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What Cured My Halitosis/Bad Breath - Tonsils and Adenoids - BEWARE SIDE EFFECTS, CHOKING ON LIQUIDS, 9YEARS SCAM????

Everything related with bad breath can be found here. Everything about products, research, news about bad breath......
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Re: What Cured My Halitosis/Bad Breath - Tonsils and Adenoids

Post by StillHoping »

@Jess I also get random choking on any fluids as well and yes I do regret it too :( that sucks that it has made you situation worse. I now believe it should only be done for people who had actual tonsil stones - cuz atleast it would be beneficial for that aspect

@Jimi yes, I do have to admit you warned us. Although in my case, I didn't have to go to that clinic he recommended - luckily it is free in Canada. I will make a donation on my next paycheck, hope it helps

2012: Wisdoms remov
2015: Tonsils+adenoids remov
2017: TMAU1 & 2 Negative
2019: Internal biopsies normal
2019: Completed SIBO treatment
2020: DigEnzymes help but side effects
+ low fodmap/GERD diet also help
Jimi Stein
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Re: What Cured My Halitosis/Bad Breath - Tonsils and Adenoids

Post by Jimi Stein »

You see I am afraid to let people like 9years come here, he was a marketing guy working for a oral surgeon.....
he tricked us all I think.....his story just did not sound right.....very fishy

so beware,now we have results, but sadly some people got the side effects...
***k you 9years you biggot.....he said this is the ultimate cure.....maybe ultimate paycheck for him and his surgeon boss.....

people are just monsters....people be you are choking on liquids.....can you sue the bastard?
This is me, Jimi Stein, I created this site in December 2005. Welcome.
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Re: What Cured My Halitosis/Bad Breath - Tonsils and Adenoids - BEWARE SIDE EFFECTS, CHOKING ON LIQUIDS, 9YEARS SCAM????

Post by marija »

I'am cured 80% with tonsilectomy ,.and I'am so happy
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Re: What Cured My Halitosis/Bad Breath - Tonsils and Adenoids - BEWARE SIDE EFFECTS, CHOKING ON LIQUIDS, 9YEARS SCAM????

Post by Hope90 »

Does that mean that everyone who gets their adenoids removed, they have this choking saliva situation? This is my first post btw. I had tonsils removed, but i had no idea adenoids also have crypts? that can store bacteria? Im considering getting them removed, but dont want to be left worse. What to do?
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Re: What Cured My Halitosis/Bad Breath - Tonsils and Adenoids - BEWARE SIDE EFFECTS, CHOKING ON LIQUIDS, 9YEARS SCAM????

Post by Life_Goes_On »

Hope90 wrote:Does that mean that everyone who gets their adenoids removed, they have this choking saliva situation? This is my first post btw. I had tonsils removed, but i had no idea adenoids also have crypts? that can store bacteria? Im considering getting them removed, but dont want to be left worse. What to do?
It depends on the individual because I had my tonsils and adenoids removed a month ago and I received zero negative side effects from it. However, my bad breath has remained the same as before surgery.
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Re: What Cured My Halitosis/Bad Breath - Tonsils and Adenoids - BEWARE SIDE EFFECTS, CHOKING ON LIQUIDS, 9YEARS SCAM????

Post by Hope90 »

Did the post nasal drip decrease at all? or dont you have post nasal drip to begin with? Adenoids and even lingual tonsils can have their own tonsil stones, is this confirmed? Cause it would make the situation worse having post nasal drip and mucus going in those crypts cause bad bacteria onto the tongue. I think to be safe, i might the adenoid and lingual tonsils lasered or something. What do you think? Thanks for replying too.
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Re: What Cured My Halitosis/Bad Breath - Tonsils and Adenoids - BEWARE SIDE EFFECTS, CHOKING ON LIQUIDS, 9YEARS SCAM????

