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I wish I just didn’t know

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2022 12:58 pm
by Notfreetobeme
I haven’t always had BB. Looking back, I believe it started in my mid 30’s…around the same time as food allergies and hives. I had nasal allergies that would leave me sneezing and stuffed up for months. I eventually developed food allergies and still suffer from hives. I first became aware I had a problem after 9-11 when a job loss left my husband looking for work (tech bubble burst) and we did not have dental benefits for a couple of years. I thought this was the cause, despite my not having visual signs of issues other than plaque build up on my lower teeth (always have had plaque, some people do). After I had a deep cleaning and then resumed regular dental visits I thought the problem was solved. (Not thinking I had it prior). It became common place for me (once I was aware I had an issue) to notice people turning heads away, coughing, putting distance between us, opening car windows, not wanting to sit next to me at lunchtime (leaving the seat empty next to me) and even not so subtle nose pinching.

I started doing what we all did; I bought Therabreath, Smartmouth, etc. When I noticed that did not help, I chewed gum, mouthwash, etc. I have tried everything I come across in the hope it will help….Profresh, Dioxirinse and just recently Amazing Breath. Of course, I bought a pulsing nasal irrigator, used hydrogen peroxide, oral probiotics, charcoal, chlorophyll, on and on.

The only doctor I have had the courage to tell was recently an ENT. He gave me a 20 day course of Augmentin. I know, from reading on here, it won’t be a cure but when your desperate you just do whatever you can.

I am not here to offer a solution, I am in search of one but I can only say and confirm this is a life changing curse. I have become much less social and I have anxiety whenever occasions come up that I have to be in the presence of people for long time. (I no longer work)

I heard about the laser tongue treatment and even was set to do that but I read it did not help those who tried it.

I have the thick clear saliva that can be very stringy at times. I am using rx allergy nose spray now, along with guafenisin to try and thin the mucus. I have no idea if I have better days than others….my husband can not smell it and some people in my circle cant either so sometimes I think I am doing great and then the people who can smell it react very violently so I know it is intense. Kids are honest, too.

I have had an endoscopy for stomach pain and have a confirmed hernia. It produces only mild reflux but I have thought maybe that has some role. One odd thing she told me is that I have stomach lining cells (cannot remember exactly) in my throat and she said it was likely since birth. I also had a biopsy of my nasopharyngeal area a couple years ago and he said the same thing….essentially lymphatic tissue overgrowth that was not cancerous and likely was remains of android removal tissue they missed. (Had adenoids and tonsils removed when I was 9)

Chewing gum does not cover up the odor so I have no way to be social and not cause others distress. I talk much less and when I do it is very quietly and I try not to exhale as much when doing it. I have lost a lot of who I am because of this and I just don’t see a way out

I am thankful for the board even though I fear it just means there will never be a “cure”. (I’ve read ALOT of the posts and it seems no one has been utterly cured, except for Raymond with his breathing)

No point to this post other than to say, I am another sufferer and I completely sympathize with all of you.


Re: I wish I just didn’t know

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2022 7:30 pm
by Beenhereforeva
I completely understand you. Have you made any dietary changes? If so, did you experience any changes or reduction on bb? I have had some success eliminating dairy, sugar and most carbs. I mean, my breath isn’t room filling anymore which to me is some success. I think no matter what products we try, nothing will help unless we have the courage to let go of the foods we know make it worse. It took me 20 years to come to that conclusion and actually have the will power to do it. I still have the bb, about 35% but thats still better than before when I couldn’t even walk in a room without stares. I just carry with my floss, mouth wash, tooth brush, tounge brush, and of course avoid those foods which is SO SO hard. Anyway, I have started charcoal, probiotics and vitamin b2 after figuring I’ll try the Tmau treatment. Also note that eliminating foods take time to see a difference so don’t give up. If you mess up one day, it will start the process again. Please believe me, I’ve been there and am still battling this everyday but the improvement it has made has been worth it. Best of luck- Also- try to find a job online. Now is the time for that because without a job, it makes us more likely to have time to stress about it even more. A job aside from being a mom keeps us busy and not just feeling bad and anxious about our condition.