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Chronic BB ;(

Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2022 2:35 am
by DMS
Hey everyone!
Like a lot of you I also suffer from chronic BB. I believe I first noticed it when I was 11 or 12 years old. My BB is so bad that I was bullied through out middle and high school. My breath would fill up the entire classroom. In college my breath would fill up lecture halls that can occupy 230+ students. As an adult I have seen the dentist, primary care physician, specialists and still no one knows whats wrong with me. I believe I do have blood borne halitosis ( I read a lot of research papers) and it may be caused by an imbalance of my microbiome. However, with that being said I have also tried lots of probiotics for intestinal health and oral health. Currently I am trying Mutaflor and praying it will provide some relief.

Some info about me: Because of my life experiences and how people react to BB I devoted my entire life to figure out whats causing my issues. So much so that I am actually a dental student (ironic right :lol: ) here in the United States. In undergrad I majored in Molecular and Cellular biology which gave me a solid foundation but there is so much that medical and dental students aren't taught.

Well thats enough about me. I have to get back to studying.

Re: Chronic BB ;(

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2022 4:01 pm
by winter
How to know if our BB is caused by our teeth or elsewhere?

Re: Chronic BB ;(

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2022 1:08 am
by DMS
That's a great question. 90% of halitosis is intraoral (from the mouth). However, about 10% of us unlucky individuals have extraoral (outside the mouth) causes. To determine if your BB is coming from your mouth you should see a dentist. Once periodontal disease and cavities are ruled out and you know your oral hygiene is immaculate (Brushing, flossing, tongue scraping) you can ask your dentist for a referral to a specialist such as ENT. The ENT can rule out any issues within the throat (tonsils), nose, and sinus. The ENT can also check for any signs of GERD. After ENT you can see a gastroenterologist to rule out any issues within the digestive tract. Unfortunately, many of us in this forum have a rare form of BB. There is research currently showing that BB can have a metabolic etiology (deficient enzyme). The problem with a rare cause of BB is getting the test done. Many physicians will say it's in our head and then label it pseudohalitosis (which is BS, many of us know how to read body language quite well). Lets use me as an example. I obviously have great oral hygiene (im a dental student); yet every specialist I've seen can't seem to find anything wrong that would cause BB. My next goal is to try and get genetic testing done and check for key deficient enzymes. However, microbiology has a lot to do with it too, so I was going to reach out to the microbiology department at my school. My point is once you see a dentist and it has been confirmed there are no cavities and gums are healthy, you can bet it's an extraoral cause.