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What to think/do?!

Everything related with bad breath can be found here. Everything about products, research, news about bad breath......
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Re: What to think/do?!

Post by StillHoping »

Sickandtired wrote:
Have you ever asked anyone else other than your friend? And how about them from the meet, have they?
I saw in your signature you entire family has it, are they doing anything to get rid of it, did they had hpylori? And is your smell plain sour? No extreme smells?
Has anyone ever told you you have bb after that time when you were 10 years old?
The people from the meetup said they asked their siblings and were told they don't have it. I have not been outrightly told I have it since I became an adult but obviously get all the usual reactions; nose rubbing/covering, being offered gum, ppl backing away once I start speaking etc. I agree with you - maybe its just intermittent? Maybe what I've been doing has made it better?

My dad is old and doesn't care I suppose. I haven't seen my brother in person in many years but he has told me that he managed to get rid of it by cutting out junk food/ & dairy completely and using dry mouth products. My bb is sour and takes on the odour of whatever I eat in like a stale mix

2012: Wisdoms remov
2015: Tonsils+adenoids remov
2017: TMAU1 & 2 Negative
2019: Internal biopsies normal
2019: Completed SIBO treatment
2020: DigEnzymes help but side effects
+ low fodmap/GERD diet also help
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Perhaps Halitophobia????

Post by MyhopeSomeday25 »

For years I felt like I had bad breath.. I mean really bad breath.. I even documented a few times here me going to get checked out. I went to ENT's like a thousand times, had endoscopy done... you name it I done it besides getting my tonsils taken out. No ENT's given me the yes to do it.. Well, to make a long story short ... I was diagnosed with a one dimensional delusion ... aka halitophobia aka olfactory reference syndrome. I have been going to a psyc now for 6 months and apparently it's true.. all in my head. I even had long conversations with people and once I really get a good look at them... its fine.. My doc told me it may take months even years to fully accept it.. Everyday is still a struggle cause my brain is telling me my breath is bad even though not so... I even read that two people from this board met and smelled nothing from each other... My doc said maybe they have the same problem as me.. if you smell... you smell no matter what.. so just a thought for you guys...
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Re: What to think/do?!

Post by NC29 »

halitosisux wrote:
Sickandtired wrote:I ruled that out, since I was talking with my roommate openly about bb, There is one girl having a strange smell of her body, and she talked to me numerous time before about it and said that they tried to tell
Consider that some people can smell certain odours that others can't. This might be all there is to it, in a very simplistic way. Intermittent odour might also be occurring.
I believe this to be true also. My close family and friends cannot detect anything. I suspect this is either through acclimatisation or natural selection. Whereas in other people I meet the reaction is obvious and instantaneous.

In meet ups, each individual may have different causes of halitosis but if the odour is of the the same compound, I. E. Hydrogen sulphide or whatever yt may be, then all individuals at the meet up simply may have already acclimatised to themselves and each other.
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Re: What to think/do?!

Post by Sickandtired »

NC29 wrote:
I believe this to be true also. My close family and friends cannot detect anything. I suspect this is either through acclimatisation or natural selection. Whereas in other people I meet the reaction is obvious and instantaneous.

In meet ups, each individual may have different causes of halitosis but if the odour is of the the same compound, I. E. Hydrogen sulphide or whatever yt may be, then all individuals at the meet up simply may have already acclimatised to themselves and each other.
This is what's been driving me nuts. But then again, how can I smell all kinds of smells around me, and when my friend had bb i could clearly smell hers. But once i remeber one guy had bb, my friend commented on it, but i didn't smelled it then. So who knows. This is completely *ucked up.
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Re: Perhaps Halitophobia????

