with varying levels of respect.


Lets compare this to the reliabily of the Quran

God's messenger received throught angel Gabriel on a period of 23 years all surahs were then written down immediately also before he died all text was combined and recited back to the messenger to verify it.
After that it was copied word by word even today the only Authentic Quran is the arabic version to minimise mistranslations turning into believes
Also all muslims have to memorise the whole Quran in arabic by memory. Even if I create fake quran with minor changes it will not work because there is 100s millions of people who have memorised and they can tell easily because of that it's stayed the same.

Also there is single book in Quran unlike the bible that is composed of many books, letters and narratives some of the writers are also unknown

Source : .

I have tried my best to open your eyes but you're too deep into your trinity worship.

All the best 😊
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Post by Clear »

Atrial wrote:[And [mention] the one who guarded her chastity, so We blew into her [garment] through Our angel [Gabriel], and We made her and her son a sign for the worlds. - Quran 21:91
Atrial wrote:We both quoted same verse
And [mention] the one who guarded her chastity, so We blew into her [garment] through Our angel [Gabriel], and We made her and her son a sign for the worlds. - Quran 21:91

[And mention] when the angels said, "O Mary, indeed Allah gives you good tidings of a word from Him, whose name will be the Messiah, Jesus, the son of Mary - distinguished in this world and the Hereafter and among those brought near [to Allah ]. - Quran 3:45
Atrial wrote:We both quoted same verse
Atrial wrote:books and other writings more than half have literally unknown writers as ridiculous as it sounds
Yeah, It does sound ridiculous. You just said "unknown writers", were you there when they wrote the scriptures? How do you know it was unknown people? In the beginning of every book, It tells you who is writing it.

"There came a man sent from God, whose name was John" John 1:6 -- Unknown people? How? It says a man sent from God, whose name
was JOHN
If you're going to say, "How do you know he wrote it", how do you know the people that wrote the Quran were the people they said they were when they wrote it? YOU DON'T KNOW....You have faith, just like I do.

You have faith the people who said they wrote the Quran IN the Quran are actually themselves. Not "unknown people", JUST like I have faith the people who wrote the bible are actually who said they are.

Please don't act like you have ACTUAL proof "unknown people" wrote the bible, you were not there when they wrote it, neither were you there to make sure that "unknown people" didn't write the Quran. We have faith that the bible is true, just like you have faith the Quran is true.
Atrial wrote:Lets compare this to the reliabily of the Quran

God's messenger received throught angel Gabriel on a period of 23 years all surahs were then written down immediately also before he died all text was combined and recited back to the messenger to verify it.
After that it was copied word by word even today the only Authentic Quran is the arabic version to minimise mistranslations turning into believes
Also all muslims have to memorise the whole Quran in arabic by memory. Even if I create fake quran with minor changes it will not work because there is 100s millions of people who have memorised and they can tell easily because of that it's stayed the same.
The same thing applies here, read what I wrote already.

I have one question. Do you read arabic?
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Post by MrChips »

Clear- your losing the argument lol. I'm born and raised Catholic. I believe in God 100% Always have and always will. But it's so very hard to believe in the Bible. It's ok as a 'faith', a guidance and if it helps give you comfort that is great. I don't particularly believe in any one religion, I believe in God, that's enough for me.

The bottom line is- Look for a solution to your halitosis, a proper solution. The Bible and Jesus will not help you.....
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Post by Atrial »

Thanks Mr chips

He is even denying the verse he quoted that showed how simple mistranslation can make such a big difference. how can you deny something you have written in public forum.
Also he is in serious denial.
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Post by Cres »

MrChips wrote:Clear- your losing the argument lol. I'm born and raised Catholic. I believe in God 100% Always have and always will. But it's so very hard to believe in the Bible. It's ok as a 'faith', a guidance and if it helps give you comfort that is great. I don't particularly believe in any one religion, I believe in God, that's enough for me.

The bottom line is- Look for a solution to your halitosis, a proper solution. The Bible and Jesus will not help you.....
So will not quran. He's only looking to debate with a Christian just because he is a Christian who made a thread like this. Of course he has faith in his own laughable book with its own contradictions and not the Bible. "You have faith the people who said they wrote the Quran IN the Quran are actually themselves. Not "unknown people"". I agree 100% with this. Not to mention islam is still stuck in the 7th century and people following it are vile and more extremist (excluding tatars). The abundance of extremism is shockingly evident. ... polls.aspx / ... hunda.html

And I'm saying this as an atheist.
• Fecal halitosis since age 12
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Post by Atrial »

Cres wrote:
MrChips wrote:Clear- your losing the argument lol. I'm born and raised Catholic. I believe in God 100% Always have and always will. But it's so very hard to believe in the Bible. It's ok as a 'faith', a guidance and if it helps give you comfort that is great. I don't particularly believe in any one religion, I believe in God, that's enough for me.

The bottom line is- Look for a solution to your halitosis, a proper solution. The Bible and Jesus will not help you.....
So will not quran. He's only looking to debate with a Christian just because he is a Christian who made a thread like this. Of course he has faith in his own laughable book with its own contradictions and not the Bible. "You have faith the people who said they wrote the Quran IN the Quran are actually themselves. Not "unknown people"". I agree 100% with this. Not to mention islam is still stuck in the 7th century and people following it are vile and more extremist (excluding tatars). The abundance of extremism is shockingly evident. ... polls.aspx / ... hunda.html

And I'm saying this as an atheist.

