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Stop using toothpaste and chemicals in your mouth

Everything related with bad breath can be found here. Everything about products, research, news about bad breath......
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Re: Stop using toothpaste and chemicals in your mouth

Post by Gluten-free »

This is a link to a book about water fasting if you really want to get motivation to fast and to understand it better.

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Re: Stop using toothpaste and chemicals in your mouth

Post by Gluten-free »

This is a quote from the book about fasting that I'm reading. The hygienic system written by HERBERT M. SHELTON, chapter 37. Fasting Versus Eliminating Diets, less food better.

"Consuming large quantities of juice water-logs the tissues and overworks the kidneys. The less juice ingested, the more rapidly the sick person improves.

A fast is more effective than any form of diet; not because fasting cures, for it does nothing of the kind, but because it affords the body full opportunity for house-cleaning. The sick man is not so much in need of ingestion as he is of excretion. His body is already overloaded. More often than otherwise he is suffering from nutritive redundancy. Abstinence, or partial abstinence, alone, can save him.

In many cases of chronic illness it is not necessary to undergo a long fast, a short fast, or a series of short fasts to obtain the desired results. However, the most salutary effects of cutting down the food intake are best obtained by fasting. All that is needed in some cases is to cut down the total quantity of food consumed and of the proteins and starches in particular. But, even in these cases, the results obtained are never as far-reaching as those obtained while fasting. The reason for this will be evident to those who have mentally digested and assimilated the chapter on the rejuvenating effects of the fast.

That many do obtain relief from symptoms by the use of these various diets is not to be questioned. For, at their worst, they are usually better than the diet customarily eaten and their use usually means less gluttony, at least, for a while.

But the man of experience is well aware that full health is almost never achieved, that the effects of the diets are never as profound and far-reaching as those of fasting and that the diets almost never achieve their results in as short a space of time as does the fast.

Using foods to cure, instead of removing the causes of disease and using foods to nourish the body, is fundamentally as unsound as using drugs to cure. Foods do not cure. Until we have discarded our faith in cures, there can be no intelligent approach to the problems presented by suffering and no proper use of foods by those who are ill.

I am not content with half-way measures. I have seen them fail too often, where a subsequent fast brought speedy results, to be fooled by the claims of the inexperienced and poorly informed. In many cases, failure has been so marked that the patient has been permanently soured upon the whole idea of fasting.

In thus drawing a contrast between fasting and the eliminating diet, and pointing out the many limitations of the latter, I do not wish to appear to minimize its value. The eliminating diet is extremely important and no doctor, who does not fully understand the application of such a diet, is fully equipped to serve all patients who may consult him. He is seriously handicapped just as is the man who does not have a thorough working knowledge of fasting. The reader should refer to Volume II of this series for a full presentation of the eliminating diet."

Link of the book
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Re: Stop using toothpaste and chemicals in your mouth

Post by Gluten-free »

I think that this is the information that we need to work on our healing.

This is a quote from the book about fasting that I'm reading. The hygienic system written by HERBERT M. SHELTON, volume 2 chapter 38, the Eliminating Diet.

"The eliminating diet is now frequently miscalled a fast--a fruit fast, an orange fast, a grape fast, etc. It is
also often called a cleansing diet. It is a diet of juicy fruits, or green vegetables or both.
There is a sense in which the orange diet, for example, is similar to a fast in its effects. During a fast the
cells feed on the accumulated reserves stored in the body and do not secure their sustenance from fresh
supplies which have just arrived by way of the digestive tract.

