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Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2014 7:25 pm
by dollymary1
Hi everyone, I had my wisdom tooth removed yesterday and I would like to share my findings.

The surgery was bad at all, took about 30 minutes, I was numb afterwards so I couldn't feel a thing. Once the numbing wore off it was quite sore but not unbearable. It's getting much better now still sore but again very bearable.

As far as my breath goes, my tongue is very yellow coated right up to the tip, I haven't brushed it or my teeth as I can't open my mouth wide enough. I've been gargling with salt water 3 times a day. I can smell my breath if I breathe onto fabric e.g. Clothes. It kind if smells like hospitals but a bit more 'bad breathy'.

I don't think this is the complete cure for me but I'm excited to see if my breath improves as my wisdom tooth STUNK before. I will keep posting over the next week or so.

Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2014 12:34 pm
by dollymary1
Few days after, my tongue is much less yellow coated, I had to go to work today, normally when I come back from work my tongue is very yellow, but today is was more of a pinky white.
I have also noticed my morning breath isn't as bad, besides from the cheesy smell and taste coming from the wound where the wisdom tooth was.
Oddly enough, I had been suffering from median rhomboid glossitis on my tongue, this is like a pinky/red circle on the tongue caused by fungus. After my wisdom tooth extraction the MRG has disappeared?
I don't want to get my hopes up, but I feel like this is another step towards being bad breath free.

Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2014 7:20 pm
by Mac
Hey Dolly. Are you in the UK by any chance and did your dentist remove it solely on the basis of it smelling bad? When I floss between my wisdom tooth (which has grown at a weird angle) and the next molar there is a smell and it's really hard to get rid of. I'm going to mention it I think next time I go. She did say something last time about it being hard to brush properly and sufficiently with a normal toothbrush so she should be sympathetic.

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2014 11:48 pm
by dollymary1
Mac wrote:Hey Dolly. Are you in the UK by any chance and did your dentist remove it solely on the basis of it smelling bad? When I floss between my wisdom tooth (which has grown at a weird angle) and the next molar there is a smell and it's really hard to get rid of. I'm going to mention it I think next time I go. She did say something last time about it being hard to brush properly and sufficiently with a normal toothbrush so she should be sympathetic.
Yes I'm in the uk, they removed it because it was very swollen and infected. I don't believe this is the complete cure for me, as I've had bad breath since I was around 10 or 11 and surely wisdom teeth can't come in that early.

I would definetly mention it to your dentist, I think there's been a few people on here who have been cured from wisdom teeth extractions.