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Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2014 9:35 pm
by halitosisux
What sort of measures do you take for oral hygiene? I mean things like tongue scraping and mouthwashes etc.

Some coating is normal. Everyone has some of that. They sell children's sweets with dye to make it stain the tongue with colorant. If that dead slough wasn't there then the colorant would not do anything. If you drink lots of tea, that can make your tongue yellow, as can lots of different foods and drinks.

Does your tongue or saliva or lick testing produce much odour? Does it vary with your use of metronidazole?

Posted: Sat Sep 20, 2014 9:44 am
by jackson
halitosisux wrote:What sort of measures do you take for oral hygiene? I mean things like tongue scraping and mouthwashes etc.

Some coating is normal. Everyone has some of that. They sell children's sweets with dye to make it stain the tongue with colorant. If that dead slough wasn't there then the colorant would not do anything. If you drink lots of tea, that can make your tongue yellow, as can lots of different foods and drinks.

Does your tongue or saliva or lick testing produce much odour? Does it vary with your use of metronidazole?
Oral hygiene - Typically, I brush my teeth twice per day. Also use a colgate no-alcohol mouthwash.
I always brush my tongue after cleaning my teeth. It gets rid of most of the gunk for a short amount of time.

I do drink a fair amount of tea. Probably about 7 cups per day.
However, I did an experiment once where I completely cut down and my tongue remained the same from memory.
At the time I was also living almost completely off of vegetables thinking that it was maybe my diet, but it still didn't go away.

As far as i'm aware, my saliva doesn't seem to have any smell.
I also don't think my tongue gives off much of an odor, either.

I used to be able to make my saliva smell by 'sucking' on my tonsils ()so that you make a sound that sounds like a pig grunting!)
After doing that for a while it felt as though everything smelt.

However, at the moment (post second metro course), even doing that my mouth still feels fairly clean and fresh.

Posted: Sat Sep 20, 2014 11:40 am
by halitosisux
Sorry to ask such an insulting question, but what makes you believe you have bad breath? I'm asking this question purely to know how you actually know you have BB.

Tonsil stones are not exclusive to BB sufferers, as you know - because you even mentioned a friend who has them, yet perfect baby breath.

You mentioned once that you sometimes get LPR. Most people do from time to time. But, have you ruled out helicobacter pylori yet? You mentioned it a few times, but I don't recall you saying that you have been tested.

Just ask a doctor for a h pylori blood test, or buy a kit from Boots or Amazon (£9.99!) <<<--- have a look through there. It mentions the bad breath connection.

You can even have this bug in your stomach and be completely asymptomatic. But it can have far reaching effects on the rest of your body that you may not even realise, including BB.

When you took metronidazole and your breath improved, it might be because it weakened the helicobacter. It didn't kill it off because metronidazole by itself isn't potent enough without taking acid lowering meds and other antibiotics at the same time. The trouble is now, if you do have helicobacter, they have likely become resistant to metronidazole.

Read all about it in that link above.

If helicobacter is responsible, your BB could be coming directly from your stomach because of Achlorhydria. Or achlorhydria could be allowing bacteria and putrified stomach contents to be passing into your small intestine, where stench gets produced and then you absorb that stench into your bloodstream just like you would if you swallowed something with a strong stench, like garlic.

Posted: Sat Sep 20, 2014 1:58 pm
by jackson
halitosisux wrote:Sorry to ask such an insulting question, but what makes you believe you have bad breath? I'm asking this question purely to know how you actually know you have BB..
I can smell my own breath. If I breath into my hand first thing when I wake up, it smells bad.
When on metro (and at the moment) I can breath into my hand and it doesn't smell.
I also have a young nephew who I can use, and in the past, he's always CONFIRMED by thought
(for example, whilst on metro I knew my breath was perfect, but I made a point of speaking right in his face and he didn't say anything. Before metro, I'd know my breath was always bad, and when I spoke in his face, he'd say ''You're breath stinks!!'')

I know some people seem to be unable to smell their own breath, but I don't believe that's the case for everyone.

halitosisux wrote: have you ruled out helicobacter pylori yet? You mentioned it a few times, but I don't recall you saying that you have been tested.

Just ask a doctor for a h pylori blood test, or buy a kit from Boots or Amazon (£9.99!).
I haven't ruled it out yet. I assumed that this second course would not work and so was gonna buy a kit or see the Doctor, but to my surprise (so far) the second course seems to be working.
I also read something about the homes tests not being accurate.
I didn't want to see my Dr. yet because I have some other health issues, and I don't want him thinking i'm a hypochondriac!