An orange diet is a true fast in the sense of abstinence from proscribed foods, but it is not an orange fast.
Considered, however, from the point of view that such a diet turns the cells away from freshly arriving
food supplies to the stored reserves, to meet their food needs, it has very much (not all) the same effects as
a complete fast. Milo Hastings has very nicely illustrated this matter in the following words:
"The essential action might be explained by likening the body to a store. If the manager of a store has
been too ambitious a buyer he is very likely to have accumulated certain stocks of goods until his shelves
are too crowded, and the general efficiency of the store's activities is impaired. So he decides to put on a
sale, mark down his prices and have a general housecleaning--all of which is often a very wise move for
the health of the business.
"A complete fast or abstinence from all food would be like a clearance sale during which a store ceased
entirely to purchase new stocks. But a partial fast would be like a clearance sale during which the store
continued to purchase new stocks, but less new stock than the sale was consuming. Good management in
a store would indeed often suggest the wisdom of just such clearance sales during which the major inflow
of new goods was shut off, but in which the supply of certain new goods much in demand and which had
not been accumulated to excess was still continued from an outside source.
"This last condition nicely pictures the argument for the partial fast. But as in store management, so in
nutritional management, the wisdom of such a clearance or such a partial fast would depend on whether
one used wisdom in choosing what new material should be supplied while the old accumulations were
being used up."
The purpose of the eliminating diet is not to see how many glasses of juice one can take in a day in an
effort to "alkalinize" the body, or to supply an excess of minerals or vitamins.
Indeed, this method of
drinking juice largely defeats the purpose of the diet. The nearer the diet approaches a complete fast, the
more effective it becomes. Juice salesmen and sellers of juice extractors will deny this, but they are in no
position to know what they are talking about.
The food substances that are consumed in greatest excess and which are likely to accumulate in the body
are fats, sugars, starches and proteins. Proteins can never accumulate in amounts as great as can the fats
and carbohydrates, but the excess of protein may be most harmful. The eliminating diet accomplishes
more than merely compelling the utilization of excesses of proteins, carbohydrates and fats.
There are two sides to the story of nutrition. One side deals with the building up of the body and the
manufacture of secretions. The other side deals with the elimination of waste-matter from the blood and
This latter part is accomplished by the use of food substances that never really become part of the
body but are held in solution in the blood.
The protein wastes of the cells are carried to the liver where
they are combined with the alkaline, organic mineral elements which convert them into soluble salts.
These salts are then easily eliminated by the kidneys and skin. A diet rich in bases and poor in acids is an
eliminating or "curative" diet.

