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Tonsillectomy, Adenoidectomy, Septoplasty & Turbinate Re

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2015 1:21 am
by whatdidido
Today is day 4 of my procedures and I'm impatiently waiting for the dreadful part of this surgery to kick in. I can honestly say that my throat feels fine, although my nose is stuffy and sharp pains do kick in here and there. I stopped taking pain medication because i truly believe the narcotics are what make this healing process difficult or worse. (puking, nausea etc.)

My breath is dreadful-- for once i can actually say i can taste and smell my breath and good god... the idea that my actual breath may smell like this or worse is pretty ****ing ridiculous.

I have a post op appointment on Tuesday afternoon so i will update you all then. I have a feeling the doc may have found a cyst or two-- the day before my surgery i began to have throat pain, and looking at the back of my throat, i could either actually see my adenoids protruding from where they are located or other infected looking tissue just dangling with fluid/puss coming out...Anyway, we will see what he says...I return back to school the following Tuesday so, fingers crossed, this is it for me!

I know a few of you have had this procedure so I was hoping someone could tell me what day 5 and thereon are like? I have three midterms the week i get back and I'm hoping that starting Monday (tomorrow) i can get on my feet and get to studying! Also all the stories I've been reading online don't seem to relate to me, I'm sure people who have had a decent recovery don't usually post so I'm hoping one of yall have some more/good information you can share.

Keep your heads up :)

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2015 3:32 am
by Bear44
I had a tonsillectomy, adenoidectomy, and turbinate resection about two months ago. I was really hopeful it would cure me, but it hasn't. The 7 day post-op antibiotic regime made my breath perfect. I was in pain but was in heaven because I thought I was cured.

The recuperation process for me was rough and peaked on day 4/5ish. All I remember was that I was forcing myself to drink at least a gallon of ice water a day and eating lots of soft foods to get as many calories as possible.

I have a physical tomorrow with a general doctor and am going to bring up my breath issues and see what she thinks or if she can look at my lingual tonsils as I feel these may play a role in what's going on orally.

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2015 4:32 am
by whatdidido
Hey Bear

Im surprised the antibiotics made your breath perfect even though there is quite a mess in there. Im also on antibiotics for ten days, started the day after my surgery but it hasn't even touched the smell or taste in my mouth.

Sorry this surgery didn't work for you, there are so many different variables that even similar sounding stories can be so different from each other. Ill be mortified if this doesn't work for me...i'm really sorry again!

Could you tell me when your scabs started to fall off and what it was like? Thats the part i'm terrified for..did you just not notice and swallow them or was it very noticeable? Ive been coughing non stop cause i have scratches down my throat so I'm scared of bleeding, I'm wondering if this is a sign they may be ready to come off? Ive already lost 9 pounds so I'm hoping to move onto harder foods tonight without worrying about bleeding.

Please follow up on here with what your doctor says about your breath tomorrow-- i think my next step is looking at my lingual tonsils as well if this doesn't work!!

Good luck!

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2015 5:08 pm
by Bear44
I really hope it works for you as well!! It does for a number of people.

I was drinking so much water and trying to eat a lot of soft foods on a daily basis so my scabs didn't 'fall' off. They just slowly faded away, turning from white, to pinkish. I guess because of the constant soft abrasion from water/food slowly chipping away at it.

I think the antibiotics suppressed the odor causing bacteria, but when my cycle was done they came back.

I lost about 5 lbs. after my surgery, but it comes back quick.

Hope for a quick and easy recovery for you!

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2015 9:05 pm
by Bear44
The doctor visit was basically useless...Besides having to wait an hour before going to the exam room, when I mentioned lingual tonsils, her response was:

"Lingual tonsils??? I've never heard of those."

As soon as she said that I knew she couldn't help me.

She just ordered a CT scan of my sinuses to see what was up with those, but I'll have to see another doctor who knows the basics of anatomy and physiology.

Hope your recovery is going smoothly!

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2015 9:28 pm
by sun123
whatdidido - good luck with the recovery process …hope it turns out to be successful in the results you want to achieve

bear44 - unfortunate that you got a doctor who did not know what lingual tonsils were (doctors can be so frustrating a lot of the times!!!)….. think you are right and that you should pursue getting lingual tonsillectomy, it may be the solution that you are looking for, as you have tried the other procedures…

myself - done septoplasty, turbinate reduction and laser tonsillectomy. Not worked yet. There has been improvement though. I still have a little palatine tonsils remaining, so currently I am trying to find a surgeon who can remove them the traditional way (knife) and perform adenoidectomy on me.

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2015 12:37 am
by StillHoping
heyyyyyyyy :)

congrats on getting this done, and I truly pray this is it for you! Fingers crossed!!

MY one advise is; whatever you do, DO NOT start eating hard foods TRUST ME! Just like you; I was in no pain for the first week- which was very surprising based on all the horror stories I had read online. So I felt confident, started eating normally and that's when it all went downhill. The pain was truly excruciating and I hope I never have to experience something like that again. Try as best to wait until the 2 week mark before you start eating normally!

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2015 12:38 am
by whatdidido
She obviously wasn't an ENT specialist then right? Thats ridiculous nonetheless... I would try not to waste my time with regular doctors, although ENTs seem to be clueless as well, regular doctors are just gonna tell you whatever comes to mind and call it a day. Ive had my eyes on a sleep clinic in my city that specializes in lingual tonsil removal-- i believe you either have to have sleep apnea, or enlarged lingual tonsils so I'm going to explore that route if need be. Hopefully you can get in to see a specialist soon Bear!!

