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Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2015 9:47 pm
by Atrial
ijwbtrma wrote:Atrial, you have no idea. You are still deceiving your self because your subconscious mind is trying to make you believe that your mouth isn't dirty. Dude! I'm sure 95% of the people here have halitosis from tongue including you.... You all have to stop deceiving yourselves and blaming your internal system. I used to do that too.... Why did Jimi have a 4/5 rating when his tongue odor was checked and then a 2/5 rating when his nasal odor was checked??? TONGUE!!! STOP DECEIVING YOURSELVES.

I wish it was oral related because oral bb is so easy to fix.
You are were I was about 18 months ago until finally I realised it's not due to oral/tongue
I can't believe how stupid I was wasting all that time believing it was oral related.
If it was oral related antibacterial mouthwashes that kill 99.9 % would have worked for us.
It takes at least 4 hours to bacteria to reach original population and start causing odor again so if mouth wash does not work then it's not oral related.

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2015 1:41 am
by thanatos
Atrial wrote:
Corpsebreath wrote:
Atrial wrote:
you're deluded if you think your bb is due to your mouth
Tell me then, what's my bb due to? TMAU?

If it's due to your mouth then learn how to clean your dirty mouth and buy a toothbrush.
That's not how it works

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2015 2:08 am
by somethinstinks
Atrial wrote:Just use the Zinc mouth wash to find out 100%
oddly ive never heard that before... is this accurate? and is there a zinc mouthwash you would recommend? I'd give it a shot and see what happens

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2015 2:19 pm
by Atrial
somethinstinks wrote:
Atrial wrote:Just use the Zinc mouth wash to find out 100%
oddly ive never heard that before... is this accurate? and is there a zinc mouthwash you would recommend? I'd give it a shot and see what happens

Cb12 is a good one