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The cure finally. Marine biome growing inside of us

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2015 3:25 pm
by meowkity1
Ok people get ready for this it is very very seriou. We as a planet are in danger. We are all sick. My ten years of suffering and many years into bacteria has finally led me to our problem and solution. What I am about to tell you I know because i am in contact with a microbiologist and other people who are aware. I will state the facts, provide the links, and my story.

GSB Giant Sulpur Bacteria, marine algae, microorganisms from hydrothermal vents & melted ice caps ARE LIVING INSIDE OF US AND I HAVE PROOF. These organisms are inland from hurricans and they are everwhere in the environment and inside of us.

Ouside it will look like long thread, or tiny threads resembling spiderwebs, it looks like clumps of dog hair and mold. Someone show me how to hsare pics on here. It is in our food. Chemtrails are actually to cotrol it

Please you must research this link. ... ediate-env In it you will find all of the environmental information, as well as how to get to the closed fb group that the microbiologist runs. He has proof n his group of what I am telling you right now. He has helped thousands get these organisms out of them using reishi mushroom and dewormers (most use goat or fish). Morgellons, lyme, autism, SIBO, PATM its all related. Met another patm person in his group that cured his patm

Basically this GSB is thread like and you will see it if you walk outside right now, in the envirnment and inside of us it prodeuces oceanic clones. Many resemble snails. I have had them in the corners of my home. You will find thick white sheets that look like dog hair, had a bunch in my car. I started his protocol and out came a marine organism he gave me teo pics of his to compare, and there in his fb group.

GSB giant sulphur bacteria! Doesnt the word sulfur sound so familiar to us, this is why, this super marine bacteria is inside of us, it is the tonsil stones. They use microscopes in this fb group and someone saw the parasites in their tonsil stones.

Im tyoing more now

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2015 3:34 pm
by meowkity1
If you go to cure zones parasite support forum you will see many people already take some form of fen ben dewormer. Heres a link I just found today

Read this one first. The link I posted earlier is very long and will take atleast two whole days to get the whole scope of it. My goat dewormer ... B000HHLVB8 hast arrived yet but Im already getting benefits, algae and organisms that float to top are coming out, I have pics and my thyroid is shrinking already. Steve the micriobiologist says thyroid issues are from bacterial sheaths , they are black hair like filaments. He said his doctor flipped out when his thyroid cancer disappeared. One lady has a video inhis group of al the marine lifeforms that came out of her inl toilet its absolutely alien, and steve says some of this stuff is from asteroids.

Still typing

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2015 3:49 pm
by meowkity1

My story is this constipated since childhodd, metalic taste starts around age 21-23 . Steve says its the microbs and if we could go to the oceans bottom we could find giant piles of iron ,microbes from within volcanoes can break down iron yield secondary metals found within this iron ore. As microbes take up iron they become metal like , when these same microbes live inside us, they deplete iron from our red blood cells, they then become semi-metallic. That was his response to something regaurding morgellons, Then I mentioned I had a stringy hair thread white that grew out of my face 3 years, also has anemia couple times.

Its all adding up, from the nail biting, itchininess in hair and ears, aspergers and OCD, enlarg lymps

Some of you may know I gave up the idea that my bad breath and patm waas coming from my mouth especially after trying oxypowder and breathing cool frsh air the first time in years. So in the beginnning of September I decided to try colon hydrotherapy. There was white globs that she told me was candida, I now think was worms. Also long white sheets inthe water. She said signs of parasites. So I started herbal parasite cleanse. Had a lot of pain in back and stomach, lots of itchis in nose and ear, hearing stuff in ear. Oh must saythat colon therapy helped breath and PATM but but only for about 4-5 days. So I cleaned my self out and did massive research on parasites and that is what broought me to thie info I am sharing with you all now. In the east some people parasite cleanse yearly

Of coursse I went to my doc, told me not to come back to her anymore and gave me new gastro referal. Said I could not hadve candida, said no parasites in United States, said no sibo test, he was very mean, i was crying, but did ordere esopogram and small bowel x ray series, just did it, but now I know whats wrong I HAVE MARINE BIOME GROWING IN ME.

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2015 3:58 pm
by meowkity1
In the second section I said I am already getting benefits, Thats is from the reishi mushroom, havnt started goat dewormer yet, but did herbal parasite cleanse and still am. I noticed these yellow spots in my lip couple years ago, well guess whhat they are gone now. bb and patm minimizing but got another colon hydrotherapy session same day I started the reishi mushroom. You can get the reishi and health food stores. The reishi removes the algae that is stuck to our colons, some girls in group have algae coming up out of tongue when they do the protocol. The fenben goat dewormer removes the organism.

