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Even in church?

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Even in church?

Post by thanatos »

Last edited by thanatos on Fri Jan 17, 2014 6:29 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Post by keepfaith »

hi thanatos

i know how u feel... i would love to attend church like normal people without feelin so scard to be there... i know it would be such torture to be there so i wouldnt even have the balls to go... very sad and hurts me alot ...i hope one day we can all find a cure and live normal lives...i cant even imagin the person i would be...just be strong and the good Lord understands y u cant go...just devote the same amount of time with him in ur own home... :cry: and im happy to see u are turning to the good Lord i know we got it tuff butt it could be worse ..we can see,were healthy, no down syndrom...hang in there my friend...
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Post by needcurefast »

Hi thanatos,

I definitely understand. I live with my parents still and I am force to go to church sometimes. I want to go to church, but the smell come out my nose and people react alot and its also a small church do people can smell it quickly. I sometimes have to hold my head down a little just some one can't smell it. I sometimes feel worthless when i do. I even now in college and i tried to hide it as long as i can but people took notice fast. So I understand when you have so many things you want to do but can't.
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Post by Phantasist »


Forget about church. You can pray at home just as well because God can hear you wherever you are.

And as far as "the route of God" is concerned, God is not in the business of curing bad breath. God allowed us to have intelligence so that we can solve our own problems.

Just keep this in mind: If there is a bad odor, it has to be coming from somewhere. There has to be a source. If there is no source, there cannot be an odor. Most likely that source is in the mouth or very close to the mouth such as the throat or sinuses. If you can establish the source, you might be able to eliminate it and there would be no more bad breath. So concentrate on finding the source.

Here are some questions for you: Do you have sinus trouble? Do you have post nasal drip? Do you have a lot of mucus or phlegm collecting in your throat? Do you have gum pockets that collect a lot of debris?
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Post by Shit4Breath »

I know exactly how you feel. The last time I went to church was in 2010 and around that time I was going very sparingly, now I don't go at all. You can't blame the folks for reacting in even God's house of worship, it's normal for anyone with a nose and working olfactory system to take offense to unpleasant smells. I use to get reactions all the time in church to the point where alot of people would stop greeting me or altogether avoid me, and this was a church that my family had been going to for generations. These people knew me since birth and started acting like I didn't exist. When my bb first became horribly offensive I took issue with people treating me the way they did. But now that I'm older and wiser I realize it is only human nature and my breath is literally toxic (DMSE).

Just hang in there bud there's ways around everything. Now I watch alot of Joel Osteen on television or on the web. They also have bible audio, prayer groups, and bible study groups all online now. Welcome to the 21st century! :D
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Post by Ruinedlife3 »

Shit4Breath wrote:I know exactly how you feel. The last time I went to church was in 2010 and around that time I was going very sparingly, now I don't go at all. You can't blame the folks for reacting in even God's house of worship, it's normal for anyone with a nose and working olfactory system to take offense to unpleasant smells. I use to get reactions all the time in church to the point where alot of people would stop greeting me or altogether avoid me, and this was a church that my family had been going to for generations. These people knew me since birth and started acting like I didn't exist. When my bb first became horribly offensive I took issue with people treating me the way they did. But now that I'm older and wiser I realize it is only human nature and my breath is literally toxic (DMSE).

Just hang in there bud there's ways around everything. Now I watch alot of Joel Osteen on television or on the web. They also have bible audio, prayer groups, and bible study groups all online now. Welcome to the 21st century! :D
Can I ask you why or how you still pray? I haven't done so in a very long time because I just have no faith left. Prior to that, I prayed day and night for an end to this curse, even as people were laughing at me when they thought I wasn't paying attention or I was oblivious to the jokes being about me. I would often say, "See what I'm going through, God. Still I believe in you." Now, I out of faith. I don't go to Church. I don't pray. I don't read my Bible. I just don't have it anymore. I'm very depressed and hopeless.
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Post by halitosisux »

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Post by Tony22 »

I go to church regularly despite my bad breath--of course I tend to sit in areas where there are less people, especially "in the back". I haven't been aware of anyone noticing or commenting on my breath in church, which I am glad for...
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Post by nikon »

This is one of the reason why I am not a believer anymore. But I am not here to talk about that.

I notice though, those people who I think are very religious are the ones to take notice and say the harshest of words, at least from where I'm from. I could say that I was a good/nice person before, but no, I am no longer like that.
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