It is often difficult to distinguish between normal body waste and a mere excess of food. The normal
wastes of the body are commonly assumed to be the usual daily excretions from a conventionally fed man.
But average conditions are often far from the ideal. In the case of the element, nitrogen, for example,
excreted through the kidneys, it was for a long time assumed that the average daily wastes represented
normal and necessary wastes from true physiological processes. Later investigations have shown this to be
a mistake. It has been found that by reducing the intake of protein, from which the nitrogen is derived, the
nitrogen excreted through the kidneys could be reduced to less than one-fourth of the quantity which was
formerly assumed to be necessary and normal. Similar facts are true of common table salt and other
mineral elements.
These things are quickly brought to light during a fast. After the first few days, during which time there
is usually an increase in elimination, the elimination of waste rapidly drops to levels much lower than the
amounts daily eliminated by individuals who are customarily over-fed.
.A house cleaning process is inaugurated. The body throws off its surplus elements after which it strikes
a new balance of elimination, one which probably represents the actual daily wastes of the processes of
life. Much of the former greater amounts of waste eliminated presumably represented the overflow of a
surplus of material consumed by the individual, which had reached the danger line of active poisoning
from excess.
The striking benefits produced by fasting are attributable largely to the cleaning out of these excess
materials which have been accumulated by habitually eating in excess of the actual body requirements.
This surplus material may quite accurately be spoken of as toxins or poisons, for it definitely injures the
body if it is not promptly eliminated. It may even result in some degree of injury, other than the waste of
energy and secretions in handling it, by passing through the body when performing no useful function.
Of the three main groups of food elements (carbohydrates, hydrocarbons, and proteins), carbohydrates
offer the least danger of creation of possible toxic substances and proteins the most danger. Both of these
are commonly consumed greatly in excess of requirements, the carbohydrates usually in the greatest
excess, and these are capable of producing much trouble if they are permitted to ferment in the digestive
Keep in mind that the most healthful food may be harmful if consumed in excess. Excesses of proteins
and carbohydrates are especially likely to produce harm.
That life continues in spite of the fact that we are
constantly putting into the body a surplus of food and introducing poisonous substances therein, is due to
its possession of an elaborate system of getting rid of the surplus and toxins.
It is often assumed that the digestive organs are able to reject any substance that would prove injurious
to the body. Unfortunately their capacity to do this is very limited. Otherwise, the thousands of drugs
poured into human stomachs, would have no effect beyond irritating the lining surfaces of the digestive
organs. That they are absorbed by the blood and do produce their injurious effects throughout the body is
evident enough.
Most of such substances that are absorbed into the blood are later excreted through the kidneys. Some
are oxidized in the tissues and excreted in part through the lungs. Others, after being absorbed from the
intestines, are later cast back into the intestines as excretions and pass out into the stools.
All of this is a very wonderful and complicated process. Most "diseases" and deaths are due to an overstrain and breakdown of the organs and functions of elimination, or, more correctly, when the processes of
elimination are impaired and the poisons permitted to accumulate, we sicken and die from the
accumulation of a toxic over-load. This is equally true of what we designate normal wastes of the body as
it is of poisons which should never have been introduced into the organism.
Oranges and other fruits have very minute quantities of proteins while the juicy fruits are all
comparatively low in carbohydrates. Their real cleansing and detoxifying effects are obtained largely by
forcing the body to consume its surplus of proteins and "fuel foods." As soon as the supply of these foods
is cut off and the body is given nothing but fruit juices or fruit, the accumulated excesses are called upon
to supply the cells with protein and sugar.
Fruits and fruit juices are rich in alkaline bases and in vitamins and quickly replenish any deficiency of
these that may exist and also overcome the acidosis (hypoalkalinity), usually present in those living on the
modern dietary.
This principle need not be limited to oranges, or grapes, nor even to juicy fruits, but may also be
extended to include all green, non-starchy vegetables. Mr. Hastings says that "All scientifically planned
weight reducing diets are in this general class, but weight reducing is not the only purpose for using such
types of diets. As temporary measures they may be beneficial to general vitality, even when the weight
lost is to be later replaced."
The eliminating diet is as near protein-starch-fat-sugar free as can be fed, in order to enable the body to
use up and throw off its surplus of these elements. It is also rich in organic salts and organic acids thus
supplying to the body an abundance of alkalinizing elements, so that "acidosis" is overcome and the
accumulated toxins in the body are prepared for elimination and thrown out.

The foods most commonly used in eliminating diets are oranges, lemons, grapefruit, tomatoes, apples,
grapes, carrots, spinach, chard, lettuce, celery, cabbage, beet greens, onions, etc. Melons are sometimes
used, as are peaches. The fruit chosen is taken at regular intervals during the day in varying quantities
depending on the individual case."

Link of the book ... trophy.pdf
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Re: Stop using toothpaste and chemicals in your mouth

Post by nolab »

i am sure that fasting could be beneficial for a lot of diseases,
but I don't think it would cure bad breath in my case, which I think is purely bacterial origin.
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Re: Stop using toothpaste and chemicals in your mouth

Post by Gluten-free »

nolab wrote: Wed Feb 05, 2020 10:07 pm i am sure that fasting could be beneficial for a lot of diseases,
but I don't think it would cure bad breath in my case, which I think is purely bacterial origin.
I understand you. Even bacteria can change. All of our bb is origin from bad bacteria that need to change. Our bacteria change with our diet. If you really want to have better understanding read the two books and you will be free in your thinking and have hope. We all lack knowledge and that is keeping us to solve this problem. And you can't say nothing don't work, if you didn't try it.

