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Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2015 8:38 pm
Corpsebreath wrote:
The doctor had to flush out a snot ball prior to going in with the catheter. He said my right side was oozing and generaly indicates chronic sinusitis.
Was the snot ball on the right side?
Do you think there's any chance that that "ball" had actually been festering in there for some time. Like, for years maybe. And that the ball could have actually been the cause?
I don't think so because other ents have not said anything about snot obstructing access to visualize the sinuses.
My working theory right now is that I have been dealing with chronic sinusitis this whole time and that my PND and halitosis have disappeared in the past when taking antibiotics only to return a short while later. I think it might be because the infected mucus had no where to drain and kept/keeps becoming reinfected. Hopefully this will provide lasting relief. Supposed to have a follow up appointment on monday. I discovered a tiny amount of green mucus in my left nostril so I might be getting more antibiotics.

Re: do you about this reaction.

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2015 8:43 pm
Room Bus filler2 wrote:I floss my teeth , scrap my tongue , brush my teeth and flash my nose and when good people smell my bb they show me their tongue i mean they get out their tongue and
show me while my mouth is closing and im taking the breath my nose.

Some mother fuckers cough.very hard while the close onew dont cough but give me reactions .

Have you ever had this reactions from the people.
I have had plenty of reactions. Had one at a park once. I was standing there with my mouth closed, chewing gum and a kid was climbing on a playset rigt next to me. He turned around and started sniffing, He left and came back 20seconds later with 2 friends and he said there was dog poop somewhere over here. They circled all around me looking for it but of course they never found any. It was me. I walked away feeling very bad after that one. I have several more stories similar to that one which make my stomach turn thinking about. I wouldn't dwell too much on reactions. That is one way to get depressed in a hurry. Start finding your cure

Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2015 10:49 pm
by Room Bus filler2
Hi notanymore i wish to be brave and intelligence like you .

Iam 26 year male and as i can remember 14 years of bb .

I couldnt after i.finished the secondary.
Never had girl friend , i left my friends you can imagine everything.
Im similar to you . I started before 7 hours to read your post and replies a to z and took me more then 7 hours im not english and im while here in france is so late.

I have had scanner all my abdominal liver , kidney and stomach was normal.
I have had Gasrocopie was normal.
I have had Endscoloncopie was normal.
Visited dentist said tooth are ok.
During my childhood until now have problem with nose always blocked i was mouth breather.
Suffering PND mucus yellow and green.
Cured H. Pylori.
Dont know if i.have reflux but i can know when that strong smell.coming.from stomach because when ever i get fear and ambrassiment my stomach noises and eopen up the upper of the stomach and smell pass.
I have still my tonsils with alot stones.
Now i use to flush syringe with paroxide and that reduces the odor.
Dry mouth.
Sinus blockage if i dont do irrigation.
My odor through nose and mouth.

But i get rid of my mucus after i start juicing carrot and avocado , water , and sinus irrigation first my yellow mucus gone and the green gone and my halitosis is reduced but the smell.from tonsils and stomach is still there .

I went 3 different ENT the first one told me its my sinus where the smell coming , and prescribed me not ball and nasal spray. The second said your tonsils stones is not excuse to make surgery , prescribed 3 months of.capsule and nasal spray did not helped , he looked my sinus a tiny tube with camera and told me my sinus have alot inflammation but no infection. He refused to remove my surgery and i cried then he sent me another ENT in hospital and he prescribed me nasal spray and sent to another doctor specialst for snoring he put machine my.head nose and nervous to sleep.with one night , he said you.are not snoring it was true because the ENT gave strong nasal spray for inflammation and that week my nose was open up.
Now im herr i have an appointment with both GI and ENT in september.

I would love to hear something from you.

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2015 6:21 pm
by FedUp

here is my scan from two years ago, report says i have polypoid tissue in the base of left maxillary antrum.... but i can taste/sense smell from my right side??


My wisdom tooth has since been removed.


Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2015 11:33 pm
FedUp wrote:Image

here is my scan from two years ago, report says i have polypoid tissue in the base of left maxillary antrum.... but i can taste/sense smell from my right side??


My wisdom tooth has since been removed.

Also you have swollen turbinates on the right side which could indicate a vasomotor disorder. Otherwise your sinuses look better than mine did. I am unable to see the sphenoid sinuses. Are they all clear as well? If you look at the lateral (sideways) view about mid face you can see those sinuses clearly. Pretty much all those black pockets are sinus cavities and should not have areas of grey in them. Also, any time you look at an xray, compare one side to the other. In that way, you can evaluate what tissue is inflammed or abnormal in appearence.

