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Nasal BB story

Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2022 2:36 pm
by ValidBanana
First off let me just start by saying how grateful I am to have found this forum man. It so ****ing relieving to know that I’m not alone with this BS.

I am currently a college student and athlete. My nasal BB started back in February of this year. I had dealt with BB before when I was younger from poor hygiene but never experienced anything as bad as this. I had gotten a really bad cold and had congestion and cough you know all that stuff. I also have a history with allergies. But the BB from my nose stemmed from this incident. I never had anything like it before man. When I recovered from my sickness I could tell that something was wrong with my breath. During practices and games there would be comments asking who farted and what smells like shit. I would be confused because I couldn’t smell a thing. I eventually began to catch on that it was me as I would only hear the comments from those near me. When I inhaled through my nose I smelt an expo marker sort of smell. It eventually got so bad in May that I actually attracted flies when I exhaled through my nose. I tried so many oral products before eventually realizing it came from my nose. Gum used to help before this occurred but it does nothing now. I visited my doctor recently and he thinks it’s allergic rhinitis but idk about that. I’m also going to see an ENT soon and see what they can find. I also went to the dentist and they didn’t find anything. No cavities or wisdoms and tonsil issues. My teeth are white and my oral hygiene is great.

It’s so god damn embarrassing. It sucks. Every comment absolutely killed my soul every time. I’ve recently been using the NeilMed Sinus Rinse and Xlear nasal spray which has helped it a lot. I’d say by about 50%. I can still smell and feel it in my nose and throat as in PND however. I think it’s a bacterial thing but we shall see. Hopefully soon. I find it ridiculous how others without BB can just brush for 5 god damn minutes and be fine for the WHOLE DAY.

Re: Nasal BB story

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2022 1:23 am
by DMS
I know exactly how you feel. Hang in there and stay strong. You will eventually learn how to filter out the BS that people say and the way they act. Hopefully, what ever is causing your BB will be resolved soon.
Don't let the way people perceive you ruin your college experience!!

Re: Nasal BB story

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2022 3:32 am
by JKL12134
ValidBanana wrote: Sat Jun 18, 2022 2:36 pm First off let me just start by saying how grateful I am to have found this forum man. It so ****ing relieving to know that I’m not alone with this BS.

I am currently a college student and athlete. My nasal BB started back in February of this year. I had dealt with BB before when I was younger from poor hygiene but never experienced anything as bad as this. I had gotten a really bad cold and had congestion and cough you know all that stuff. I also have a history with allergies. But the BB from my nose stemmed from this incident. I never had anything like it before man. When I recovered from my sickness I could tell that something was wrong with my breath. During practices and games there would be comments asking who farted and what smells like shit. I would be confused because I couldn’t smell a thing. I eventually began to catch on that it was me as I would only hear the comments from those near me. When I inhaled through my nose I smelt an expo marker sort of smell. It eventually got so bad in May that I actually attracted flies when I exhaled through my nose. I tried so many oral products before eventually realizing it came from my nose. Gum used to help before this occurred but it does nothing now. I visited my doctor recently and he thinks it’s allergic rhinitis but idk about that. I’m also going to see an ENT soon and see what they can find. I also went to the dentist and they didn’t find anything. No cavities or wisdoms and tonsil issues. My teeth are white and my oral hygiene is great.

It’s so god damn embarrassing. It sucks. Every comment absolutely killed my soul every time. I’ve recently been using the NeilMed Sinus Rinse and Xlear nasal spray which has helped it a lot. I’d say by about 50%. I can still smell and feel it in my nose and throat as in PND however. I think it’s a bacterial thing but we shall see. Hopefully soon. I find it ridiculous how others without BB can just brush for 5 god damn minutes and be fine for the WHOLE DAY.
Seems like a you've got a sinusitis. Have you had it checked?