The last post was talking about veggie and fruit juice, partial fast, so our body can eliminate toxic. At least you can try it. It doesn't need to be water fast it can be 800 ml or 1 litre green juice combine with water, for 21, 28, 30 or 40 days.

When I finish with my plan I will write my result. Because I refuse to give up. I will be free from this bullsh.t. Maybe you can think like that also. I'm so young and I need to have a life.

If I need to fast this whole year I will, but I won't be bound anymore. I will fight ](*,) this hunger game till I defeat this Snow(AKA: BB). Maybe I am Katniss 🤣. I need to find Peeta. :lol:
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Re: Stop using toothpaste and chemicals in your mouth

Post by nolab »

Gluten-free wrote: Wed Feb 05, 2020 10:50 pm
nolab wrote: Wed Feb 05, 2020 10:07 pm i am sure that fasting could be beneficial for a lot of diseases,
but I don't think it would cure bad breath in my case, which I think is purely bacterial origin.
I understand you. Even bacteria can change. All of our bb is origin from bad bacteria that need to change. Our bacteria change with our diet. If you really want to have better understanding read the two books and you will be free in your thinking and have hope. We all lack knowledge and that is keeping us to solve this problem. And you can't say nothing don't work, if you didn't try it.

The last post was talking about veggie and fruit juice, partial fast, so our body can eliminate toxic. At least you can try it. It doesn't need to be water fast it can be 800 ml or 1 litre green juice combine with water, for 21, 28, 30 or 40 days.

When I finish with my plan I will write my result. Because I refuse to give up. I will be free from this bullsh.t. Maybe you can think like that also. I'm so young and I need to have a life.

If I need to fast this whole year I will, but I won't be bound anymore. I will fight ](*,) this hunger game till I defeat this Snow(AKA: BB). Maybe I am Katniss 🤣. I need to find Peeta. :lol:
yes its true.. bacteria change. but a lot of studies show that the bacteria comes back when you stop the diet, and its gonna be like before.
I mean yes its perfect if it prevents symptoms and smell when I eat nothing or just veggies and fruit, but I cant do that kind of diet my whole life.
BUT I wish you good luck, really. you are very strong if you do this and I hope it works for you!
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Re: Stop using toothpaste and chemicals in your mouth

Post by Gluten-free »

nolab wrote: Thu Feb 06, 2020 11:40 am
Gluten-free wrote: Wed Feb 05, 2020 10:50 pm
nolab wrote: Wed Feb 05, 2020 10:07 pm i am sure that fasting could be beneficial for a lot of diseases,
but I don't think it would cure bad breath in my case, which I think is purely bacterial origin.
I understand you. Even bacteria can change. All of our bb is origin from bad bacteria that need to change. Our bacteria change with our diet. If you really want to have better understanding read the two books and you will be free in your thinking and have hope. We all lack knowledge and that is keeping us to solve this problem. And you can't say nothing don't work, if you didn't try it.

The last post was talking about veggie and fruit juice, partial fast, so our body can eliminate toxic. At least you can try it. It doesn't need to be water fast it can be 800 ml or 1 litre green juice combine with water, for 21, 28, 30 or 40 days.

When I finish with my plan I will write my result. Because I refuse to give up. I will be free from this bullsh.t. Maybe you can think like that also. I'm so young and I need to have a life.

If I need to fast this whole year I will, but I won't be bound anymore. I will fight ](*,) this hunger game till I defeat this Snow(AKA: BB). Maybe I am Katniss 🤣. I need to find Peeta. :lol:
yes its true.. bacteria change. but a lot of studies show that the bacteria comes back when you stop the diet, and its gonna be like before.
I mean yes its perfect if it prevents symptoms and smell when I eat nothing or just veggies and fruit, but I cant do that kind of diet my whole life.
BUT I wish you good luck, really. you are very strong if you do this and I hope it works for you!
We need to be strong, because that is the only way that we will be free. I am a woman of faith and as a christian we fast every year. I will do my plan and after that you will have hope to do it also. There is a way out. We just need to suffer for a little time to enjoy our life. I will invest 40 days to enjoy 316 days. I will not eat but I will fast with low sugar green juice, veggie and fruit, and some day water fast only to give my body the chance to detox.

