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Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2014 1:10 pm
by lookingforcure
Don't know where to begin. We are all here for a reason. Our halitosis has negatively affected our lives and we struggle everyday to get by. I want this thread to be informational and supportive for those suffering similar symptoms.

Sour taste in mouth
Breath is hot when cupping my hand ( I remember when having fresh breath, I felt NOTHING when)
Post nasal drip (occasionally)
Acid Reflux
Flatulence (gas) right after eating (my gas smells pretty bad now too)
Belching right after eating and HOURS after eating (at times when I wake up I belch from dinner the night before)

Here's what I have done. 3 months ago I had septoplasty due to suffering a deviated septum from playing basketball (trauma to the nose caused my septum sideways which disturbed normal mucous drainage). I still suffer from Post nasal drip but not as much. Bad breath still remains. I have an appointment with my ENT in about an hour for post op.

I was diagnosed with very small amounts of antibodies for H. Pylori (which meant that I had H. Pylori and my body was trying to get rid of it) Took Prevpac (omeprazole -acid reducer like Nexium, clarithromycin (I was told by many Physicians that this antibiotic causes HAVOC in your stomach in a negative way, and Amoxicillin) Bad breath still remains.

This past Thursday, I went to a very good GI and had endoscopy done. He found swelling of my esophagus (swelling indicates that there is an INFECTION, your BODY is trying reacting) He took a biopsy, the results have not come in yet.

About 2 weeks prior to my GI visit, I took the hydrogen breath test for SMALL INTESTINAL BACTERIAL OVERGROWTH. Now, after long discussions with my GI he told me SIBO is a very rare to find in a young, healthy patient like myself (22 years old, fit, active lifestyle, used to be a heavy smoker but cut down due to BB) Tested negative for small intestinal bacterial overgrowth but I discovered that I have ANAEROBIC BACTERIA that produces HYDROGEN and METHANE (that is what hydrogen breath tests for) in my stomach. For those interested, I took the Hydrogren Breath test at home because many doctors do not perform this exam. I bought the test kit myself online at quintron and it is very expensive ( $175) for the kit. I am no way promoting this product, I am just relaying information that I have found that may be causing my Bad breath.

Now this is information I'd like to know. Is anaerobic bacteria in your stomach normal? Is it normal at low levels? or should there be none at all. My thoughts are that these anaerobic buggers should not be in my body at all, and that is what is causing swelling of my esphogus. Now I cannot say much until I have another discussion with my GI when the results do come in, but I want this information shared and hopefully it helps someone cure their BB. Guys, I'm in the same shoes as you. Keep fighting man, I wish I could be there to support you. Just keep your head up, most sufferers like us have a problem within our stomachs and I really think it has to do with ANAEROBIC bacteria.

I will keep this updated but in the meantime I will like some thoughts on this topic. ANAEROBIC BACTERIA in our stomachs....

Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2014 2:50 pm
by lookingforcure
Hey guys just an update. Just had my appointment with my ENT. I should note that my ENT is very good as well.. very supportive in helping me deal with my problems. He checked my nose, said the septum is very straight. Took a look at what I am allergic too.. I have allergies to almost everything but not severe allergies, just slight reactions. Also he checked through my nose down to my throat and noted there was signs of acid reflux. Guys I'm pin Pointing my bad breath to acid reflux. You may not experience acid reflux but may have something called Laryngopharyngeal Reflux (LPR). Common symptoms of LPR are hoarseness or voice changes that are commonly worse in the morning, chronic cough or a cough during the night. Itching or tingling sensation in the back of the throat. Frequent throat clearing. Throat tightness. Bitter taste. Throat or ear discomfort. Difficulty swallowing. Bad breath (halitosis). Laryngospasm or the sensation losing your breath for a several seconds. Asthma, especially if it begins in adulthood. Post nasal drip, difficulty singing, especially loss of vocal range. I'm doing this off my phone as I am sitting here waiting to see my doctor one more time as I had my hearing checked (unrelated) and he wants to go over the results.

Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2014 2:58 pm
by lookingforcure
I will write the teatment for LPR once I get home and I have a question of lifestyle for you sufferers. I think if we can find similarities in our lifestyles and symptoms, we can pinpoint the cause of our BB.

"If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together"

Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2014 5:07 pm
by lookingforcure
Treatment for LPR


Spicy and acidic foods, including tomatoes, citrus fruits and juices, cranberry, apple and other juices
Carbonated Beverages
Mint and Menthol
Fatty Foods

STRESS - Reducing Stress decreases stomach acidity and reflux

WEIGHT MANAGEMENT :Obesity significantly increases reflux symptoms

Do not eat or drink anything, including water for three hours before lying down. It takes up to three hours for your stomach contents to empty into the intestine.

Discontinue smoking and tobacco use. Tobacco causes increased production of stomach acid and enzymes, delays emptying of the stomach and relaxes the lower gastroesophageal sphincter resulting in reflux,.

Avoid tight belts and tight clothing

Drink at least two liters (8 glasses) of water daily but not within three hours of lying down.


The most commonly prescribed and effect medications for management of reflux are proton pump inhibitors (Nexium, prevacid, Prilosec etc)

Now here is my lifestyle question for you guys. What are your eating habits? I know when I eat, and I did this ever since I was a young child I would over eat. You can call me spoiled but my parents would buy me anything that was food related and I would stuff myself till I couldnt breathe anymore.

Also, are you a smoker? I smoke marijuana. I used to be a heavy smoker, and when the munchies hit late night, I would go HAM (hero amongts men). I remember I would stuff myself and then pass out right away. This is not normal behavior of course and I'm thinking these bad habits of overeating, eating too late, along with smoking caused my sphincter to not operate properly. I want to know your thoughts and insights, and if we have similar lifestyle or past lifestyle that could cause this problem. I think my issue is with acid reflux and/or LPR now that I reflect on my prior lifestyle / current lifestyle. If you have BB, there needs to be a change. Really sit down and look at yourself. Reflect on what habits could cause such things. If you dont experience any of the symptoms I listed above, your BB may not be acid reflux / LPR related.

Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2014 11:08 am
by lookingforcure
"Where there is inflammation, there is an infection. We could assume that the antibiotics caused dysbiosis so you have an imbalanced flora. One cause of gastritis is h pylori bacteria. It may be that you just need to balance your gut.

I’d rather take a more broader approach because there is also a possibility that the problem started before the antibiotics but was just simmering. When one is dealing with medical conditions especially in the colon, there is the unknown so maybe a broader approach is more practical

Here are some things to consider

I would experiment with varying doses (2g to 30g) of L-glutamine. This helps repair the lining of the colon. I would recommend you put the L-glutamine in water and sip it through out the day. That will keep you colon more bathed in it. For some people, just this has worked wonders.

I would consider that fungal infection MAY have got out of control also so considering throwing in some Candida Gone into the mix.

I would take a probiotic with good amount of ACIDOPHILUS and BIFIDUS

I would take grapefruit seed extract for the colon inflammation

I would consider taking Apple Cider Vinegar (with mother) in water. The acidic environment can make it more difficult for some microbes to survive.

See if these improve things.

Inflammation of colon in general (IBD, Crohns, UC etc) may require more a more heavy approach. Your going to have to experiment. I would consider getting the AMP if less expensive methods aren’t working. Try for 2 months."

Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2014 7:37 pm
by lookingforcure
just an update guys

secretary for my GI called with the results for the food allergry test. I've suspected this all along, I have almost no allergies to food expect a very small reaction to milk ( very small ). I also asked her questions regarding the biopsy from my endoscopy. She said what the biopsy will test for is if i still have H. pylori and the structure of my cells to see if there are any deformities.

I also called my general practicioner to see if i could get a candida blood test done but she seemed confused when I asked her about it. She told me to come in on thursday for an appointment. Does anyone know the right terminology to use to ask for such a test?

