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Has anyone been to the LONDON FRESH BREATH CENTRE?

Do you have any quesions about bad breath?
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Has anyone been to the LONDON FRESH BREATH CENTRE?

Post by firebreath »

has one here been to the The Fresh Breath Centre , 2 Devonshire Place , London , W1G 6HJ ?
Did you see DR STEMMER and were you cured?

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Post by malory »

Hi Firebreath,
I went to the Fresh Breath Centre a couple of years back and was not very impressed. Dr Stemmer's hygienist is great though and I still see her every 7 months or so. My consultation included Dr Stemmer and his assistant smelling my breath as I exhaled for 5 seconds,i but I thnk they have stopped doing this test since the swine flu epidemic. He said I didn't really have bb but, since then, I have had confirmation that I DO have bb (also from a dentist in Amsterdam) so I'm not sure. He also said a couple of things I disagree with. I told him that I had gut dysbiosis and PND. I asked if bad bacteria in the stomach could possibly cause bad odour to be emitted form the mouth (even intermittently) and he said "NO": and he said something like "Bad breath can't come from the stomach because your oesophagus is closed off from it by a valve". He recommended 'Dentyl' mouthwash which contains sorbitol, I think, and does no good to bb sufferers. He also did not believe me when I said my bb was worse AFTER eating, especially half an hour or so after eating. He said ALL types off bb are made better when you eat. I haven't found this to be the case.
However, if you have type 1 halitosis and suspect the mouth to be the source of the bb then his hygienist could possibly help you. She cleans the teeth thoroughly. Also, she has a lovely manner and will listen to you when you vent.
Otherwise, save your money!
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Post by firebreath »

thankyou malory for that, I suppose if the cause of the problem is in the mouth then they would be of help otherwise , well a wasted trip and money.
BTW that dentyl mouthwash is crap too , has never worked for me so i now longer buy it.
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Post by Hooch »

Steer clear of the Fresh Breath's a complete rip off...they charged me 150 quid for one session that consisted of telling me to drink more water (when I told them I drank 1.5 litres a day) and to eat more green veg...and then giving me the number for a shrink for my 'halitophobia'.
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Post by brightonguy »

I agree with Malory and Hooch, stay clear! Your consultation with Philip Stemmer will involve him (1) testing your breath using a halimeter (2) extracting a bit of tissue from your gum and looking at it under a microscope to see what bacteria there are (3) checking your mouth for cavities (4) calculating a gum bleeding index

Although I found the halimeter test useful the rest is nothing special and, in fact, the gum bleeding index score he calculated for me was a GROSS EXAGERRATION of the state of my gums. He gave me a bleeding score of 40% and said the hygienist can help get that down to <10%. Recently I went to Eastman's Dental Hospital and got a gum bleeding score calculated by them and my score was 5%. This isn't because I've had loads of successful treatment since seeing Stemmer, the guy's not to be trusted. I also found him to be a paricularly unpleasant man.
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Post by Jimi Stein »

Yes I agree, you will not get help in any of those clinics. They will just told you you imagine having bad breath.

I know it happened to me too, they told me I imagine bb but sell me all that junk mouthwashes that turned my teeth yellow. And the doctor had the most horrible piece of horse teeth in his mouth, yellow, almost dark in some places, big fake.

What a looser. But this was in another clinic.

Also went to Katz, who measured my bb and I had a really high number. He gave me mouthwashes in the office, or can I say his hangar?

But at least he did not lie, he tried to make me more comfortable by saying that I not smell so bad.
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Post by firebreath »

thanks guys for the feedback , seems my journey wont be necessary then...
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Re: Has anyone been to the LONDON FRESH BREATH CENTRE?

Post by TP123 »

Sorry I know this post was from a while ago but to anyone thinking of going to this place THINK AGAIN.
While some valuable insights are given this place is not looking to find the source of your bad breath it is after your money.
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Post by Sam2 »

Dr. Stemmer.. More than 20 years back, I flew all the way from Spain to book the appointment... I contacted Mel Rosenberg (as he was the one I wanted to see), he was involved in some way at the time, but he wasn't available. Imagine my delight when Dr. Stemmer said that he could 'cure' me. I had 'gum disease.' And he asked me if I had post nasal drip. His solution was good brushing, flossing, tongue scraping, chlorhexidrine for a while, then retardex/retardent (chlorine dioxide based toothpaste/rinse), which he then replaced with dentyl pH, with which he was commercially involved, I think. I remember leaving the clinic so happy... until realising that I wasn't cured at all... his hygienist was really kind. When I went back for a check-up, she said that my breath was not normal. She called Dr. Stemmer, but he never came and I left... Another time, I remember explaining my symptoms, and Dr. Stemmer said that nobody was interested in what I was describing... really terrible experience... it was expensive, but I would have paid 10 times more if he really had cured me - crazy to think how people want to profit from other's misfortunes without helping one bit... at the time, I had prepared a whole project about what I knew about bb - he asked ME if I could give him a copy! (which I did)...
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Re: Has anyone been to the LONDON FRESH BREATH CENTRE?

Post by TomHappyHippy »


I went to see Dr stemer some years ago and was not very impressed.

There is another place I have been researching called the breath institute, they have a branch in London, seems expensive though.

From the study of my bb I have concluded that the sinuses are the route of the problem, chronic sinusitis nasal drip leading to chronic over growth.

Some one has to solve this problem

Kind regards
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Re: Has anyone been to the LONDON FRESH BREATH CENTRE?

Post by Anne2323 »

TomHappyHippy wrote: Mon May 18, 2020 10:52 am

There is another place I have been researching called the breath institute, they have a branch in London, seems expensive though.

Any news about this one? I am interesting in booking an appointment there. Has anyone been to dr. Jonas Nunes? And how was the experience?
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