"Man cannot remake himself without suffering, for he is both the marble and the sculptor." Alexis Carrel

Remember be your own hero, nobody can't and won't help you. And nobody is gonna do for you what you refuse to do for yourself.
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Re: Stop using toothpaste and chemicals in your mouth

Post by Gluten-free »

This is a quote from the book about fasting that I'm reading. The hygienic system written by HERBERT M. SHELTON, volume 3, chapter 21. Does Fasting Cure "Disease?

"We do not claim that fasting cures disease, but simply that it enables the organism to heal itself. What, then, does fasting do?

1. It gives the vital organs a complete rest.

2. It stops the intake of foods that decompose in the intestines and further poison the body.

3. It empties the digestive tract and disposes of putrefactive bacteria.

4. It gives the organs of elimination an opportunity to catch up with their work and promotes elimination.

5. It re-establishes normal physiological chemistry and normal secretions.

6 It promotes the breaking down and absorption of exudates, effusions, deposits, "diseased" tissues, and abnormal growths.

7. It restores a youthful condition of the cells and tissues and rejuvenates the body.

8. It permits the conservation and re-canalization of energy.

9. It increases the powers of digestion and assimilation.

10. It clears and strengthens the mind.

11. It improves function throughout the body.

Each of these statements has been fully proved in the pages of this book."

You can do a juice fast, veggie + fruit, or a water fast. I posted about the elimination diet before. When you are reading you will get hope for your freedom.

Invest your time to read this two books that give you hope, instead of reading negative and defeated website that don't do nothing, but to keep you bound and cripple you.

Link to the books
Volume 3

Volume 2 ... trophy.pdf
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Re: Stop using toothpaste and chemicals in your mouth

Post by Gluten-free »

These are documentaries about juice fasting and healing of the people.

Jason Vale – Super Juice Me! Documentary

Fat, sick and nearly dead - Full Movie
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Re: Stop using toothpaste and chemicals in your mouth

Post by ineedcure »

@ Gluten-free, wow you spent a lot of time and effort to search and study those information. Thanks for posting it here. I have seen a lot of people here posting and complaining how hard doing the plant based diet and fasting. They even ridiculed this idea. Some people tried and quitted in their first day. They mentioned experiencing headache, physically weakened, light headed and others, but those are signs of detoxifying the body and they just quit so early. This diet will test the mental toughness of a person and his willingness to improve his situation.

I love this phrase-"Man cannot remake himself without suffering, for he is both the marble and the sculptor." Alexis Carrel
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Re: Stop using toothpaste and chemicals in your mouth

Post by Gluten-free »

ineedcure wrote: Thu Feb 06, 2020 9:28 pm @ Gluten-free, wow you spent a lot of time and effort to search and study those information. Thanks for posting it here. I have seen a lot of people here posting and complaining how hard doing the plant based diet and fasting. They even ridiculed this idea. Some people tried and quitted in their first day. They mentioned experiencing headache, physically weakened, light headed and others, but those are signs of detoxifying the body and they just quit so early. This diet will test the mental toughness of a person and his willingness to improve his situation.

I love this phrase-"Man cannot remake himself without suffering, for he is both the marble and the sculptor." Alexis Carrel
Thank for your reply ineedcure,

I have spent more than 2 years in search of information, to know how to unlock this problem. I recently found this two books and I'm really convince that a liquid fast will help us to detox. Because not everybody can do a water fast for more than 3 weeks, 21 days.

Here I post a link from someone that has done a juice fast and parasite cleanse for more than 40 days and the result. I'm really convince that we all need to do a detox and parasite cleanse. I am not promoting his product you can buy dewormer herbs,(black walnut, cloves, wormwood) for less money.