If my BB returns, I will make that my next step, though.

halitosisux wrote: When you took metronidazole and your breath improved, it might be because it weakened the helicobacter. It didn't kill it off because metronidazole by itself isn't potent enough without taking acid lowering meds and other antibiotics at the same time. The trouble is now, if you do have helicobacter, they have likely become resistant to metronidazole.
Yes, I was aware at the time that I was possibly building a resistance to the metro which would make things slightly more difficult to eradicate any potential hpylori.
However, I'm sure you know what it's like to just want to get rid of the smell and try anything and disregard teh consequences out of desperation!
From what I gather, metro isn't part of the cocktail of antibiotics used in the UK anyway anymore, so it shouldn't be a problem from that perspective

Posted: Sat Sep 20, 2014 5:29 pm
by halitosisux
Careful when people say your breath stinks though, cos sometimes they can mean it stinks of the food you ate or the drink you drank. Also, morning breath is something that even non-BB people get too - I have seen this many many times. Some don't though - incredibly. Anyway, yeah get the HP ruled out for sure, especially when it's such an easy thing to do and is a definite known cause of chronic BB for some.

The home test kits are accurate, as long as you do it properly. They test for HP antibodies. Whatever the kit says though, just go to your doctor and ask them to test you with a simple blood test.

I know what you mean about keeping away for non-urgent reasons - I did the same with my wisdom teeth, believe it or not. And they turned out to be THE cause of my BB. I waited 17 years from the year when I was first advised to remove them, to the year I actually did it.

Yes, it's hard to be logical in such a shitty situation, but you have to really try to be. Didn't know they don't prescribe metronidazole anymore for HP in the UK. I guess other antibiotic combinations have been found to be just as effective, and preserving metro against resistance for more "urgent" illnesses.

Good luck with the test.

Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2014 10:26 am
by yarahe

when did you finish the metronidazole course?
do you still bb free?

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2014 6:53 am
by Elijah
I use a mixture of mint, cardamom, and fennel at morning before taking my breakfast to improve my breathing. It's a good natural remedy to get rid of the bad breathing.

Posted: Sat Oct 04, 2014 8:13 am
by Elijah
Elijah wrote:I use a mixture of mint, cardamom, and fennel at morning before taking my breakfast to improve my breathing. It's a good natural remedy to get rid of the bad breathing.

Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2014 8:27 pm
by jackson
yarahe wrote:jackson,

when did you finish the metronidazole course?
do you still bb free?
Hi, Yarahe.
Sorry for late reply. Don't visit this site much at the moment.
I'm assuming you've read the whole journal.

I finished my second course about 5 weeks ago.

Thing haven't changed since my last update.
There's been a big improvement which I am assuming is down to the second course that I tried (thanks to Kidd for the recommendation!)
There's always a million variable with things like this, and it could be something else that i've changed in my routine that i'm failing to mention, or maybe the summer ending means that some allergies have gone, but I'm confident that it is the second course that has helped.

I'm NOT cured, though! Still have pretty bad morning breath compared to some people. Still sometimes have breath that isn't as fresh as I think it should be, and i'm still convinced that the problem is my tonsils.

However, there's been a fairly significant improvement compared to how my breath was when I started this thread when it just seemed that my breath was almost constantly horrid.
I also notice that when I run my tongue along the roof of my mouth towards the back, I can't really taste anything any more, whereas before I always tasted something unpleasant on my tongue when I done that.

I bought a big stash of metro so that if my bad breath ever reverts back to how it was before i'll take a 3rd course!! But hopefully that won't happen, being how the improvement has lasted for quite a while now.

Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2014 5:03 am
by Trunks99
I'm currently trying something new -- kinda suicidal but hey, my breath stink anyway so might as well give it a try:
Not using toothpaste anymore - only using toothbrush with water
Cod liver And butter blend oil 3x day
Oil pulling with Coconut oil + one tbs of coconut oil in the morning
Stopped eating candies and unhealthy things (or at least trying to)

Why am I doing this?

Because I'm suspecting my bad breath to be a combination of Gut related BB, Post Nasal Drip and Cavities.
I'm doing this experiment to heal myself from cavities. I've made some research and found out few people talking about how they healed themselves from cavities.
Basically their theory is toothpaste contains unhealthy ingredients for your teeth (like glycerin etc). By getting rid of toothpaste and increasing vitamin D intake, you help your teeth regain some strength and regenerate. Also, using oil pulling helps you get rid of toxins -- which I've tried in the past and it works wonder.

So I'll give it a try for a few weeks and then go see a dentist. Hopefully I get positive results.

Next step would be to go see an ENT dr for my PND and use manuka honey to cure my gut.

Quite ambitious huh