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God revealed to me Our Cure to Badbreath

Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2015 6:42 pm
by komobee
Like many of you, i have tried almost everything I thought would cure my nasal and fecal breath. From expensive toothpaste, mouthwashes, nasal flushing, oil pulling, waterpick, regular visit to dentist, seeing help from medical professionals, taking unnecessary vitamins and supplements, mouth cleaning regimen, going vegan, fasting, chelation,etc, etc. BUT to no avail, none of those cured my offensive breath. Since, it didnt help at all, i just stick to brushing and flossing my teeth, no more mouthwash either.
Then just this week, I was thinking about our normal diet that is different from others. And Praise God because He revealed to me that it was Fermented Food. I ate it with meals, even drink the juice. I notice a stinky smell in my nose like a stinky feet and I poop like I was having IBS, which I ignored and keep on eating my fermemted food. Since I didnt feel any pain so I thought it was like getting out the unwanted thing inside my gut. On the third day, it starts to normalize and the stinky smell in my nose disappeared. Also during that time I went to a grocery and accidentally burped in front of a man, and didnt see reaction at all. I also ordered water kefir online, and WOW, the result is really amazing. Basically its also fermented water which the kefir grains are producing. There are also food that should be avoided until we normalize the micro flora in our gut, dont eat dairy products and chocolates. Eat a balance meal with your homemade fermented food. Dont put vinegar on your fermented food because it will keep the good bacteria from fermenting. Just use filtered water and salt to your prefered fruit or veggies. So there you go, God wants us to be healed and I Praise God Almighty and His Son Jesus Christ for this Wonderful and powerful blessings to us.
PLEase all I ask is to always thank God The Father through His Son Our Lord Jesus Christ all through your life.
May Our Experience teach Us to be humble in life and to be considerate to other who suffer from offensive odors. Be a friend, be a blessing!