I was planing to do the plant based diet, but I want a fast result so I can be free. That's why I will go to the extreem so I can achieve my goal. And that is by doing a liquid fast, The Hunger Game.

This are just info to help us change our mind. And after I have finish I will write my result. Because it's time for me to breakfree from Capitol(limitation) and Snow(AKA: BB). It's Hunger Games time. ](*,) :lol: :lol: Peeta is waiting for me somewhere. :lol: :lol: :roll: :roll:
Last edited by Gluten-free on Thu Feb 06, 2020 10:38 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Stop using toothpaste and chemicals in your mouth

Post by Gluten-free »

This is a testimony from some that reply on a blog fom parasite cleanse with juice.

"KL says

January 25, 2014 at 6:05 am

I also had many of the symptoms referred to here, including discomfort and pain in the gallbladder area, toenail fungus, very dry and red eyes now and again, agitation, brain fog and depression.

I took 2 rounds of Vermox for roundworm which worked pretty well. I felt a lot better afterwards.

But it didn’t get them all. I still had pain around the gall bladder area, and a moving sensation there. I know worms can crawl up there.

I started having carrot juice every day –made from 3 or 4 carrots, 1 orange, 1 apple and sometimes some raw cabbage juiced as well, topped off with a bit of clove powder. The clove is supposed to kill parasite eggs.

After one week on this (sorry if this is disgusting, it still is for me even to think about it) –I started to pass more large, long roundworms in my stool (as I did after the Vermox) as well as white rice like things.

I also passed two liver flukes, one surprisingly big, and some things that looked like pinworm (short white threads floating in the toilet bowl). I only had a little bit of itching now and again, so I was surprised at this.

Eventually, after about 2 weeks on this juice–I passed something which I just couldn’t figure out–but I looked it up. It looked in size, shape and color like the head of a tapeworm.

I am really surprised at all this. I eat a lot of cruciferous vegetables, fibre and garlic. I haven’t had sushi in 10 years and rarely eat pork. I have 2 pets but they are dewormed regularly.

I have travelled to the Middle east and Latin America in the last 5 years. But I am pretty sure that I have had these parasites for a much longer time, and before I travelled there.

I know feel completely different–more relaxed, less depressed. And interestingly –I no longer have cravings for sweets, bread or alcohol.

I feared that I was drinking too much socially before.

I went from having some beer or wine twice a week, to having some almost every night which was unusual for me.

The amount I was having wasn’t a lot—but I found it scary that I “craved” having it. Same was true for bread (and bread like things like muffins etc.) but you don’t really think about it or get worried when you crave bread!

Now I have no cravings at all and have almost completely cut out sweets, bread and alcohol–without even trying. I just don’t have the taste for them anymore.

Now I only drink the carrot juice combination every other day. I never went orange by the way.

Hope this is of help to someone. Try the juice. I can barely believe it myself." ... e-cleanse/

This is more info about parasite cleanse
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Re: Stop using toothpaste and chemicals in your mouth

Post by bozo »

Why do water fasting if fruit and veg diet can alkalize the body, or parasites can be cleansed with juice?
Posts: 71
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Re: Stop using toothpaste and chemicals in your mouth

Post by ineedcure »

bozo wrote: Fri Feb 07, 2020 6:38 am Why do water fasting if fruit and veg diet can alkalize the body, or parasites can be cleansed with juice?
I guess water fasting is faster. 21 days is all you need. I was able to water fast for 7 days and it was true after 3 days you feel hungry but you can't carry heavy objects because there have no strength in your legs
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Re: Stop using toothpaste and chemicals in your mouth

