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Out of The Blue

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2014 3:48 pm
by LivingDead
Hello Everyone,

Like most people I have lurked around this site for some time now , picking up tips on how to go about curing my bad breath but never posting, but today I am at my breaking point . I haven't spoken to anyone in a year since I've discovered my monster . Everyday I live in complete and utter pain and no one cares .They either pretend I don't exist or judge me and avoid me with one excuse or another . Either way I'm left isolated and alone and I'm starting to get comfortable with that which is a problem for someone like me because I use to be outgoing,outspoken,personable,and an all around good time . I use to work at a bank and had my own apartment and car. Now I am unemployed , unemployable and residing in a women's shelter in NYC,and believe me , no one can make you feel less than sh*t more than women who don't care about you,your feelings or your unique situation.Like stated this site as be a godsend and I've got some great advice and tips none of which worked but helped in discovering other ailments I probably wouldn't have noticed otherwise. Some of the at home remedies I used were :

(the obvious) scrubbing my teeth and tongue til they bled
every mouthwash available to me (all compounded the issue)
every toothpaste available ( again made it 100% WORSE)
baking soda
tea tree oil
chlorophyll tablets
shaving my tongue with a razor
neti pot
urine therapy
gargling with bath soap
eliminating all dairy,chocolate, and peanut products from my diet (on the off chance it was allergy isn't)

When I was 16 I caught my first case of tonsillitis and was sent to the ER and the nurse stuck a needle in my throat and drained my tonsils . Never thought about it again until last year when I had yet another tonsil infection. With that in mind and the odor getting increasingly worse I went to the doctor and lied about it being ongoing in order to have my tonsils removed all in all. I thought Hey , I'll kill two bird with one stone . I won't have to get a needle in my throat and my bad breath would vanish forever . But little did I know my problems to were just beginning.So now to the list of doctors and procedures they have ran on me to help combat this devil:

Palatine Tonsil Removal ( Prior to this surgery, I rated my bad breath at a 5-6 on a scale of 10 ,with some of the at home remedies helping to bring it to a 3-4..after the surgery I now rate the odor a 15-16 on scale of 10)

17 nasal endoscopies

5 dental visits ( which has seen 10 tooth teeth were in top notch condition but I was worried they were lying and I had tooth after tooth removed .. None of which cause the odor )

3 gastrointestinal endoscopies ( all showing no sign of acid reflux or ulcers but was still given antibiotics and ppi's as a way to shut me up and get me to never return.. I didn't take any of it . Just seems stupid to take something when there's nothing wrong in that part of your body)

thyroid sonogram

ct scan of the chest , abdomen and pelvis ( nothing came from this)

barrium swallow test ( to check for zenkers diverticulum )

Again,all in vain . Nothing is/has helped and now my odor is even overwhelming to me . I smell sewage and rotten eggs all the time and I'm sinking into the black hole known as depression. I no longer go to doctors looking for an answer because I know what it will be I think I go just to have someone to talk to. Days are turning into months and I see no light at the end of this tunnel. The stronger part of me wants to keep fighting like I'm getting closer to the finish line but the weaker part speaks louder and screams kill yourself. I've been seeing this one Ent who is not pleased with the idea of trying everything I bring to him but seems like he hasnt given up on me wants to help. He's a religious man and I think he feels obligated to help not because he practices medicine but like a pass into heaven or whatnot . Either way I'm grateful. In the upcoming months he's ordering a ct scan of the sinuses and a sleep study and only if nothing is produced from that will he consider the idea that my LINGUAL tonsils may have a part in it .

I came across an article on one of my many sleepless night that said that there was one case where a zenkers diverticulum pouch was posing as a thyroid nodule and was only detected after a FNA ( fine needle aspiration) . Now prior to this whole ordeal I've never had any lumps in my neck but in the year that I have been going thru this I have . On my right side just under my jawline . Everytime I squeeze it it produces the ugliest odor imaginable and then the odor isn't as bad . Because of the placement of the lump im not sure if its my lingual tonsils or a sneaky , incognito zenkers diverticulum pouch . In conclusion I've narrowed down my my problem to tmau,infected lingual tonsils or zenkers diverticulum .
Pls Help !