Thanks guys, recovery is getting worse by the hour actually but oxycodone works very well in masking the pain. Sun123-- I didnt really realize that you had your tonsils laser removed and didn't get the adenoidectomy... why did you choose that route? From what I've read, and like you've stated, that still leaves a good portion/chunk of your tonsils embedded. Maybe thats why you have had some relief but not 100%. Im going to ask how the doctor removed mine but I'm just assuming he cauterized them!

Posted: Fri Oct 30, 2015 7:07 am
by sun123
I only went that route because I had no other choice. No one was willing to perform tonsillectomy/adenoidectomy on me. So I finally found a surgeon (after seeing many) who was willing to do tonsillectomy but he only does it by laser, so I had to settle for that. He did not think I need adenoidectomy and I could not convince him to remove them.

Posted: Fri Oct 30, 2015 7:19 am
by whatdidido
Still Hoping-- I didn't see your post, i think we must have posted right at the same time!! Haha i wish i would have read that previously because i dove right into solid foods. I was honestly perfectly fine at first, and didn't want to lose any more weight so i went and had some ribs....just writing "the pain was excruciating" is an understatement. I couldn't drink or eat for almost 2 days, had to go to the hospital and get an IV cause i was dehydrated lol. My parents drove me around the whole city trying to find a doctor who would actually write me a prescription for percocets! Anyway, I'm almost 100% now, just patiently waiting for some results!! Id love to go out for dinner with you again, we should set something up :)

My follow up at the ENT was nothing really insightful. ENT said my tonsils were huge and juicy. I asked him if they were infected..he said they were just huge and juicy. I hate this guy, he makes it apparent that I'm a burden in his day lol.

Sun123-- Oh okay fair enough, i would have done the same thing. Not sure how it works in the city you are in, but i recommend you telling your doctor that you keep getting strep throat/tonsillitis. If you get it a certain amount of times per year, i think its 5-6, they have to remove them!! Good luck, don't give i said before, if you had some relief by just laser on your tonsils, then imagine what removed them and your adenoids would do!!

Posted: Fri Oct 30, 2015 12:23 pm
by StillHoping
whatdidido- no worries, I noticed that too we posted at the same time haha. Glad to hear ur feeling better now; have you noticed any improvements?

And yes I'd definitely be down for dinner or something, feel free to let me know whenever ur completely healed :)

Posted: Fri Oct 30, 2015 5:20 pm
by Amro
Bear44 wrote:I had a tonsillectomy, adenoidectomy, and turbinate resection about two months ago. I was really hopeful it would cure me, but it hasn't. The 7 day post-op antibiotic regime made my breath perfect. I was in pain but was in heaven because I thought I was cured.

The recuperation process for me was rough and peaked on day 4/5ish. All I remember was that I was forcing myself to drink at least a gallon of ice water a day and eating lots of soft foods to get as many calories as possible.

I have a physical tomorrow with a general doctor and am going to bring up my breath issues and see what she thinks or if she can look at my lingual tonsils as I feel these may play a role in what's going on orally.

I had septoplasty( septum correction) and turbinte reduction last year hoping it will cure, unfortunately, it did not. However, I found out that cause it is a dental crown ! I had 2 crown and they stinks. tons of dentists said the crowns are fine. I insisted to have them removed and no dentist will do it because they think they are okay and removing them is not a good stand procedure from them as a dentists ! I finally was able to convince a dentist to remove the crown , and bad breath almost cured !!! Not 100% but at lest I was able to interact with people .

around 3 month ago bad breath came back, this time due to tonsils, they got even more bigger and they bleed somtimes, Got them removed on 10/22/15 which is last week , I am a week now post surgery, I can say that my breathe feels better !! However, the wonds are not completely healed, so I woke up this morning with bad breath, i don't know if I will get cured after I healed or no, but I am positive because at least my breath smell better now.

Also since you had turbinte reduction, have noticed bad breath from nose ? because when I had strep throat and my mouth stink my nose dose as well because when I had the sinus surgery the air pathways in my nose are pretty wide and clear, so basically breathing from nose is almost like breathng from mouth, and air dose not get filtered. i hope you get what i mean, english not my mother language

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2015 10:51 pm
by Bear44

Visited the ENT today and he reviewed my CT scan along with looking at my lingual tonsils through my nose with that camera thingy.

CT scan showed I have a polyp/cyst in my nose, my septum is very very deviated, and he also said my allergies were bad while looking in my nose.

He went into my nose with a scope and down my throat then told me to stick my tongue out. He said my lingual tonsils looked normal but he saw food coming from my throat and said I have acid reflux and prescribed me prilosec. He thinks it's the acid reflux that's causing my BB, but I don't know if it is.

My question is, if acid reflux is the culprit, then how do you explain my BB while water fasting, juice fasting, dry fasting, and raw milk fasting? Can you have acid reflux if you fast for 2 1/2 days on only water? Also, my breath was perfect when taking antibiotics after my tonsillectomy and I was eating lots of food during that time soo...I forgot to mention these things to him because there was so much going on with scopes in my nose and ct scan talk...

Just so fed up...

Getting nasal surgery to fix my septum and take out that polyp probably within the next month.

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2015 10:55 pm
by Atrial
Anti-acid medications will make your bb worse because you need acid for proper digestion of food.

Posted: Thu Nov 05, 2015 8:35 am
by compor
Hello Bear44,

As far as I know, the main reason for acid reflux is the weakening of the LES. So the contents of your stomach leak up to create the smell, which should be pretty nasty even while fasting.

In theory, the operation called "Laparoscopic Nissen Fundoplication" should fix acid reflux (along with the bb resulting from it), however it has some severe potential side effects. I personally have spoken to some people who had this operation, they had mixed thoughts. Past 5 years, I have seen maybe 8 different gastroenterologists, not a single one suggested that I have this operation. I am guessing it's much much easier for them to prescribe PPIs for acid reflux patients.