Post by somethinstinks »

MyhopeSomeday25 wrote:For years I felt like I had bad breath.. I mean really bad breath.. I even documented a few times here me going to get checked out. I went to ENT's like a thousand times, had endoscopy done... you name it I done it besides getting my tonsils taken out. No ENT's given me the yes to do it.. Well, to make a long story short ... I was diagnosed with a one dimensional delusion ... aka halitophobia aka olfactory reference syndrome. I have been going to a psyc now for 6 months and apparently it's true.. all in my head. I even had long conversations with people and once I really get a good look at them... its fine.. My doc told me it may take months even years to fully accept it.. Everyday is still a struggle cause my brain is telling me my breath is bad even though not so... I even read that two people from this board met and smelled nothing from each other... My doc said maybe they have the same problem as me.. if you smell... you smell no matter what.. so just a thought for you guys...
happy for you, but what made you think you had it in the first place?
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Post by MyhopeSomeday25 »

happy for you, but what made you think you had it in the first place?
Hi, well about maybe 12 years ago now I started getting weird reactions and strange looks. I started noticing people's face changed when I spoke. People hands covering their noses. I have never right off the back been told my breath stinks. But I remember 12 years ago I was a cashier at the supermarket and some lady had a bag of peppermint candy. She said I was so nice and I said thanks and she said you really going to need this. That changed my world upside down. Like how can my breath be bad? So I started brushing like crazy, buying all types of mouthwash..douching my nose. Going to multiple ENT's, dentist and doctors. The first ENT I went to ..I told him my story and asked why I have bad breath. He said honestly I don't smell anything.. He said maybe when you talked you ate garlic or something. So you see I get reactions but when I go to the ent's and dentist. They tell me otherwise. I even had the halimeter test done and it was fine.

This has cause me so much stress. After so many years I felt like mentally I was going crazy. I started seeing a psyc in October and she said she smells nothing and after a few more times with her. She said it's a delusion.. A delusion I said?? WHAT.. that sounds crazy.. but the more I think about it.. No one ever out right said my breath stinks. I just get looks which she says is in my head. I am convinced though I DID had bad breath and during my quest to find a cure I DID found a cure (but I have no clue what was it). But mentally I can't accept it. People don't seem to realize how this can have such a profound effect on us mentally.

Think about it. If you do find a cure for you think you can go back and be the same person you were before all this torment???? One person told me on her "just enjoy life and get on with it"... Well, my mind tells me otherwise. I still can't speak to people although I have been told many times over the last months I have no bad breath. It's stilll scary when I come across strangers. I turn my head when I speak. I look elsewhere. My psyc said meeting someone with halitophioa would be almost impossible as it happens to just 1% of the population but I should meet people on here to help myself and them but I know no one here from New York... It would be nice.. Well that's my story... :oops:
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Post by somethinstinks »

MyhopeSomeday25 wrote:
happy for you, but what made you think you had it in the first place?
Hi, well about maybe 12 years ago now I started getting weird reactions and strange looks. I started noticing people's face changed when I spoke. People hands covering their noses. I have never right off the back been told my breath stinks. But I remember 12 years ago I was a cashier at the supermarket and some lady had a bag of peppermint candy. She said I was so nice and I said thanks and she said you really going to need this. That changed my world upside down. Like how can my breath be bad? So I started brushing like crazy, buying all types of mouthwash..douching my nose. Going to multiple ENT's, dentist and doctors. The first ENT I went to ..I told him my story and asked why I have bad breath. He said honestly I don't smell anything.. He said maybe when you talked you ate garlic or something. So you see I get reactions but when I go to the ent's and dentist. They tell me otherwise. I even had the halimeter test done and it was fine.

This has cause me so much stress. After so many years I felt like mentally I was going crazy. I started seeing a psyc in October and she said she smells nothing and after a few more times with her. She said it's a delusion.. A delusion I said?? WHAT.. that sounds crazy.. but the more I think about it.. No one ever out right said my breath stinks. I just get looks which she says is in my head. I am convinced though I DID had bad breath and during my quest to find a cure I DID found a cure (but I have no clue what was it). But mentally I can't accept it. People don't seem to realize how this can have such a profound effect on us mentally.

