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What Cured My Halitosis/Bad Breath - Tonsils and Adenoids - BEWARE SIDE EFFECTS, CHOKING ON LIQUIDS, 9YEARS SCAM????

Everything related with bad breath can be found here. Everything about products, research, news about bad breath......
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Post by jiazzsy »

was an interesting read.... looks like tonsils grow back in some.

ttp:// ... highlight=

Jimi, let's wait for Mindy to give her assessment. We have waited years here, why not wait another couple weeks to see if it's working or not. Moreover, 9 years is only helping us by giving as much detail as possible. I don't think he has anything to gain with this. I feel it is a possible cure for most of us, definitely in my case.

As for people who are looking to save on money, I would suggest you book a flight to India and get it done there. Hundreds of hospitals who can do this without waiting times at a fraction of the cost. I am planning to go to India in May and get the surgery done(both tonsils and adenoids). I am currently in the UK where it can take months and would never know if the ENT actually would listen to me.

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Post by jiazzsy »

Looks like the link was incorrect in the previous post.

Hopefully this works

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Post by guzler »

thanks 9 years for your help , just to let you know im also planing to go to larian as i live in san bernardino county california , believe it or not when i was doing research on best ENT in southern california he pops up as one the most knowledgeable , check him up on yelp .also for the best gastro
in beverly hills check this guy out he said he can treat bad breath in his website . however i believe people who devolope bad breath in later teen can be cured . but not people who had it since they were child . i believe Mindy and Fed up will be cured .
thanks 9 years .
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Post by Corpsebreath »

In Sweden the procedure is basically free. But the damn waiting time... I finally heard back from them after sending a referral a month ago. Told me i'm going to have to wait two months just for the damn appointment. And if i can't convince him to have them removed, then it's another three months before i get another try. I'll grow old before i get an adenoidectomy done at this pace.
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Post by mindyb »

Nothing more to share, just sharing a clarification.
Had septoplasty, using neti rinse daily while healing. Still blood and mucus coming out, but less and less every day.
Adenoids removed
***Cysts removed from each of my tonsil AREA***. Had a tonsilectomy almost 20 yrs ago. They were not described to me as thornwaldt cysts, just plain cysts.
*** I look everyday with a tongue depressor and flashlight- and there are scabs the size of a Lima beans on each side. It's gray white in color. Throat still sore. It's not raging pain, but sore. I imagine it'll be sore till its 100% healed with no scabs. I took the pain meds only one day, because I like to have a clear mind and they make me loopy.
Farther back past tonsil area I can see 2 red lines, like veins coming down from where the adenoids are above.
I can only guess they still have scabs up there too since I have not swallowed anything that I've noticed. I actually feel the tiniest bit strange when I make my loud nasal expel sound. And this still has a funky taste to it when I expel.
Guess I'm a slow healer, what can I say.
And just like halitosux said, 9 years had this done a while ago. He did not come here posting an outcome til he was healed completely and waited a long while to see how his breath was.
I promise to post whether it worked FOR ME or didn't.... in time. Great news on those furthering their exploration, I feel it's best to cross it off your list one way or another. We do enough wondering with this hellish issue. I'm so strong I believe because I've been fighting so long. So I'm not insulted by what is posted about me here, have way thicker skin than that.
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Post by feelitagain »

Hey Jess,

I currently do not have an insurance hence it will be all out of pocket. I will be contacting their office soon and find out everything I need to know.
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Post by StillHoping »

Just had my ENT consultation today; it looked like he wasn't convinced that I needed tonsillectomy - soo I just had to state I had halitosis and how its ruining my life etc and how I had done lots of research that this could be a solution. He said there is a great chance it will make it better but not 100% guaranteed. Then he stated my deviated septum is not that crooked to require fixing.

I then brought up the adenoids last; and he pretty much said all the same things as Jimmy's doc - its too small/ it wont make a difference/ etc etc. I literally spent like almost 10 MINUTES going back and forth with him on the adenoids. Finally he agreed to do it only because it wouldn't be much hassle but he kept insisting not to get my hopes up about the adenoid. I explained 9years story to him; and like why not if it can be done at the same time with no hassle.

Soo I'm officially booked and it will all be free [thank God for Canadian healthcare!!!] but unfortunately I have to wait for 6 - 8 months. Really sucks that I have to wait this long :( but I did put my name on the wait-list incase they have any cancellations sooner than that date. In the meantime, I guess I'll keep trying to find alternate solutions...
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Post by FedUp »

sucks you have to wait that long but it will pay off in the end i hope.
Tonsillectomy - Check
Sinus CT Scan - All Clear - Check
Dentist Examination - "Gums very good" - Check
Endoscopy - Check - H Pylori Negative
Post nasal space cyst removed - Check
Wisdom Teeth Extraction - Check
Mouth Swab Clear - Check
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Post by Archimonde »

@9years, thanks for the report.

There are other documented cases of people being cured after adenoids removal. There are 2 cases in my 'cure reports' thread.

They didn't leave any information at all. I went through their post history and both had bb.

I'd take anything Meowkitty says with a grain of salt, she's a bit crazy. She gets told she doesn't have bb by people close to her.

As for me, I'm in Canada and I'm on a waiting list for a doc appointment, it's gonna take months before i can see an ENT if i can even see one at all. I strongly suspect I have the same problem as 9years had.

In the mean time, I will order the most powerful brand of Grapefruit Seed Extract i can find and gargle like a mofo. I remember being able to destroy tonsil stones with G.S.E but i stopped doing that coz it would smell like death. Maybe I was on to something. Unfortunately the old formula of GSE has been banned or something and the new formula is too weak to destroy tonsil stones. Well, GSE is a bit off-topic for this thread so enough about it.

