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Has anyone tried Therabreath and does it work?

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2011 10:51 pm
by Brad1234
I have had Chronic BB for 10 years and after using every mouthwash and toothpaste on the market i came across Dr.Katz on youtube, is this product any good?

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2011 2:33 am
by Susie
Try everything and form your own opinion!

Is it just me or does it seem like alot of newbies on here talking about Dr. Katz products?

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2011 9:43 pm
by findacure
Don't waste your money on it. I've spoken and met many people who have used it (including myself) and can confirm that it doesn't work!

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 2:57 am
by Music Lady
Unfortunately this never worked for me. I just think Therabreath really is not for people with severe chronic bad breath issues. At least from what I can tell from following other sufferers on these boards.

I tried it for a good 6 months straight after I discovered I had bb.
Ordered all of it -- the mouthwash, toothpaste, the nasal spray, breath minths...I even ordered the powdered probiotics. I forget what its called -- $80 bucks I spent on the probiotics. Didn't help one single bit.

I would gargle for the few minutes it suggested after using the toothpaste and when that didn't work I would gargle for even longer for like maybe 20 minutes.

Good luck if your planning to order it. Maybe it'll work for you.

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 5:17 am
by thanatos

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2011 4:06 am
by sweetnlow
Alot of bad things have been said about Therabreath and Dr katz but I have to admit that he was the first person that was saying that some tooth paste use sodium lauryl sulfate and mouthwashes use alcohol. He said that sodium lauryl sulfate dries out the mouth and he was right. His tooth paste help heal my gums when I had to get scaling and plaining done from my periodontis. I do think his mouth wash is weak but i do like the tooth paste. I've been using his products for 11 years. Yes i still have bad breath but other tooth paste makes it worst. When I first learned of his products his bio said that he develped this product for his daughter because she had bad breath and the family thought that she wasn't brushing. His daughter would cry and tell them that she was brushing so that's when he knew she had a problem. I think he was a bacteriologist. I think when he started he had good intentions but as money started coming in he forgot about helping people with chronic bad breath and that's sad. I wonder does his daughter still suffer with bb?

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2011 3:49 pm
by Phantasist
As I mentioned before, I am not enamored of Dr. Katz's products because I tried his whole regimen several years ago and it didn't work for me. However, two of his products seem to greatly diminish my bad breath for several hours.
After regular brushing and tongue scraping, I brush my tongue (as far back as possible) with TheraBreath Plus toothpaste with OXYD-8 and Zinc Rx and then rinse with TheraBreath Plus Oral Rinse with OXYD-8 and Zinc Rx. This is not a cure for bad breath because the odor always comes back, but it is a great help to me in most situations.

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2011 12:45 am
by Music Lady
sweetnlow wrote:I think he was a bacteriologist. I think when he started he had good intentions but as money started coming in he forgot about helping people with chronic bad breath and that's sad. I wonder does his daughter still suffer with bb?
Hmmm...that's really interesting and its too bad.

Because if there's one person who has the skill, the technology, and the resources to help people like us, its Dr. Katz. He has the lab, doctors, scientists, people who can spend time really looking in to the different sources of bad breath.

They could bring in people who suffer for different reasons and try and develop something that works for each type. I suppose for people with stomach problems this might be a bit more challenging because mouthwashes really isn't the answer.

Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2016 4:14 am
by sergio_00
Like a user has already said therabreath only diminishes your bb, but only for some hours, if you eat or drink anything your bb will appear once again, it will only cover up your bb, but the root of the problem it is still there. A big and giant scam, I used the therabreath rinse a long time ago(5 or 6 years ago), then i gave it up as i realized it only makes things worse, another side effect that shit gave me was mouth ulcers. When i first used it I was happy because my bb went away for a moment, but then eventually you become tired of using it three times a day. Invest your money smartly and go to a dentist or an ent.