Post by Hope90 »

And does the back of your throat feel any different? No choking on saliva, and hasnt made any symptoms worse? Has anyone on here had Lingual tonsils lasered do you know?
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Re: What Cured My Halitosis/Bad Breath - Tonsils and Adenoids - BEWARE SIDE EFFECTS, CHOKING ON LIQUIDS, 9YEARS SCAM????

Post by miki1984 »

Success thank you god,need to share this story.

My name is Srdjan i am 33 years old from Belgrade ,SERBIA ,was suffering from Halitosis from childhood
My symptoms.

Bad taste in mouth ,strong rotten egg smell fart smell,constant nasal infections with no reason,strong headaches,postnasal drip,sinusitis symptoms.

Four days ago ORL Surgeon removed my healty looking adennoid at my own risk...After the operation doctor told me that when he pulled it out the white liquid was pouring from adenoid,but the anatomy and look of the adenoid was normal,and Ct scan was showing nothing not normal and the nasal endoscopic examination showed nothing bad inside...MY ADENOID WAS ACTING LIKE RESERVOIR FOR BACTERIA .The same story like 9 years

My mouth now feel normal such a difference,no headaches,.... Nine years saved my life...THANK YOU NINE YEARS FOR THIS POST... :):)

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Re: What Cured My Halitosis/Bad Breath - Tonsils and Adenoids - BEWARE SIDE EFFECTS, CHOKING ON LIQUIDS, 9YEARS SCAM????

Post by Dead »

miki1984 wrote:Success thank you god,need to share this story.

My name is Srdjan i am 33 years old from Belgrade ,SERBIA ,was suffering from Halitosis from childhood
My symptoms.

Bad taste in mouth ,strong rotten egg smell fart smell,constant nasal infections with no reason,strong headaches,postnasal drip,sinusitis symptoms.

Four days ago ORL Surgeon removed my healty looking adennoid at my own risk...After the operation doctor told me that when he pulled it out the white liquid was pouring from adenoid,but the anatomy and look of the adenoid was normal,and Ct scan was showing nothing not normal and the nasal endoscopic examination showed nothing bad inside...MY ADENOID WAS ACTING LIKE RESERVOIR FOR BACTERIA .The same story like 9 years

My mouth now feel normal such a difference,no headaches,.... Nine years saved my life...THANK YOU NINE YEARS FOR THIS POST... :):)

Are you taking any antibiotics at the moment since the surgery? How big was the adenoid? Congrats on the cure!
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Re: What Cured My Halitosis/Bad Breath - Tonsils and Adenoids - BEWARE SIDE EFFECTS, CHOKING ON LIQUIDS, 9YEARS SCAM????

Post by miki1984 »


No i don t take any antibiotic,adenoid was looking healty and normal in size..
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Re: What Cured My Halitosis/Bad Breath - Tonsils and Adenoids - BEWARE SIDE EFFECTS, CHOKING ON LIQUIDS, 9YEARS SCAM????

Post by Bb5yrs »

My tonsils were full of tonsil stones, I just performed a tonsillectomy about a month ago and bb is not gone!
Tonsillectomy - Check
Sinus Surgery - Check
Dentist Examination - Check
H Pylori - Positive & got treatment - Check
Post nasal drip - tried temporary medication to stop it but BB didn't go - Check
Mouth Swab Clear - Check
Jimi Stein
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Re: What Cured My Halitosis/Bad Breath - Tonsils and Adenoids - BEWARE SIDE EFFECTS, CHOKING ON LIQUIDS, 9YEARS SCAM????

Post by Jimi Stein »

miki1984 wrote:Success thank you god,need to share this story.

My name is Srdjan i am 33 years old from Belgrade ,SERBIA ,was suffering from Halitosis from childhood
My symptoms.

Bad taste in mouth ,strong rotten egg smell fart smell,constant nasal infections with no reason,strong headaches,postnasal drip,sinusitis symptoms.