Post by Gluten-free »

bozo wrote: Fri Feb 07, 2020 6:38 am Why do water fasting if fruit and veg diet can alkalize the body, or parasites can be cleansed with juice?
Hi Bozo, Did your read my post that I posted on Wed Feb 05, 2020 5:57 pm about Eliminating Diet, in this same topic? We are trying to be as close as we can be in the fasting state. Because when you are fasting your body will start to eliminate toxic from your body. And when you just consume only liquid, veggie & fruit juice and water, your body will have extra energy to catch up with the elimination process. Because it doesn't need to use a lot of energy to digested. Not everybody can do a prolong water fast that's why they do a juice fast so they can be as close as possible in the fasting state. That's why I think like the writer wrote not to consume a lot of juice. Water fasting is the best. But I want to do a parasite cleanse first, and I don't want to consume anti-parasite pills herbs,( black walnut, cloves & wormwood), on an empty stomach. That's why I choose to kill the bugs first with juice fast & herbs and will switch to a water fast.

First I didn't thought I could have parasite. But after reading the symptoms and my experience, I am convince that I have parasite. And everyday I have something farting in my belly on the left site. I notice 3 years ago that bubbling sound in my belly. And it depend what I eat that it will make a fart sound in my belly. Sometimes I pass gas without notice it. And when that happend some people will sneeze. some people sneeze when I speak some not.

Not everybody that have parasite knows it. And Doctors don't detect it every time. But it's not normal that we have bad breath something is wrong in there. Maybe you don't think so. But read this to quotes from the websites that I red.
This is a quote from a blog ... -about-it/
"Parasites are so common, and manifest in so many different types of symptoms, that I screen every patient who comes to see me. That said, there are some cases that are obvious; for example, when you have a kid that’s grinding their teeth at night, picking their nose, and itching their butt, I can tell you before the screening that they have a parasite.

Digestive disturbances and diarrhea are common symptoms of amoebas, and constipation often indicates a hookworm (as does lung and sinus congestion, which typically goes hand in hand with a clogged digestive system). Even ordinary gas could be caused by an amoeba or by candida.

The skin is the largest detoxification organ there is, so worms often cause rashes and psoriasis as a healthy body tries to throw off the toxicity of the parasite. Achy joints and rheumatoid arthritis can be caused by tissue parasites, and bad breath is another major indicator of a parasitic infection.

Fatigue, exhaustion, and brain fog are also common symptoms of parasites. Many times, I’ve put people on a parasite program, and they’ve come out feeling energized—because they’ve been bogged down by a parasite sapping their energy for years. That fatigue and lack of get-up-and-go can also lead to depression, anger, and neurological issues."

This is another quote from this site: ... ad-breath/
"Parasites should be considered as a possible cause of bad breath in children. According to the report,1 researchers decided to investigate the relationship between parasites and bad breath when a mother told them that the bad breath of her child infested with pinworm – a common parasite – disappeared after anti-parasitic treatment.

To investigate, the researchers gave 82 youngsters an anti-parasitic medication and another group of 80 children an inactive placebo. All of the parents of the children in the study had complained that their child had chronic bad breath.

Stool samples collected from the children were tested for the presence of parasites, such as pinworm, at the start and end of the study period.

Of the children found to have parasites in their stool samples, 18 of 28 who were treated recovered from halitosis, compared with 2 of 24 kids with parasites that received a placebo. Among those who did not have stool parasites, 14 of 52 improved with the treatment compared with 10 of 48 taking placebo.

It seems that the anti-parasitic medication worked at reducing bad breath, whether or not the children had parasites."

3rd Quote. ... nfections/
"Many years ago, the medical community believed that bad breath problems were caused by oral diseases. However, recent research shows that another important factor that causes bad breath is from stomach problems. (Which is infected with parasites) which is different from the opinions of scientists in some fields that see the problem of such diseases as “normal symptoms” that can occur in general and not life-threatening

I believe in research and can confirm that the results are from our research institutes. The presence of “bad breath” is a serious warning sign. As a matter of fact, about 92% of people do not die from illness alone but are caused by parasitic infections in the body. Common causes of death are called “Natural death” – is the result of the breeding of parasites in your body."

For more information search on google.
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