The reason why I want the candida test done is because I have a long history use of antibiotics starting from a young age... Ear infection, sinus infection, acne, crazy sugar / food cravings (could be the munchies), halitosis, dry mouth, receding gums, post nasal dri.p.. the list goes on and on. But the symptoms for candida overgrowth and LPR seem to overlap one another... Prior to taking antibiotics, I was not suffering from LPR... Could it be that the yeast overgrowth is causing all of my problems?

I must wait and first find out if H. pylori is eradicatd but these are all questions that I have for myself and for anyone to give me any insight would be appreciated

here is the checklist for candida albicans

Digestive Troubles

Bad Breath,
Intestinal Pain,
Low Blood Sugar,
Food / sugar cravings,
Mouth or stomach ulcers,
Allergies (Air or Food),
Food Sensitivities,
Dry Mouth,
Receding Gums,
Hemorrhoids, rectal itch
Irritable bowel.

Anti-social Behavior,
Suicidal Tendencies,
Anxiety, high strung.
Skin & Joint Problems

Thrush, Diaper Rash,
Acne, Skin Rash or Hives,
Dry Skin & Itching,
Finger, toe or foot Fungus,
Athlete’s Foot,
Liver Spots,
Water Retention,
Joint Pain,
Muscle Aches,

Attention Deficit Disorder,
Lack of Impulse Control,
Female Problems

Vaginal Yeast Infection,
Menstrual Problems,
PMS Symptoms,
Bladder Infections,
No Sex Drive,
Hormonal Imbalance,
Iron Deficiency.
Mental & Emotional

Mental Fogginess, (Confused, spaced-out, blank stares, day dreaming)
Inability to Concentrate (Having to re-read the same thing twice)
Poor memory (Where are my car keys? or, Why did I come into this room?)
Mood Swings,
Immune Problems

Chronic Fatigue,
Asthma, Hay Fever,
Colds & Flu,
Puffy Eyes,
Respiratory Problems,
Chemical Sensitivity,
Epstein Barr Virus,
Adrenal/Thyroid Failure,
Ear Infections,
Chronic sore throat,
Post nasal drip,
Hair Loss,
Stuffed sinus (sinusitis),
Burning Eyes,
Premature Aging,

Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2014 11:42 pm
by lookingforcure
ive been prescribed antibiotics throughout my child hood to my teenage years to early adulthood...

i think this is what caused either a candida overgrowth or dysbiosis which directly affects my reflux (LPR). I come down to this because I am young healthy and during my childhood days I was a very healthy fit, active ( still am ) , iron stomach (able to eat anything and everything) etc

for those that have tried "everything" have you had this testing done?
Comprehensive Stool with Parisotology

here is a link ... cal-exams/

Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2014 4:37 am
by Trunks99
lookingforcure wrote:ive been prescribed antibiotics throughout my child hood to my teenage years to early adulthood...

i think this is what caused either a candida overgrowth or dysbiosis which directly affects my reflux (LPR). I come down to this because I am young healthy and during my childhood days I was a very healthy fit, active ( still am ) , iron stomach (able to eat anything and everything) etc

for those that have tried "everything" have you had this testing done?
Comprehensive Stool with Parisotology

here is a link ... cal-exams/
Have you tried drinking honey? Manuka honey would be best but regular honey would work too.

Try it daily for like few months. It helps the stomach.

Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2014 9:43 am
by lookingforcure
I bought strong manuka honey couple months ago but discontinued use because I saw no relief... but I will continue to use again. Thanks trunks for your advice.

But in reality... I've never experienced LPR (lump in throat especially and I feel it 24/7 now)... ONLY post use of antibiotics. Guys, if you are one of those that tried everything but cannot find a cure... please get the comprehensive stool test done. I really think this is what is causing my issue of BB.. gut dysbiosis. Like I said, besides my BB I am a very healthy 22 years old male... active lifestyle, outgoing etc like we all once were... but my problems seemed to Have occurred with my prolonged history / use of antibiotics that is causing digestion/motility issues, belching immediately after eating along with terrible smelling flatulence, terrible and chronic halitosis, at times nausea, sugar cravings, lower libido (for sure, I used to be able to have sex, immediately after gong one time... now I'm one and done)....

