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Source of my bad breath

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Source of my bad breath

Post by dangeolgau »

Hello to all of you guys,

is my first post here on the forum but I think that I have read most of the topics.
As most of us here my BB started around 12 yo now I'm 29. I have tried many things nothing provide a 100% cure.
I have done the tonsilectomy and it helped me to reduce the BB with 50%, than I have done an turbinate reduction because I was not able to breath with my nose and also this help me to reduce lets say with 20% from the initial BB.

My symptoms are different from most of you here on the forum I think. I have Oral/Nasal BB but the smell and the bad taste in the mouth is only on the right side, on the left side I feel normal.
Also I have PND and feel the throat irritated only on the right side, regarding the nose the bad smell come only from the right nostril, on the left I feel normal.

So PND only on right side, same with bad taste and smell.
I would like to know if you have same symptoms as mine.

I have also sinusitis and plan to do the sinuplasty and also the asportation of the adenoids.

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Re: Source of my bad breath

Post by TomHappyHippy »

Hi Dangeolgau

Hope all is good

Thanks for sharing your story

I have some news I have had a laser tonsillectomy today, I'm very sore but I'm glad I've had it done

Need my sinuses looked at aswell

I think I have chronic sinusitis

Once I'm over the tonsil pain I'm going to talk to the ENT again

Best wishes
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Re: Source of my bad breath

Post by aydinmur »

“Does your halitosis disappear when you put an ice piece in your mouth?”

if yes, this is type 1 halitosis. Probably the source of halitosis locates in the mouth cavity
Or rarely, neurogenic clinic forms of type5 halitosis including olfactory dysfunctions, or taste/smell confusion

When the mouth cavity is cooled by taking the mouth an ice piece, odorous gases (if any) collapse, thus becoming nonvolatile, and the oral malodor disappears partly. Not only type 1 halitosis cases, but also bad-taste related halitosis may be improved for a few seconds by cooling the mouth. While a piece of ice is present in the mouth, taste and olfactory receptors dispersed in the mouth or throat are cooled by the ice, chemical stimulus of odorous gases on receptors decreases; or less information is transported to the brain. Cooling the mouth is a useful tool for distinguishing chemosensory dysfunctions (type5) or type 1 halitosis from the other types of halitosis.
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