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Re: 33, Cursed with BB, Tonsillectomy made it worse!

Posted: Sat Mar 13, 2021 5:23 pm
by Taylor
Welcome to the Forum, Emanuela Hoxha:

I am relatively new here as well and am finding it very educational and helpful.

My bb was totally related to my tongue and tonsil stones. I'm curious to know about your regime for the stone removal. Even though they're small, can you still see them? If not, how do you know that they're gone after you rinse with baking soda/sea salt? Do they come out with your rinse solution? Others here have suggested removing their tonsil stones by using a Q-tip to force them out, but I can't see mine and I have a very strong gag reflex so this isn't an option for me.

I have seen large tonsil stones over the years and they seemed to go away on their own, or so I thought, but I know that I have many small ones that are hidden behind/under the tonsils so it's difficult to know how to bring them to the forefront.

I'm just wondering if they come out during your rinsing procedure?

Re: 33, Cursed with BB, Tonsillectomy made it worse!

Posted: Sat Mar 13, 2021 8:28 pm
by Emanuela hoxha
Hello , i will write as most as i can on this web to help people like me cuz i know what it to live on these condition , so at the begginig i had huge tonsil stones that came out when i cough really hard because of them , but i didnt now what they was i had never checked my tonsils , and than when i stared to take bb really seriously i started a diet excluding diary most of them they ate the main cause i thing then i star ti eat regulary like fish , salmon , pasta also rice not often and veg fruits like healthy food you know . Thats the first thing to doo , then i used to brush always and gargle with alcohol that was very bad , a doctor told me to have good throat condition always with baking soda and salt so i start that and till now its been a year let me tell you what i have notice , i think these make tonsil like luquid you like soften them or break them smth like that so when they are break or more soften they dont smell anymore and go by it self . Also apple cider vengar with warm water is very good , like i told you i have never cought no one of them from 1 year now from the throat and in the tonsil they still create but are more like white liquid so if you gargle they go away . But dont skip gargle its very important to do it every day 2 or 3 per day

Re: 33, Cursed with BB, Tonsillectomy made it worse!

Posted: Sat Mar 13, 2021 8:31 pm
by Emanuela hoxha
And sorry for my english