Think about it. If you do find a cure for you think you can go back and be the same person you were before all this torment???? One person told me on her "just enjoy life and get on with it"... Well, my mind tells me otherwise. I still can't speak to people although I have been told many times over the last months I have no bad breath. It's stilll scary when I come across strangers. I turn my head when I speak. I look elsewhere. My psyc said meeting someone with halitophioa would be almost impossible as it happens to just 1% of the population but I should meet people on here to help myself and them but I know no one here from New York... It would be nice.. Well that's my story... :oops:
That's interesting. Do you still experience reactions? you didnt mention nose rubs, so I guess you dont get those? interestingly the meeting that was mentioned in this thread happened in new york (though the other 2 members were from out of town) lol. Im from New York. If youre interested in meeting up let me know
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Post by MyhopeSomeday25 »

I'm at a point where I cannot even stand next to someone for too long. I physically go into extreme anxiety mode. If I do stand next to someone.. I turn my head and hold my breath. I do get nose rubs and people touching their nose but my psyc said people do this all the time.. sometimes for no reason at all. She said they could be doing it for a number of reasons but my mind tells me its me. I started looking at people from afar and I realize a lot of people do just hold their nose or touch their nose even when no one is right next to them. But just the thought of them doing that freaks me out. I live in yonkers... you? My psych said its good to meet someone and test.... it helps both out. Sometimes I get nervous.. I thought about it for years to meet someone with this problem but it is nerve wrecking .. :oops:
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Re: Hello

Post by somethinstinks »

MyhopeSomeday25 wrote:I'm at a point where I cannot even stand next to someone for too long. I physically go into extreme anxiety mode. If I do stand next to someone.. I turn my head and hold my breath. I do get nose rubs and people touching their nose but my psyc said people do this all the time.. sometimes for no reason at all. She said they could be doing it for a number of reasons but my mind tells me its me. I started looking at people from afar and I realize a lot of people do just hold their nose or touch their nose even when no one is right next to them. But just the thought of them doing that freaks me out. I live in yonkers... you? My psych said its good to meet someone and test.... it helps both out. Sometimes I get nervous.. I thought about it for years to meet someone with this problem but it is nerve wrecking .. :oops:
I'm in Brooklyn. i dont really get why it would be nerve wracking to you or anyone else on here as we are all here with a similar issue and the same insecurities. We are here to learn about our problem and hopefully help ourselves and eachother.. I guess if you have that problem in general where you have trouble speaking to anyone, but we're not here to judge eachother. As far as the nose rubbing goes, people will say that its normal behavior... and yes a nose rub is normal, but the CONSTANT nose rubs that I get aren't. Don't know your situation exactly.

Also, arent these psych appointments expensive?
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Post by MyhopeSomeday25 »

I have a psychologist and I psychiatrist lol... My psychiatrist provides me medicine which I have yet to fully commit too. I tried at least 3 different meds .. prozac, abilify, risperderal ... But none seem to help with my constant anxiety. I want to have the courage to believe its all in my head and stand next to someone but my body can't.. I run away. My psychologist is who I speak to and have hour long conversations with about life. Yes, both are expensive and so are the meds but its paid for through the help of my family. They really want me to get better. You said you get constant nose rubbing.. but has anyone ever said you have BB or gave you such a reaction like out right holding their nose or hearing them telling someone you smell??? I remember when this first began. I got on the bus...sat behind this guy and after 2 minutes.. He jump up and look at me and said whoooooa and sat away from me. See, that is how I know I did have BB.. This is not a total delusion but it's gone now and I have no clue how.. My brain can't accept its gone because I been though this for over 10 years.. What a life I have .. it sucks lol... :-({|=
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Post by somethinstinks »

