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What Helped My Dry Mouth?

Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2014 5:58 am
by needcurefast
My Battle to Curing Dry Mouth:

I used to suffer from mild anxiety a bit in my teens. Which I feel caused my dry mouth in the first place. I don't quite remember because dry mouth and bad breath kind of sneak on me. I remember hearing my doctor saying I was very low on my electrolytes. I tried eating more Bananas, food and drinks with high amounts of Potassium. After a lot of research I found that Potassium significantly helps with dry mouth, but the daily recommended dietary intake is 4700mg. This is very hard to reach obviously seeing that most of the things we eat have a little of it to none at all. A average Banana holds about 400 mg. You will have to have lots of these to reach the daily recommended dietary intake. I also drink Minute Maid and Simply Orange juice. A cup of Simply and Minute Maid is 450mg of potassium. V8 spicy vegetable drink holds 1000mg a cup.I also tried Multivitamins from Centrum which helped out a little. If more potassium is needed you could try to get a prescription from your doctor.

Potassium helped me with dry mouth, but what really helped me was this supplement called Co Q 10 ( Coenzyme Q-10.) Which I discovered recently and helped me significantly in just two weeks. I HAVE NO MORE DRY MOUTH!! I take 100mg per day and you can buy this straight from Walmart or online on Amazon. So whoever suffering from dry mouth please give this a try. ... uinol.aspx

Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 7:36 am
by halitosisux
Thanks for the info. I've stickied this thread and hope more people will try the same and get the same results and report back.

Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2014 10:57 pm
by everhopeful81
Ordered this on Amazon - 100mg per day. Unfortunately have not noticed anything..its been a week and half but will give it another 2 weeks so lets see..


Posted: Thu Feb 20, 2014 12:36 am
Hey Guy's,
I think we should really look into this dimethylsulfide
issue it could be very helpful to all. Many of us are giving off this odor as opposed to mercaptans, or in addition to ). I know we have some ace researchers here on the forum. We really have not been researching lately we have to get more organized in our topics.
Dr. P from Monell talks a lot about his . What do you think ?

Posted: Thu Feb 20, 2014 9:38 am
by terranpatriot
been taking 200mg + of CoQ10 daily, it has no effect on breath. It's a heart enzyme.

for dry mouth, i use the biotene oral balance gel, which is ok at times, in combination with the biotene dry mouth pbf toothpaste (which isn't of too much help by itself), but lastly and most importantly, I use ACT Dry Mouth Lozenges, which have been the best for me. They are awesome, and have given me more relief than anything else in a long time. That being said, they are pretty expensive, at $5+ for 18 at the local CVS. I use about 2-3 a day. but they're worth it to me.

dry mouth relief

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2014 8:00 pm
by betterdays
Xylimelts works really well for me. Especially since they stick to the gums I don't have to worry about them moving while I'm speaking. Since I have started using them about a month ago I have notice more importantly that my breath has improved beyond measure. \:D/

Re: dry mouth relief

Posted: Sat Mar 08, 2014 6:45 pm
by jamesmcavoy
Every morning after brushing ,
Put some salt below tongue where salivary gland is and ur mouth will water . Maintain it throut the day

Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2014 3:13 am
by meowkity1
I'v been using Listerine ZERO, no alcohol, for 4 days now and its helping a bit,. Crest pro-health, no alcohol, does nothing for me but make my mouth terribly minty and sticky

Re: dry mouth relief

Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2014 5:37 pm
by betterdays
jamesmcavoy wrote:Every morning after brushing ,
Put some salt below tongue where salivary gland is and ur mouth will water . Maintain it throut the day
You put it under your tongue once for the day and that's it. Or you repeat it throughout the day?

Dry Mouth to Saliva

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2014 3:36 am
by needcurefast
I'm back and found that my dry mouth was definitely due to an electrolyte imbalance and I've fixed that and I'm relieved. However, thanks to years of dry mouth that cause my bad breath. It's going to be hard getting rid of it.

Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2015 11:29 pm
by AloneLoner
I have heard of this co q 10 on radio infomercials. Skeptical but hope it works for some people so I'll try it later.

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2015 3:57 am
by hope4now
COQ10 is known to prevent and possibly cure gingivitis and periodontitis (gum disease). This may explain why it helps with bad breath. I'm taking 60mg a day to see if it helps with the smell I get on some teeth when I floss. Oddly this smell seems to move around over time. Right now it's on the two top molars 3rd from the wisdom teeth which have been removed in my case.

Another benefit of CoQ10 is it provides a boost in energy levels. When I was younger, I never noticed much of an effect from talking it. But now at 54, it makes a noticeable difference.

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2015 3:59 am
by somethinstinks
meowkity1 wrote:I'v been using Listerine ZERO, no alcohol, for 4 days now and its helping a bit,. Crest pro-health, no alcohol, does nothing for me but make my mouth terribly minty and sticky
surprising to hear there is a listerine with no alcohol. Has it helped anyone on here? tempted to try

Posted: Fri May 15, 2015 6:58 am
by gmx99
i am honestly cured ...and i want every single indivitual sufferer here to be cured as well...problem is do we even listen to eachother .

Posted: Thu May 21, 2015 8:25 am
by fedup99
The CO q 10 will not work properly on people over 30 years of age, When you take the co q 10 your body converts it to Ubiquinol - This is what helps dry mouth... under 30's the body converts without trouble, over 30 and it hardly converts and just desolves in body - try googling or just buying and trying the pure form Ubiquinol if over 30...