Four days ago ORL Surgeon removed my healty looking adennoid at my own risk...After the operation doctor told me that when he pulled it out the white liquid was pouring from adenoid,but the anatomy and look of the adenoid was normal,and Ct scan was showing nothing not normal and the nasal endoscopic examination showed nothing bad inside...MY ADENOID WAS ACTING LIKE RESERVOIR FOR BACTERIA .The same story like 9 years

My mouth now feel normal such a difference,no headaches,.... Nine years saved my life...THANK YOU NINE YEARS FOR THIS POST... :):)

please update use after 1 month it could be antibiotic still working .....
This is me, Jimi Stein, I created this site in December 2005. Welcome.
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Re: What Cured My Halitosis/Bad Breath - Tonsils and Adenoids - BEWARE SIDE EFFECTS, CHOKING ON LIQUIDS, 9YEARS SCAM????

Post by Summerside »

9YearsToFindCure wrote:
This is Jimi Stein, just putting a note here, so you will really think about it going to this surgeon that 9 years mentioned it here, Larian or something like this. 9years was very fishy, scammy guy, he worked as a merketer in an office of oral surgeon, I think he still does. His story did not seem real to me....For Surgeon it is a money day, when you have to pay him 10000 usd per surgery.....and I suspect this is what was going on, they wanted to profit from us, dont forget....9years does marketing for oral surgeon as a living....he might never had a bad breath at all.....he said this was the ultimate cure for all bad breath sufferers....sadly it was not...the people here were so scammed, they went to the same surgeon in Cali, Larian, that charged them 10000 usd for surgery.....and the result was.....bad breath was not gone, it got even the members fro our board claim they choke on liquids and are sad about doing the surgery from the start.....members are Jess and few others...BEWARE people can be monsters...when the money is the question....10000 usd is a lot of money.....

Hello, how can you know if you have tonsil stones? I cannot even see my tondils but my naturopath told me they grew back.
She was useless by the way. Just gave me probiotics and told me to restrict my diet which didnt help

Thank you

I know how most of you are suffering and I want to share my story because I believe it may contain the answer for many of you.

I had braces in my mid twenties and once they came off in 2005, I started having bad breath, PND, white tongue and discovered that I had tonsil stones. I saw my ENT and he said the only way to resolve this problem was a tonsillectomy. I had the operation performed within weeks of finding out and went through the 10 days of excruciating pain, which is what it takes to recover from this surgery as an adult. A month or so after the surgery the tonsil stones were gone, but my wife told me that the halitosis was still there. I was devastated. I went back to the ENT but he had no answers. Since then, I've tried everything from diet, Therabreath, nasal sprays, nasal steroids, H. Pylori test is clear, tongue scrapers, mouth washes, multiple ENTs, you name it and I've done it. Needless to say, it was hard to live like this. I had almost accepted that I would have halitosis for life, but I'm not the type to give up so in 2014, with a renewed fervor to find myself a cure to this miserable state, I finally did. It is the ****ing "Adenoids". In 2005, I had even asked my original ENT if I should have them out and he said no. He had said they shrink down to almost nothing as an adult and he didn't see any inflammation in them. It's complete bullshit and he was dead wrong. The inflammation and tonsil stone smelling, nasty bacteria infested tissue is under the adenoids. They are a type of tonsil too (pharyngeal tonsils) and have their own tiny tonsil stones that are undetectable without a CT and have no clinical symptoms. I found another new ENT and he was willing to remove them for me. The surgery and recovery was painless. After the surgery, my cauterized adenoids crusted off and my bad breath was gone, just like that. Bottom line, if you have halitosis and any kind of tonsil stones, insist on getting your tonsils and adenoids removed. If your ENT won't do it, then tell him to ***k off and find one that will. It saved my life!

If you want to talk or have a question for me, feel free to reach out.

Here are the links that pointed me in the direction of my cure. But the decision to have the 2nd surgery was mine alone and done on faith because I had a sense that the smell, white tongue, and PND were coming from the adenoid region.

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