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2014 1:20 pm
by ShitTalker
Hello there... Sorry to hear about your problems and we all can understand what you are going through. It helps a little to admit you have a problem and to start talking about it, so you should be proud of yourself for finding this site and searching for a cure. This is one of the best places you can go for trying to get rid of this problem...

The only thing I can really suggest is to focus on that pouch or whatever it is in your mouth that has been stinking really bad. There is a good chance that it is the cause of your bad breath. Either because it smells by itself, or because it is harboring a bunch of nasty bacteria that is constantly spreading to your tongue and throat. And then the bacteria on your tongue and throat feed off of the food you eat and develop into bad breath.

I would suggest getting a flashlight and a dental mirror and really examine the back of your mouth, and where your tonsils used to be. I've heard of tosils growing back, or having a piece leftover from surgery... Also, I had some big tonsil stones up in the corner above my tonsils and behi d the side flaps on my mouth and zi never would have guessed that I had tonsil stones up there... I also had the nasty sewege shit smell whenever I had a big tonsils stone, or when I would swallow. So just look around in there a bit.

I MIGHT suggest squirting out that pocket if it is smelly, but if it is some kind of tumor, or something then I don't recommend squirting it. It could just be a piece of left over tonsil maybe? You can search for my post " my tips for removing tonsil stones" and the same thing might apply for cleaning out that pocket...

I recently discovered my bad breath problem goes away when I keep my tongue and tonsils clean. I did develop a case of Halitiphobia too because I never knew the problem went away and i thought for sure I had a major issue and that I smelled like with with every breath. I had nasty fecal breath from my mouth and nose by the way...

I wish i could help more, but I mainly only know about keeping the mouth clean... Good luck...

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2014 6:34 pm
You might try the antibiotics. Under the jaw issues are often times related to salivary gland
disorders. sialadenitis or any kind of infection would cause super smelly pus. It could very well be tonsils as well. They travel down into your throat all the way to the epiglottis and doctors usually don't go down that far when removing.

I would focus on the most likely causes and TMAU would not cause pus in your throat so rule that out. Zenker's would have a whole host of symptoms like gurgling in your throat and would be in your esophagus which would not allow you to palpate or express pus.

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2014 4:40 am
by Archimonde

1- Describe the reactions you get

2- How old were you when you 1st realized you had BB?

There was someone on this forum who was cured not too long ago after he had his palatine tonsils removed, I think?

Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2014 9:25 pm
by LivingDead
Sorry I am so late with this post. This has not been a good week for me

I noticed that people were reacting to an odor I may have about a year ago when I was 26. The type of reactions I get are mostly nose rubs and heavy breathing, I've also had people come close and then almost immediately take a few steps away from me . A lot of sniffing and coughing almost as if their choking on something in the throat and rude comments ie. "what's that smell" or "she smells" rotten eggs and sewage is what its compared to though no one has said anything to me directly . Kind of walk in on those awkward moments. I've had my palatine tonsils removed to no avail . So although I'm ecstatic for the person cured with the tonsillectomy , I sadly am not.

actually the more I research sialadenitis and its symptoms I'm starting to believe I've been looking in all the wrong places . When I initially went to the ENT my chief complaint was difficulty swallowing my saliva and that kind of spiraled out of control to him running test on dysphasia but I will print out the research I've done on sialadenitis and bring it to his attention . He has ordered a ct scan of the sinuses and I'm just wondering , do you think he'll be able to detect anything wrong with the salivary glands with the ct scan or should I have a separate x ray done ?

every ENT I've been to after my tonsillectomy has done a nasal endoscopy and all 17 of them said there is absolutely no tonsil tissue left . So I don't think I'm a candidate for tonsil stones in my palatine tonsils ,and they have also checked my lingual/adenoid tonsils and said that everything looks good . I don't believe I have tonsil stones in my lingual or adenoid tonsils but I do believe they are infected. Which I read somewhere that that can happen . But I do continue to keep my mouth as clean and healthy as humanly possible. Thank you for your advice though . It is appreciated .

Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2014 4:49 pm
by LivingDead
The sleep study came back negative for pretty much everything. A little abnormalities with my sleep pattern but nothing that would produce a strong odor . The ct scan of the sinuses came back and showed I have a cyst in my maxillary sinuses . Will keep you updated on any progress .