This is very scary. You guys havnt even seen the pics and videos yet. You can help yourself and those around you. Im not eating or sleeping because of this discovey. I can see the gsb all over the environment, in my house, in my car, Dont play or rake leaves even my locol news channel just posted that of fb yesterday, we cannot enjoy the baeuties of thhis planet anymore

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2015 4:15 pm
by meowkity1
now this is scary but we do not have sinusisitis we have parasites,. we have them in our gum, cheeks, ears, everywhere. I am breathing so much better just off the parasite herbs. They bing up mucus and you better spit ir sneeze it out becuase inside is worms and eggs.
I told my ex all this hes vey scientific, he didnt even research he believed me and had me buy him the same stuff when I went

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2015 4:50 pm
by meowkity1
Oh another thing that really made me dig deep into this parasite shit and finally try colon hydrotherapy was becasuse I was at my usual 3 month dental cleaning appointment talking about my usual bad breath when my heigenist says "you know you should try a naturopathy doctor and a colon cleanse. I kept having pain in my mid section and many doctors could not figure it out, tried naturopathy and lady immediaty said do a parasite cleanse." She was cured after that. Be very cautios with pork people. You tube vidoe showed someone take pork right out pack, poured coka cola on it and a bunch of parasites jumped out. Look outside dont you see those fake clouds, chemtrails, and they are always right over the beach area when you go, they fly past all day when Im at the beach they are trying to keep the cyanobacteria algae blooms from getting out of control. Read up on fibers falling form sky as planes go by. This is the GSB. The chemtrails have chemicals that make it fall to the ground,

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2015 5:06 pm
by meowkity1
read up on red clouds that is the bacteria in the air usually after a hurrican or tornado. I dont know about you guys but this shits got to go and I most definately will take the goat dewormer soon as it arrives. Supposedly you can get it at tractor supply, and some walmart and pet co. The will definately have cat and dog safeguard dewromer but the protocol is goat or fish. Goat is 20% fish is stronger. I was hesitant untl this week seeing the same thing in my toilet that I can see on the closed group fb page, and algae. I could have started about 3 weeks ago, but i am well over a month on the parsite cleanse, Iv taken diamotaceous earth too, but that micribiologist says humans eating dirt is just wrong, even bentonite clay. You tube to my astonishment has all types of parsite videos, some coming right out of cheek. Im thinking of going to my doc one more time with pics so I can maybe get anthelmentics without paying for them. Anthelmentics dewormers. They say deworm your pets, but say no human parasites in us. One person said her doctor said only children get parasites, laughable.

WHat I am telling you all is these are marine parasite, they can clone, they create odd marine organisms inside of us, WHo here has thought they had SIBO, its related. I know I htought I had SIBO, but for years I think I thought bloatedness was normal. I know now taht isnt true but Im bloated everyday even off water

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2015 5:23 pm
by meowkity1
Also had an episode of leg weekness when I was young, couldnt walk almost five days or so. This is related , coughing brown plegm, eye floaters, bumps that you cant explain or think are lymp nodes are parasites. Just noticed my odd bumps are shrinking. Have one behind neck and one on arm

Posted: Sun Nov 15, 2015 2:04 am
by Amro
Total bullshit !!!!!!!!! IF that is true your irons levels would be low and eventually you will die !! Second thing, no cleanse will work ! go and have colnoscopy instead of wasting money on cleanse products that will not work !!

Guys!!! No Bactria in intestine will cause bad breath !!! the beneficial Bactria inintestine smell bad !! if you have a bad Bactria you will digestion issue not bad breath !! unless your esophagus are open all the time !!

Your bad breath probably from a crown or fillings or tonsils or Adonises or sinus infection or acid reflex, candida does not fuc**en cause bad breath.

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2015 4:43 pm
by meowkity1
The pics in this link is whats coming out of me.

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2015 9:05 pm
by ThinkPositive
So its like lyme disease? Have u started treatment at all?

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2015 5:16 pm
by meowkity1
only parasite herb, reishi mushroom, and fenben goat dewormer
Jusy found 2 more patm people in his group too. i now have worms exiting , andsomething living in my ear that was awakened or pushed to ear canal is now gone from fenben

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2015 5:17 pm
by meowkity1
bad breath and body odor are parasite symptoms,

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2015 6:48 pm
by meowkity1

Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2015 12:10 am
by whatdidido
meowkitty, what would you rate your BB at now after taking all that stuff?!