MyhopeSomeday25 wrote:I have a psychologist and I psychiatrist lol... My psychiatrist provides me medicine which I have yet to fully commit too. I tried at least 3 different meds .. prozac, abilify, risperderal ... But none seem to help with my constant anxiety. I want to have the courage to believe its all in my head and stand next to someone but my body can't.. I run away. My psychologist is who I speak to and have hour long conversations with about life. Yes, both are expensive and so are the meds but its paid for through the help of my family. They really want me to get better. You said you get constant nose rubbing.. but has anyone ever said you have BB or gave you such a reaction like out right holding their nose or hearing them telling someone you smell??? I remember when this first began. I got on the bus...sat behind this guy and after 2 minutes.. He jump up and look at me and said whoooooa and sat away from me. See, that is how I know I did have BB.. This is not a total delusion but it's gone now and I have no clue how.. My brain can't accept its gone because I been though this for over 10 years.. What a life I have .. it sucks lol... :-({|=
So the reactions are gone now? whats your family's take on it? im guessing they're telling you you dont have bb? Are u comfortable around them? I have had my incidents where people have said or reacted blatantly to my breath, but not that common. For the most part its the rubs/touching, sniffs and just general awkwardness/cold shoulders I get.
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Post by MyhopeSomeday25 »

So the reactions are gone now? whats your family's take on it? im guessing they're telling you you dont have bb? Are u comfortable around them? I have had my incidents where people have said or reacted blatantly to my breath, but not that common. For the most part its the rubs/touching, sniffs and just general awkwardness/cold shoulders I get.
It's like i'm not even that long around someone to know sometimes.. I'm almost too scared. But I have tried..although very little but the slightest hand to the nose freaks me out... I literally become a hermit kinda.. Two months ago, I had an appointment and had to sit next to the lady and the whole time I felt like she was looking the way she did because my breath stinks.. So I went right over to my brothers house and basically talked and blew in his face and he said he smelled nothing and never have. Same with my mom. For a moment I even had anxiety around them but it stopped so i'm making some progress. None of my family told me I had bb ...

I use to think maybe I had an infection somewhere and its gone or had candida over growth and it went down. Not sure but I noticed a changed when i started drinking apple cider vinegar and lemon water... it must have killed something cause I did had bb...
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Post by somethinstinks »

MyhopeSomeday25 wrote:
So the reactions are gone now? whats your family's take on it? im guessing they're telling you you dont have bb? Are u comfortable around them? I have had my incidents where people have said or reacted blatantly to my breath, but not that common. For the most part its the rubs/touching, sniffs and just general awkwardness/cold shoulders I get.
It's like i'm not even that long around someone to know sometimes.. I'm almost too scared. But I have tried..although very little but the slightest hand to the nose freaks me out... I literally become a hermit kinda.. Two months ago, I had an appointment and had to sit next to the lady and the whole time I felt like she was looking the way she did because my breath stinks.. So I went right over to my brothers house and basically talked and blew in his face and he said he smelled nothing and never have. Same with my mom. For a moment I even had anxiety around them but it stopped so i'm making some progress. None of my family told me I had bb ...

I use to think maybe I had an infection somewhere and its gone or had candida over growth and it went down. Not sure but I noticed a changed when i started drinking apple cider vinegar and lemon water... it must have killed something cause I did had bb...
sounds like you havent noticed reactions and you believe there is a chance its gone. If I were you i'd pretend I didnt have it for a day or so and see how people respond
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Post by MyhopeSomeday25 »

sounds like you havent noticed reactions and you believe there is a chance its gone. If I were you i'd pretend I didnt have it for a day or so and see how people respond

That is my goal i'm working on. To just relax and just stand next to someone at riteaid and breathe like crazy lol. I tried many times with me ending up running away. The worse part about it is ...we are the cleanliest people you can find.. we spend our days brushing sometimes for hours. it just hurt to do all that and then see this look on someone's face like you are nasty and never attempted to take care of yourself. it hurts.. it is one of the worse feelings to feel...
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