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Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2012 7:39 am
by cope

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2012 1:23 pm
by mike987
I feel it's an immune system fault.

Immune system is low.. So we get sick, high allergies, constant immune system responses like PND. Body can't handle/dispose of all the nasty stuff, so often we get tonsil stones.

But I'm interested in hearing what you have to say.

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2012 8:52 pm
by cope

Re: THE Cause

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2012 3:59 pm
by shmooze
cope wrote:So I was thinking lately about our effort to cure bb. How many of us have PND? 80-90%? We have to find the reason for pnd occurence and majority of us will be cured. I've been working on something that haven't been explored yet but might be the cause of bb for me and a number of other sufferers. I hope I will update this topic with good news in a few weeks/months.
Pnd, white tongue, tonsil stone are all candida related effects. The cause is, in the vast majiority, heavy metal poison (mercury, lead and copper) where candida is the reply of our body to control the toxic effects of those HM.

the only ones who I know to have fight pnd are those who removed Hm (remove amalgams before) with chelation (I recomend you to study curtler protocol,,76&q=102one of the safest method to remove Hm from you body. But nothing come in our live without cause: clean our soul is the first step and love is the only healing power ... ure=relmfu

Sorry if someone could be offended by this

Be blessed

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2012 5:07 pm
by Virtuous Viking
I already did a lead toxicity test and it was normal. I think Mike is right. Our immune system is weak (I did a complete blood count last month. A typical white blood cell count should be between 4 and 11. Mine was 3.1) and is finding it hard to fight off even minor infections or bacteria overgrowth which I think is causing the bb. The issue is finding out what is causing the weak immune system. I have a theory that it is entirely genetic (mothers having babies at a later age, so forth), but I can't be sure. All we can do for now is eat right (avoid sugar and fatty foods almost entirely, take non-fat yoghurt religiously, avoid meat when possible, eat lots of vegetables and fruits, etc), take supplements in moderation and exercise to help our immune system. God help us.

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2012 9:44 pm
by shmooze
Virtuous Viking wrote:I already did a lead toxicity test and it was normal. I think Mike is right. Our immune system is weak (I did a complete blood count last month. A typical white blood cell count should be between 4 and 11. Mine was 3.1) and is finding it hard to fight off even minor infections or bacteria overgrowth which I think is causing the bb. The issue is finding out what is causing the weak immune system. I have a theory that it is entirely genetic (mothers having babies at a later age, so forth), but I can't be sure. All we can do for now is eat right (avoid sugar and fatty foods almost entirely, take non-fat yoghurt religiously, avoid meat when possible, eat lots of vegetables and fruits, etc), take supplements in moderation and exercise to help our immune system. God help us.
Do the test propely

Hair Test Interpretation: Finding Hidden Toxicities is a practical book. The book starts out telling you how to interpret a hair test for mercury and other heavy metals. It provides a step by step discussion of this with figures to make this easy to do. It gives examples using actual hair test results from real people.

Mercury interferes with how the hair element results come out ? mercury is often low and other minerals take unusual values. It is crucial for proper hair test interpretation to know how to recognize mercurys characteristic signature.

Mercury often causes retention of certain minerals. Arsenic, antimony, tin, titanium, zirconium and aluminum are elements many people retain too much of when they really have a mercury problem.

Hair tests are worth doing because a surprising number of people diagnosed with incurable chronic health conditions actually turn out to have a heavy metal problem. Heavy metal problems are easy to correct. Hair testing allows the underlying problem to be identified and the chronic health condition often disappears with proper detoxification.

Essential element levels contain much useful information about hormones as well as nutritional problems. High hair levels do not always mean high body levels. interpretation is specific to each element. Some of the essential elements can be toxic if they show high hair level, others actually show high hair levels when the body is deficient and needs more of them. Excessive stress, poor digestion, adrenal issues and thyroid problems all show up in hair tests long before they can be identified by other laboratory methods.

There are over seventy example hair tests with background information and interpretation. All of these tests are actual results from real people, with complete details of their health situation, what they are doing about it, and in many cases how they responded to different treatments. Several families are presented with hair tests and health histories for all members, one including identical twins. Several of the cases have before and after hair tests showing the effects of different treatment regimens on test results.

Hair Test Interpretation: Finding Hidden Toxicities also contains a discussion of what to do based on the test results, e. g. how to chelate heavy metals.