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I am back and I do have halitosis mouth and nose - not ORS

Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2015 12:25 am
by thissux
Hi friends, been awhile. When I was on previously, the man I was living with at the time told me I had no odor issues and even posted on the site. Well, we have since split up - still talk on occasion but I have confirmed and very foul, room filling halitosis from nose and mouth. I had previously applied for SSDI for my depression, anxiety, agoraphobia, hospitalization, told it was all in my head, given meds for anxiety, depression, even meds they give to people with bipolar as I was told I was "delusional". Well, he and I split up, not my choice, I had to move out and had to apply for a job, with help from my dad who knows the owner and I have been getting all the reactions and harrassesed, even hit in the back, people coming up sniffing the air asking me "how do you smell today" among many other cruel things. So, I was on my way to hopefully getting SSDI which I could live on, now renting a room, getting ready to get let go because I had to file with my boss finally after getting hit in the back by a man. I went to an ENT two weeks ago and he diagnosed me with GERD - previous diagnosis LPR reflux and HALITOSIS, as well as said I was wheezing and possible asthma though probable one of the LPR related breathing problems. I do have this crap and it can easily fill an office, the bus, people wave their hand in front of their face, Hold their nose. He lied to me and sometimes I believed it was all in my head and I prayed it was. Well, it isn't and now what does one do? I am an attractive woman, previously going to compete for pro card in fitness, previously going to college for Physical Therapy and had a great job when this started. Now what to do? Does anyone live in Central Florida? I did one meet up before and I could not smell them, they rubbed their nose but said they can not smell me. People at work know I am nice but they just can't cope with the odor. Comments "God that is so nasty". I live just outside of Orlando. Anyone want to meet up? Make friends? This has been going on three years plus now. It is a lonely place to be isn't it? How is everyone making a living? Do you have to live at home, anyone have ideas? I'm sad to be back, however, you all really understand this. Has anyone here ever thought we should try dating each other if we are single and perhaps cannot smell each other? Try to carve out some happiness and someone to laugh with during the down times. Please reply guys. Hi Jimi, hope you are doing okay. I've got the halitosis and possible b/o combo. Oh well for the ORS. Hugs everyone - thissux :?

Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2015 9:39 pm
by Anita
in my case, when I'm nervous and stress on my BB and BO worsen. Try to relax in public.
When I leave home I take anxiolytics too.

I know it's hard.
Here in Brazil at least do not practice much bullyng. only teens

Have you tried brushing the tongue as well? and bismuth?
Do not eat a lot of meat and milk has helped me.

Do not give up. I'm sure when we cured at least served to be better people.

sorry google translate

Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2015 11:07 pm
by AloneLoner
Hi thissux and Anita. I have been with this problem for much longer and have come to cope with the problem much better by ignoring peoples subtle reactions. I guess as far as remedies goes keep trying to read different methods and keep strong. I work in a place where my interaction is limited but have pretty much been reduced to keeping myself entertained and happy. As far dating each other, I don't think its viable. I have encountered others with bad breath on the level of our kind and not just morning breath variety and it is quite pungent. Enough so that I have to limit interaction with them. So I can see where others are coming from when they avoid me. If you can find someone who can tolerate the smell then congradulations.

I will try to avoid eating meats and sugar as they make my whole respitory system out of whack.

Good luck and I hope you can find some comfort in knowing there is hope. Stay strong and find happiness where you can because inner happiness is important in fighting this.