Linking to rop website is like linking to neo nazi website anyone who takes that cheap propaganda website seriously needs a few more brain cells.

Maybe this is why you're atheist.

In some countries they use jury trial to decide outcome of some court cases
The jury will hear from both sides and they will decide weather something is true or not

In religions the jury is the general adherents of that religion
Atheism in western countries is very high

In muslim counties it's very low

Well maybe people in west are more educated and that is why they believe less?
That's wrong because studies have shown the more educated muslims are the more religious they became

Or maybe they are not allowed to be atheist?

If that is the case then why when muslims live in the west they became even more devout.
Last edited by Atrial on Thu Feb 04, 2016 1:14 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Cres »

Atrial wrote: Linking to rop website is like linking to neo nazi website anyone who takes that cheap propaganda website seriously needs few more brain cells.
The site has sources in them. Not just one source. But let's assume that it was like you say it is, which it isn't. What about the other link I provided?
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Post by Cres »

I don't know what your outburst has to do with any of this. And why you edited the old comment and didn't reply with a new comment. You didn't even answer to my question.

"Brain cells heh. Too few. Maybe this is why you're an atheist" isn't an argument either. It's a hostile and childish reaction. Typical for certain people.
Or maybe they are not allowed to be atheist?
If that is the case then why when muslims live in the west they became even more devout.
Is this a coherent thought? Because you're contradicting yourself. And have zero evidence to back up anything you said. I didn't even mention whether someone is allowed to be atheist or not. You know deep down that in certain cultures it is punishable by death if you're an atheist, so maybe that's why you mentioned it and tried to deny it. You talk about denial. This is denial. Don't be a hypocrite.

Bottom line is, it is well known that in certain cultures or countries you still get stoned to death for being a "blasphemer" (includes atheists), gay, or an unfaithful woman etc. The privacy of women (and even little boys in some countries like Afganistan) are not respected. This is objective truth which can not be debated. Some religions and especially cultures are 100% incompatible with Western values.
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Post by Atrial »

Cres wrote:I don't know what your outburst has to do with any of this. And why you edited the old comment and didn't reply with a new comment. You didn't even answer to my question.

"Brain cells heh. Too few. Maybe this is why you're an atheist" isn't an argument either. It's a hostile and childish reaction. Typical for certain people.
Or maybe they are not allowed to be atheist?
If that is the case then why when muslims live in the west they became even more devout.
Is this a coherent thought? Because you're contradicting yourself. And have zero evidence to back up anything you said. I didn't even mention whether someone is allowed to be atheist or not. You know deep down that in certain cultures it is punishable by death if you're an atheist, so maybe that's why you mentioned it and tried to deny it. You talk about denial. This is denial. Don't be a hypocrite.

Bottom line is, it is well known that in certain cultures or countries you still get stoned to death for being a "blasphemer" (includes atheists), gay, or an unfaithful woman etc. The privacy of women (and even little boys in some countries like Afganistan) are not respected. This is objective truth which can not be debated. Some religions and especially cultures are 100% incompatible with Western values.

If what I wrote confused you then you need to improve your English
I don't have time to break it down to you like a child .
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Post by Cres »

The premise was that muslism are "not allowed to be atheist" (which should be "are not allowed to turn atheist" or leave their faith). Then you go on to say something which isn't even linked to the previous sentence. What you said was essentially:

Oh, you think this bulb doesn't emit red light? Then how come it emits green light?

Which makes zero sense in itself. You saying that they become more devout only proves my point. It doesn't mean that I didn't understand what you meant to say, it's that your wording was bad.

There is no way you could admit that some muslism leave their faith. Even my local newspaper reported a story of a guy who was afraid of his life, because he stopped believing. His family and most friends turned their backs on him.
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Post by Clear »

MrChips wrote:The bottom line is- Look for a solution to your halitosis, a proper solution. The Bible and Jesus will not help you.....
Jesus Christ is my proper solution. The Bible and Jesus won't help me? Let me quote something from the first post on this thread.

"The reason I made the title "Jesus Christ cure" is because Jesus Christ and his word literally cured me from being afraid of the world, he cured me from those dark thoughts I'd get. Most importantly he made me feel loved when everybody else wouldn't"

So saying Jesus and God's word won't help me, Isn't true.
And I can personally tell you, that Jesus Christ will help you, he didn't just die for me, he died for you, Atrial, Cres and this entire world.

You said that you're born and raised Catholic, yet you say "I do not believe in one religion"
Are you still a Catholic? Why is it hard to believe in the bible?

"When anyone hears the word of the kingdom and does not understand it, the evil one comes and snatches away what has been sown in his heart. This is the one on whom seed was sown beside the road." - Matthew 13:19
Atrial wrote:Also he is in serious denial.
Clear wrote:You literally thought the bible was corrupted
You said that the Quran said the bible was corrupted, which made no sense since the Quran tells people to read the gospel and the torah AKA the bible.
"So if you (O Muhammad SAW) are in doubt concerning that which We have revealed unto you, then ask those who have been reading the Book [the Taurat (Torah) and the Injeel (Gospel)] before you. The truth has come to you from your Lord."

"There is only one Quran and it's still 100 % the same it was from day one."
Yet i showed you that there is about 20 translations just on this one page ... 68a31d.png
Cres wrote:He's only looking to debate with a Christian just because he is a Christian who made a thread like this
I'm willing to dialogue with anybody. People from different beliefs, cultures, etc. Just ask me a question.
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Post by Atrial »

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