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Dandruff problems?

Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2010 5:21 pm
by Ruben
anyone else here have dandruff problems. Mine seems to be related to my bb issue. I've had a dandruff problem since sometime when i was young, and i've never been able to get rid of it. Anyone else have this same issue?


Posted: Thu Sep 23, 2010 11:42 am
by hopefulasever
Hi Ruben, I have had dandruff for the last 12 years with no relief (bb 20 years) and tried almost everything, including different brands of shampoo. Last month, I started taking a lot of water (around 3 ltrs a day) as part of my strategy of reducing bb and the dandruff is almost gone (90%). When I checked in google, found out that drinking water could actually help prevent dandruff. Why don't you give this a go, it might help.

Posted: Thu Sep 23, 2010 2:36 pm
by mike987
I used to have bad dandruff as a kid.. The shampoos didn't seem to help.

Anymore, it doesn't seem to be obvious, but I think it may still be there.
My psoriasis has returned after a 5 year vacation, but I think that's because I've been washing dishes everyday, a change for me XD

I imagine I'll be dying at 40, with so many things wrong with me.... Leads me to believe it's all related... But symptoms for candida are too varied to be certain. Give me some hard science, dammit.

Posted: Thu Sep 23, 2010 9:11 pm
by halitosisux
This thread has reminded me of something I was thinking yesterday morning.

A few days ago I felt like I had a cold, but wasnt sure whether it was allergy or an actual cold. But decided to take a vitamin C/zinc single supplement because it usually helps me when I feel like this.

The next day I woke up feeling fine and no more sniffles at all. This is no coincidence because this has often worked for me. But I noticed something else too. I noticed that when I shaved in the morning, my stubble felt about half the length and thickness than it usually does. And this is not the first time I've noticed this, so its no coincidence.

My next thought was, why does vitamin C apparently help reduce BB for some people? Does anyone actually know?

We know that the tongue coating is made up mostly of dead skin and keratin - and hair is made of keratin too. So could vitamin C be slowing down the growth rate/sloughing of cells on the end of the tongue papillae, leading to a reduction in BB? We know that bad breath and tongue coatings usually have a correlation too.

I'm not now saying that vitamin C could be a cure, but just an insight into something that might possibly be going on when there is bacterial overgrowth for no apparent reason. What other factors might there be to the papillae growth rates - hormones for instance?

Posted: Thu Sep 23, 2010 10:07 pm
by TeamZissou
Yeah that's a really good point about the connection between the keratin in the hair and on the surface of the tongue.

I have a very mild genetic condition that causes there to be a slightly thicker buildup of keratin on my legs. Something about the composition of the cells causes them to slough off incorrectly. I've wondered before if something similar was going on in my mouth and on my toungue as well, allowing for a better environment for BB bacteria.

Not at all sure what role Vitamin C plays in keratin formation though.

Also, does anyone know if there is an auto-immune component to dandruff? I know there is for Psoriasis, and I've suspected in the past there is for some people's BB as well.

Has anyone noticed any relief from their BB while taking medications to control their auto-immune response in their Psoriasis, or any other auto-immune disease for that matter?

Posted: Fri Sep 24, 2010 4:13 am
by Ruben
The reason why is says this is because a few years ago, i really wanted to get rid of this bad breath, i was taking Cipro & zithromax, and as per usual the bad breath goes while you on the antibiotics, i noticed as well though that my dandruff was totally gone at the same time, and when i stopped taking the antibiotics, the bb returned along with my dandruff, thats why i know for sure it not some ordinary bacteria that causing my problem, it is some sort of fungus or parasitic protozoa, because that's how they behave, wish i'd known that time.

Posted: Fri Sep 24, 2010 4:32 am
by mike987
Ruben wrote:The reason why is says this is because a few years ago, i really wanted to get rid of this bad breath, i was taking Cipro & zithromax, and as per usual the bad breath goes while you on the antibiotics, i noticed as well though that my dandruff was totally gone at the same time, and when i stopped taking the antibiotics, the bb returned along with my dandruff, thats why i know for sure it not some ordinary bacteria that causing my problem, it is some sort of fungus or parasitic protozoa, because that's how they behave, wish i'd known that time.

That makes sense... The problem is accepting that it's a fungus opens up a whole new world of 'how the hell can I treat this and even tell what it is'.

Just asking, but are there real reputable ways to determine whether you are infected by such a fungus?

Posted: Fri Sep 24, 2010 8:26 am
by halitosisux
Dandruff is normally caused by fungus, which anti-dandruff shampoo containing antifungal medications can usually deal with. Presuming you've tried anti-dandruff shampoo, without it helping, could that be indicating that perhaps your dandruff might be for other reasons?

All of us have a certain rate of cell "turnover" regulated by all kinds of biological functions within the body. Menstruation is cell sloughing and women all menstruate at different rates. A lot of women with BB say their BB gets worse during menstruation - a possible connection to increased cell sloughing in the mouth? (predominantly the tongue)

And we all start getting a certain amount of adult body odour when we hit our teens. This is a time when most people's BB kicks in too, unless of course there's something else like your teeth causing it.

Something must be triggering this, like hormones, and it might all be related.

There's no reason why BB cant be due to something as simple as this, and every reason why it has yet to be identified as a cause.


Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2014 7:17 am
by Harry_2K
I too have dandruff. Any connections? So, is that any specific food that is causing dandruff and other problems? They say that Alcohol, Dairy, Wheat and fatty foods cause Dandruff. I have dandruff since the age of 11 or 12. I am now 38 and I still have it. My BB started at the age of 22. Daily Oil head bath seems to have cleared the dandruff. But, once I stop, it comes back again in few weeks. Food intolerance?

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2014 10:47 am
by elliott
Some of us might be deficient in Vitamin D3, somehow it affects psoriasis. 2 months supplement should eradicate the dandruff.

It's also affecting your ears and feet.

Posted: Thu May 08, 2014 3:18 pm
by Breathless
Yes i have dandruff(sebhorreic dermatitis) and it never goes away. I suspect its related somehow to food allergies. When i eat dairy for example the dermatitis become much worst, my entire face goes red. I will seek a doctor to test for these allergies and see if there is improvement in my breath and skin.

Posted: Thu May 15, 2014 1:48 am
by somethinstinks
i have a lot of dandruff, not sure what effect it has on my bb

Posted: Thu May 15, 2014 11:41 pm
by Nespresso
I have had Psoriasis pretty much all my life and am using Nizoral shampoo for it once or twice a week - which doesn't really help that much


recently, I have been taken zinc, Caprylic acid, and HCL pills and psoriasis is going away and so are my skill troubles.

I don't know which of the pills is responsible for this but yeah one or more of these pills are helping with this matter.