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2015 9:35 pm
by FedUp
Side views seem to be clear black spaces, really is a head scratcher.

Heres what appears to be x ray view of the right side of my skull..


I can taste the shitty smell on my right side 100%... i just do not how to approach a doc with it, since i do not know the source.... it tastes like a giant tonsil stone but thats impossible, unless there is some sort of tissue there?? i dont know...

How are you getting along now?

Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2015 2:46 pm
by Corpsebreath
Yours and my scans look very similar. We both have polypoid tissue at the bottom of the left maxillary antrum. There was this other guy too, 'thf', who said he had the exact same finding. I wonder if it's a coincidence..
Didn't you have a cyst removed from your sinus during your last surgery? Do you know where it was located? Was the polypoid tissue that cyst?
Do you have access to the full scan? If you look carefully in and around that swelling, are you able to see any white material somewhere?

Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2015 10:54 pm
by Atrial
Notanymore how is your "cure" going i'm guessing you are back to reality by now

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2015 5:50 am
FedUp wrote:Side views seem to be clear black spaces, really is a head scratcher.

Heres what appears to be x ray view of the right side of my skull..


I can taste the shitty smell on my right side 100%... i just do not how to approach a doc with it, since i do not know the source.... it tastes like a giant tonsil stone but thats impossible, unless there is some sort of tissue there?? i dont know...

How are you getting along now?
Hey Fedup sorry for the delay. I got a stomach virus Saturday and have been sick for a few days. That lateral skull xray doesn't show a too much unfortunately.

As for the update, I stopped seeing brown mucus on Friday and I can breath perfectly through each nostril. I have been sleeping for hours these last couple days and have not noticed any halitosis despite not brushing. I continue to use the saline sinus rinse approx. 3 times per day. Nasal drip is probably 80% better and I barely notice it (which is normal PND). So far so good. In the past, a small dose of anitbiotics would only last about 2 weeks before my breath and PND would return. It has been over 3 weeks so I am happy at the moment.

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2015 5:52 am
Atrial wrote:Notanymore how is your "cure" going i'm guessing you are back to reality by now
Quiet, the grownups are talking.

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2015 1:14 pm
by Atrial
Atrial wrote:Notanymore how is your "cure" going i'm guessing you are back to reality by now
Quiet, the grownups are talking.

Stop lying to people you know 100 % you still have bb.
If you are cured why are you spending your days sleeping.
Most people here would be enjoying their fresh breath if they were cured even for a day.

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2015 4:10 pm
by Corpsebreath
Atrial wrote:
Atrial wrote:Notanymore how is your "cure" going i'm guessing you are back to reality by now
Quiet, the grownups are talking.

Stop lying to people you know 100 % you still have bb.
If you are cured why are you spending your days sleeping.
Most people here would be enjoying their fresh breath if they were cured even for a day.
Atrial, are you daft? He said he got hit by a stomach virus. That's why he's been sleeping.
Now go back to your cave!

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2015 6:45 pm
by thf
Corpsebreath wrote:Yours and my scans look very similar. We both have polypoid tissue at the bottom of the left maxillary antrum. There was this other guy too, 'thf', who said he had the exact same finding. I wonder if it's a coincidence..
Didn't you have a cyst removed from your sinus during your last surgery? Do you know where it was located? Was the polypoid tissue that cyst?
Do you have access to the full scan? If you look carefully in and around that swelling, are you able to see any white material somewhere?
I was told it was a cyst and not the cause of my bb, I'm not so sure about that. I'm having adenoid surgery in Dec and hope I can convince my dr. to remove it.

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2015 7:14 pm
by Atrial
Corpsebreath wrote:
Atrial wrote:
NOTANYMORE wrote: Quiet, the grownups are talking.

Stop lying to people you know 100 % you still have bb.
If you are cured why are you spending your days sleeping.
Most people here would be enjoying their fresh breath if they were cured even for a day.
Atrial, are you daft? He said he got hit by a stomach virus. That's why he's been sleeping.
Now go back to your cave!

Thank you genius for telling me that I don't know how to read.

If you really have fresh breath stomach virus will not stop you from enjoyng your cure.

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2015 7:58 pm
by halitosisux
Congrats on your progress NOTANYMORE.

Shall I leave this idiot's posts for the amusement or do you want them deleted? I did say I'd delete them if he posted in here again. Let me know.