For those that seem incurable. .please do not self diagnose yourself. Get tested to see the cause / causes of your problem and treat from there. I know itsstressful as I am stressed, quitting my job, dropped out of school etc.. but better days are to come. We are here to support each other. But for your sake, get testing done. Get an upper endoscopy along with a biopsy. Get a comprehensive stool test done (especially if you have history of antibiotic use) and if you are like me.who has immaculate dental hygiene, your teeth and gums is most likely not the cause of your BB... I've had 3 different doctors (my GP / GI / ENT) who all said the cause of my BB is from reflux.... I NEVER HAD reflux prior to using antibiotics more specifically the Prevpaxk I took to try and eradicate h. Pylori... there is an imbalance of flora in me and I will get the comprehensive stool test done to confirm my suspicions.

Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2014 9:47 am
by lookingforcure
And I've also read. Manuka honey isn't as effective as it gets diluted from your saliva and water (you aren't supposed to drink anything for at least 30 mins after using manuka). Perhaps that is why I see little to no relief (more like no relief)

Let me know your thoughts and questions guys and gals.

Key note
If you have a prolong history / use of antibiotics.. chances are gut dysbiosis maybe a cause / causes for your BB

Edit **
Gut dysbiosis can be an overgrowth of yeast (candida), viruses, parasites, AND/OR pathogenic bacteria.

Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2014 2:33 pm
by lookingforcure
Appointment with my GI in an hour to go pick up my stool kit along with a handful of questions.

Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2014 7:09 pm
by lookingforcure
Back from my appointment with my G.I.

I was given the results from my biopsy / endoscopy. H. Pylori has been eradicated, nothing irregular with the cells in my stomach which are all positives.

I told him my complaints about LPR (lump in throat, indigestion, motility issues, at times nausea, belching, bad breath etc.) He said although he has no clear explanation as every person's body reacts differently, there are levels of increased production of acid after eradicating H. Pylori so that may answer why I started to experience LPR POST antibiotic usage (I've also read this over the internet that acid levels increase post treatment for H. Pylori after successfully eradicating it)

He asked if I was getting any relief from taking omeprazole (40 mg). I told him no, there is a consistent feeling of a lump in my throat 24/7 (with no heartburn) so he prescribed me a very expensive acid reducer called Dexilant ($70 for like 30 pills - unbelievable). I started that today. He also said how the mind can cause reflux (i think he said it's called functional reflux)

I also asked him questions about the stool test. Although I didn't order the Comprehensive Stool Analysis ($375 over the internet), I took the test kit that he gave me

Gram Stain (I had to circle this on the form myself because he must have forgotten or didn't want it done)
OVO and Parasite Test

And my experience of doing the stool test sucks. You literally have to take a dump on a paper plate, then use the kit to put it into small sterile containers. Nasty stuff man, plain nasty.

So all in all, H. Pylori is gone. My LPR reflux symptoms may be due to the the acid levels fluctuating due to the eradication of the bacterium, along with me eating big meals (big meals = more acid production , but this was irrelevant before antibiotic use)

I'm waiting on the stool test, hoping to find a pathogenic bacteria, or an abundance of gram-negative anaerobic bacteria in my intestines that is causing all my problems.

Bad Breath REMAINS.........

Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2014 12:42 am
by lookingforcure
I will buy a fruit juicing machine very soon and start making fruit juices to boost and detoxify my immune system

Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2014 3:15 pm
by lookingforcure

Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2014 4:28 pm
by lookingforcure
guys... a little breakthrough

i ate a normal breakfast... (havent changed my diet because my GI said I shouldnt have to as i "look" healthy from his perspective

but this time I took 3x digestive enzymes...

Reflux (lump in throat) has significantly decreased....pretty much NO belching... but still bad breath and terrible gas...

and i didnt take dexilant