@Halitosisux Long time no see!
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Post by mindyb »

Just here for a brief update on my situation. Can you believe my throat is still SLIGHTLY sore?
It looks as though the scabs have fallen off.

This is not saying it's cured me one way or they other, BUT.
After reading 2 books with my older child, while snuggling close- no reactions. He usually shuts the book after page one and says he'd rather do something else. He's also told me I have bb.
My younger child who probably wouldn't remember me asking, I asked her if I could have a kiss. She did and then I talked and blew breath in her face. She said are you blowing my kiss away???
I said did you smell anything? She said nope nothing.

Disclaimer: just because I am married with kids does not mean my breath was not horrendous. I married a man who loves me, has commented on my breath, but still loves me.
I cannot tell if I'm just having a good week or what.
I have had brief success with other things where I thought this it!!!!!
I will not let myself think this is it!!!! Until I have months under my belt with testing and testing on the public, friends and family. I am not even happy because I have almost 20 years of let downs. I wouldn't even say I'm hopeful. But I felt like at least posting this finding that happened yesterday and today.
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Post by StinkBomb »


I agree that it is still too early to start celebrating BUT this is fxxxing great news! I am so happy for you. The problem is that because of the reactions that we have had to endure in the past, now, when someone even scratches their nose, we will think it is because of bad breath.

Just curious, does your husband (and family) think you got the operation because of bad breath or for some other medical reason?
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Post by Jimi Stein »

mindyb wrote:Hi,
Just here for a brief update on my situation. Can you believe my throat is still SLIGHTLY sore?
It looks as though the scabs have fallen off.

This is not saying it's cured me one way or they other, BUT.
After reading 2 books with my older child, while snuggling close- no reactions. He usually shuts the book after page one and says he'd rather do something else. He's also told me I have bb.
My younger child who probably wouldn't remember me asking, I asked her if I could have a kiss. She did and then I talked and blew breath in her face. She said are you blowing my kiss away???
I said did you smell anything? She said nope nothing.

Disclaimer: just because I am married with kids does not mean my breath was not horrendous. I married a man who loves me, has commented on my breath, but still loves me.
I cannot tell if I'm just having a good week or what.
I have had brief success with other things where I thought this it!!!!!
I will not let myself think this is it!!!! Until I have months under my belt with testing and testing on the public, friends and family. I am not even happy because I have almost 20 years of let downs. I wouldn't even say I'm hopeful. But I felt like at least posting this finding that happened yesterday and today.
good job Mindy , yes it can come back so dont be happy too much, you also too k many antibiotics, that wipes out bb usually

but please update us weekly at least.....I personally dont think this is the solution but I would love to be wrong......
I personally know immediately if my bb is better, because people just react differently, it is so easy for me......
also ask your husband if it is better or not if you can
This is me, Jimi Stein, I created this site in December 2005. Welcome.
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Post by halitosisux »

Hey Archi, I was wondering where you were and what your thoughts might have been on all of this. Are you gonna gargle like a mofo with GSE to try to get it to reach your adenoids? If so, what about trying irrigation from the nose to see if it can reach there? Maybe if you can reach the adenoids, it will stop the production of tonsil stones?

@mindy that's fantastic news. Can you please give us a quick reminder when you can, of the type of BB you had and symptoms etc, like tongue coating/odour, tonsil stones, PND etc and how things compare now to how they were.

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Post by mindyb »

As for my husband. Yes, he has commented on my breath, mainly subtly. I know he knows it makes me embarrassed. It does! Really do I want to constantly ask discuss with my best friend and partner that I have bb??? No, its humiliating. So no it has never been a topic of discussion between us. I had an endoscopy 5 or so years ago, and I cried to the Gastro Dr. to find my cause of bb. I was knocked out, and the dr. told my husband who drove me home, "I found nothing to cause her bb. " So on the way home, he asked why I didn't tell him I had the endoscopy becuase of bad breath. I said I'm embarrassed. No talk of bb since then.A comment here, an innuendo there, yes, but thats all.

I did not tell him I was having the surgery to try to rid bb. He did remember the dr. wanted to fix my deviated septum a year ago. When I went back recently, I said to him- maybe I should have it done, I did have constant sinus throat infections. So thats why I told him I wanted to have it done, that and hopes it would fix my ear pain, itching.

I'm sure I will get the nerve to just flat ask him. But I'd rather take it day to day gaging his and other reactions. He will tell me "no honey", no matter the state of my breath to make me feel better, its just his way.

I have no idea if its truly better, gone, whatever. Yes, a nose rub, a cough, and conversation about the dentist will immediately make me paranoid (for LIFE I'm sure ) and set me back questioning instantly. So yes, my kids gave me some positivity, but I am not confident.

Sux, I had stones yes. They were nasty. None after tonsillectomy tho...Fecal breath, been told over 20 times directly that my breath was like poop, stunk, horrible, garbage can, etc.... Couldn't even count the ways I've been told indirectly. I've had this affliction since age 18, and from the younger ages-people were vicious! PND, yes, tongue coating yes. My tongue goes back and forth with the coating, sometimes looking very white and crusty or not bad. It's not bad right now.
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Post by Jimi Stein »

ok I get it, you are right, discussing with partner is really humuliating, better not to even go there......

But you will see, kisses will be longer, deeper, more passionate

If the bb is really improved a lot, you will immediately see it.....
This is me, Jimi Stein, I created this site in December 2005. Welcome.
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