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How do you conceal the problem from the people you love

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 6:56 pm
by saveme
Hi how's everyone doing? I haven't logged in here for more than a week and it's good to see everybody still so actively in the discussion. While I've been gone, it's strange to say this but I must say I really missed you guys and this forum although I don't even know you. It's the thought of knowing I'm not alone that makes me feel so much better dealing with day to day challenges I meet.

Recently, I made some changes to my lifestyle and I've seen great improvement in my bb. Water is essential. I drink a lot of water. I follow the flossing and brushing regime as religiously as I can and I've seen improvements. Diet wise, I've been eating a lot of veggie and cutting down on meat. I also try to eat more fruits, I heard avocado is really good. That aside, I finally made a trip down to the doctor to do a cleaning procedure and I must say I'm feeling better than before. Increased confidence.

I'm beginning to feel less self-conscious when I talk to my friends at close range but I still feel uneasy with strangers. I hope this positive change is not a short-term one.

I saw this guy whom I think I've feelings for. Not exactly feelings, I can't explain but just take it that he is someone I care about. He is actually someone I rarely get to see, someone really popular with the girls and he was performing at a gig. Every time I see him, the first thought that crosses my mind would be never to get close and to keep a distance. So instinctively, I retracted and back stepped to avoid talking to him. I felt like I really wasted the opportunity because I hardly get to see him. He moved forward and it could be my imagination but I felt like he wanted to say something. In that instance, it was as if there was an invisible wall. I don't know what I ought to do to lessen that fear in me, even when I know that probably, my bb isn't all that bad and was relatively alright on that day. I know it sounds pretty much insane but how else do I actually approach this? Has anyone of you actually been through this? He's just standing before you but you can never get to him.

It's getting quite hard to keep it from the people around you and those that you care about. How do you deal with it? Do you let your close ones know?

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 8:49 pm
by Busted
I hide it from them. I tried to talk about it once, but they didn't really seem to care much. There's no real point in letting them know either. They don't see the problem as we do. We are the ones who have to deal with it every day. They don't have to worry about their bb, cause they are normal. If you tell them this, they just tell you to brush your teeth more often and floss.

They won't be like "Hey, i understand what you are going through, it's hard and...".

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2008 4:23 am
by mike987
i distance myself from them and become mostly cold to them. i speak as little as possible with them.

I'm really getting tired of it.. i see other families talking and having fun and interacting and joking with eachother..

The relationship i have with my family is almost nonexistant.. They like me but they really don't know me.. I want to be able to have a real conversation with my father for once before he's not here anymore :(