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My Cause.......Gut Fermentation?

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My Cause.......Gut Fermentation?

Post by Shit4Breath »

I believe I've found the cause of my overwhelming bb, I believe it may be due to gut fermentation. I came across this idea after doing research on leaky gut and learn there is a difference between gut fermentation and gut putrefaction. Gut putrefaction is a dybosis brought on by digesting too much animal fat and not enough insoluble fiber. Fermentation is brought on by a diet high in carbohydrates and simple sugars (also antibiotic use in my case). I always wondered why is it that when I'm taking probiotics, yogurt, kefir, etc my bb seems to get worse, I even expressed my concerns in this forum. Now it makes sense if I have gut fermentation why taking even more fermented products (even fruit in my case) would exaggerate the dybosis even further. I've read that once a dybosis has taken place, as an adapted method to survive, the bad microorganism began to use the supplements we take to treat it, such as probiotics, as fuel to thrive.

I know some ppl on this forum had gotten cured after going raw and some like myself have not (because of ingestion sugary fruit and grains). I do remember the candida diet did help relieve my bb to a certain extent but that was 4 years ago when I didn't have the disipline to stay on the diet for longer than a week at a time. I've read that a gastroenterologist stated that ppl with dybosis are in two catergories the "inflammables" and the "smellies". Maybe that is why some ppl have bb and bo while others have IBS, Crohns, etc (or a combo). I also read that some with dybosis may experience dental, gum, and mouth problems because one is likely to have similar bacteria in the mouth as the gut. And that if you have a clean tongue and no dental plaque then you are likely to have good gut flora.

I believe that us "smellies" are in two catergories....putrefaction and fermentation. I believe the raw diet helped the putrefiers and the candida diet helps the fermentors. I don't think there is a magic pill or formula, I truly believe diet is the only thing that will help us chronic type 3&4 sufferers. This is just my opinion I have only scratched the surface in my research, I'm sure there is alot more out there to learn. Does anyone have thoughts on this?

Here's some great links: ... ut_and_CFS


Post by Stankie »

Last edited by Stankie on Sat Aug 17, 2013 5:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by halitosisux »

Just a thought, but is there some type of food that is un-digestible?

I know fiber is un-digestible, so perhaps some kind of fiber?

My point is, I remember reading once, that when people have bowel operations, they have to go without eating anything for something like 12 hours, to completely empty the intestinal tract.

By eating something un-digestible, it would be a bit like fasting, but you'd still keep your digestive system moving and your body hydrated if it's mixed with water. It's just an experimental idea to see what effects it has on things like PND, tongue coating, and breath of course.

Eating different diets is difficult to correlate what's happening because gut bacteria are always going to be there breaking down the things we eat - that's why shit always smells of shit, no matter how natural or organic or whatever it is that's eaten. And just because a concept might sound good in theory, that doesn't mean any of the things are happening for the reasons we might think they do. But doing something like this, you start off with a basis, and perhaps start introducing tiny amounts of things like fruit or dairy to see what effect that has.

Post by Stankie »

Last edited by Stankie on Sat Aug 17, 2013 5:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by halitosisux »

Ok, sorry, I thought fiber remained intact throughout the digestive tract.
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Post by Shit4Breath »

Here's the diet plan

You can eat fruit on this diet but if your like and it on exacerbate you symptoms than you can cut it out. The diet is alot easier to follow than a candida diet imo.
Last edited by Shit4Breath on Fri Feb 01, 2013 8:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Post by Stankie »

Last edited by Stankie on Sat Aug 17, 2013 5:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Shit4Breath »

You were probably talking to halitosisux but for me....No way, I can't eat anything fermented.

Post by Stankie »

Last edited by Stankie on Sat Aug 17, 2013 5:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Post by Stankie »

Last edited by Stankie on Sat Aug 17, 2013 5:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Shit4Breath »

I do not eat fruit like the diet says or anything fermented even probiotics. I'm happy probiotics work for you but their are some of us who can't tolerate them. I am taking prebiotics though.

PS- I've tried every kind capsules, yogurt, probiotic drinks, fermented vegetables, blisk12, etc. All of them makes my symptoms worse.

Post by Stankie »

Last edited by Stankie on Sat Aug 17, 2013 5:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by meowkity1 »

Iv been mostly constipated since childhood. About 3 years ago I got tonsils removed and it took aaway the fecal and rotten egg smell. During thr recent holidays I was overeating and noticed early january that I was tastig fecal again for the first time in 3 years. I starte to realize I knew it wasnyt my mouth but maybe throat so for a week I layed on my bed daily and did a deep gargle. It didn't work, I knew it had to be my stomach. I took some milk oof magnesia had te biggest ppoo of my whole life and by the next day that fecal taste went away and hasn't been back. I'm truly startng to believe it is my insides. I. Eat a llt of red meat
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Post by ruch »

what does your breath smell like? sometimes i can sense a small that is hard for me to describe.. but it reminds me a bit of the smell of fermented veggies i made once. i have also smelled this on someone else before too. my breath doesn't always smell like this but i do notice this odour at times. most often, i get this odour or one that smells like garbage. very occasionally, it is fecal but not as often.
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Post by MrChips »

Gut fermentation! I also think i have something like this. I have started to drink cider vinegar, and i think its really helping me.
On saturday i had a load of red grapes and i had killer breath that evening on the bus. My mouth was trapped shut aswell. I have to review my diet. Carrots seem to help
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