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Big Blob of Bad Breath

Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 6:35 am
by Bluerain
My bad breath started in the past year or so. During my childhood and high school years no one said anything about my breath and I never had any bad reactions. I'm 26 now and a college student. I've lived with two housemates during my time in school and they never said anything either and we've had some pretty close conversations. My ex's never complained about my breath and never pulled away when we kissed. Maybe all this time I did have bb but it wasn't too strong...

But things changed recently and it has been pretty awful. I first noticed something wasn't right when I visited my relatives who I hadn't seen for a while. When I was talking face to face with my aunt one afternoon she made a disgusted face and pulled away. I felt so ashamed. When I left for home I gave her a kiss on the cheek after brushing my teeth and putting on cologne she turned her face to the side which really bothered and frustrated me. My other family members have made comments like I need to chew gum or asked if I had taken a shower, which I did maybe an hour before they said this. Some of my friends have given me some ugly reactions too, usually the crunched up disgusted face or the dirty look. I had a couple of really embarrassing reactions like the nose rub and offering of gum in public places like elevators/subways. The more diplomatic and kinder reactions were the looking down to the floor response or the step back and smile reaction, which is I think is the most gentle, subtle way of saying you have bb. The worst response was when I was out with a friend at a club and at one point my friend look to the side and said "Bad Breath!" in front of me and a few other people. I was really shock and at the time I didn't think it was meant for me since this is my friend but thinking back it was directed at me...I can understand why I get some of the reactions though because I often I can smell a foul odour from my throat and when it gets really bad from my saliva. It is mostly likely due to my post nasal drip...

Now, I spent almost 30 min every morning flossing, brushing my teeth and tongue, irrigating my nose, and using mouthwash. Most of this doesn't get rid of bb. I chew 2 to 3 packs of gum a day hehe and I bring 3 L of water to school to help dilute/wash down pnd and bb compounds. The gum and water does help to reduce bb a bit but I know there's residual bb so I try not to get too close to people. I've become more withdrawn from coworkers/friends and don't go out as often. I do try to make an effort to be social but keeping my distant...

I realize bb is only a small part of me and everyone else on here. Each one of us has a lot to offer either through art, science, sports, or community involvement. We shouldn't let BB shouldn't get in the way of our goals and contributions. Obviously, we just have to work harder to prevent bb than people who don't have it, and be careful not to breath directly on people. Regarding relationships, I think there are people out there who will be understanding of our condittion and if they know we put a lot of effort in trying to rid of the problem. They will love us for our personality, our minds, maybe our looks too hehe. We are not just a blob of bad breath hehe

At times it is really painful and depressing to deal with it but don't let bb get you down or prevent from having a decent life. Sometimes I just laugh inside or sometime later at the reactions that people give me because in a way it is funny watching some people react, of course the gentler ones, or the jumps hehe

Thank you Jimi for creating this website. You're website has made me feel less alone about this terrible problem. We will find a solution I know it!

Take care everyone and sorry this was so long!

Posted: Mon Feb 12, 2007 6:49 pm
by waitingforrelief
bluerain - thanks for sharing your story and your optimism.

thankful for this site

Posted: Tue Feb 13, 2007 3:42 pm
by beebee
I have suffered from bb since elementary school. I thought my case was very rare until i came across this site. I hope that one day someone will find a cure. I just get tired of people thinking its poor oral hygeine. We do more than the average person could imagine as far as oral hygeine is concerned.

Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 2:50 am
by Bluerain
I"ve only suffered bb for a short time and it has impacted my life a lot. I've become very depressed at times and think about people's reactions a lot and what they must think of me. I don't really know what it is like to suffer from this most of your life but I think I have a good sense of what it must be like.

Most people are very ignorant about bb. They associate bb with bad hygiene, which is probably true for some people but not for many others. People should think that bb is associated with sinus, oral, liver,or kidney disease not uncleanliness.

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2007 9:58 am
by jc
I hate it when friends & relatives are the first ones to taunt me when I`ve never done anything against them. I had some friends who had temporary bb at some point in their lives but I never even flinched. I think they didn`t even know they had it that`s why they were so mean to me.