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Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2016 10:09 pm
by jumbaya
I have had putrid bad breath, people would recoil when I talked to them - but I tried something that I read and it is much improved (after just a week)
I was getting abcesses and stuff on my gums, they were receding and bleeding etc, and my breath stunk really bad.
This has worked for me, and even if I only help one person I'll be happy.
I had yet another abcess which was annoying me and was taking paracetamol. Anyway, wanting something to eat I had a few teaspoons of 'raw' manuka honey. The next day my abcess was much improved.
Anyway, I investigated and read an article about rubbing gums with manuka honey if they are 'not strong'. A lady said she got her husband to do it, and not only did it strengthen his gums but it made his breath fresher.
It works!
I have been rubbing my gums with 'raw' manuka honey (active 15) and not only are my gums healing but my mouth feels loads fresher. People are not recoiling when I talk.... and I've only been doing it a week.
I use just over half a teaspoon, rub my gums then put the rest in my mouth and try to push it into any areas I feel need it. It soon dilutes when mixed with mouth juices, so then I swish it round and gargle with it. Job done!
I hope this helps someone because I know the misery of feeling alienated and not being able to join in. I know manuka honey is expensive but it's definitely worth trying. I think it's overpowering all the bad oral bacteria that was present in my gums.
I really really hope this helps at least one person, but please try it. It's worth it. (Get my 'raw' manuka from online brand is Wedderspoon, but I started off using aldi's manuka style raw honey @ £4.99)
I can smile and talk to people again javascript:emoticon('\\:D/')

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2016 7:09 pm
by jess
Glad it worked for you. Maybe your problem was stemming from the mouth.