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Hypochlorhydria...very interesting

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girlie girl
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Hypochlorhydria...very interesting

Post by girlie girl »

From: "Why Me?"
I have been looking at this alternative to my bb occurance. I read post on here from Jimi re: this as a possible cause. He posted it on 12/30/05. Most of the things on there are similar to what I've been reading in many of the articles I've found. ... CauseofBad

I've been having reflux problems for some time and have been addressing it w/ my gp. He's prescribed me medications to help w/ the acid reflux, but had me see an ENT. I went Monday and all he did was prescribe me a "stronger" medication for acid reflux. I don't necessarily have heartburn, but my stomach burns a little when I eat certain foods and I sometimes feel like I have a lump in my throat. I told the ENT I coughed up a few tonsil balls, but it's only happened three times. They smell horrible. He said it was normal.

I've been reading up on symptoms and solutions for hypochlorhydria. I've also spoken to my gp about possibly having candida and he told me that's not something he's very familiar with and I probably don't have it because I'm not HIV positive. It was hard even asking him about it because I read some of the other posts on here and others who've tried to get their GP to treat this condition ended up w/ the same response or no help!

I've tried almost all possible solutions on this site. I'm hoping hypochlorhydria is the problem because there are solutions for it. I've read many articles and people with this problem. GP seem to treat it like Candida (they do nothing). I have a follow-up w/ my GP over some blood work that was done and I'm going to speak w/ him about this situtation. I'm familiar w/ Hypochlorhydria and it's symptom's and causes. I started to take Golden seal 2x daily. I'm taking GSE once a day and I'm going to take B-12 capsules and vitamin E. I would like to start taking Betaine HCL to assist w/ the lack of acid in the stomach, but most of the articles I've read say to have a GP assist me with dosage because too much can cause problems. I'd like for my GP to test me first and confirm I do have it. There are two tests: 1.) Gastro Test; 2.) PH test with PH paper.

I've also read liquid crystalloid electrolytes are needed to assist w/ acid fluid in the stomach. Lack of acid in the stomach causes the stomach to not digest foods properly and inability to kill bad bacteria in the stomach, causing yeast/candida growth. When I eat sugar and diary foods, my bb is the worst (especially when I drink beer). Speaking of beer, the past couple of years, I've gotten really bad reactions from drinking. I have a high tolerance for beer, but lately I noticed my body reacts differently to it. I seem to get drunk faster and I have a hard time "recovering" the next day. This is not normal for me! I've cut out eating mushrooms completely and I'm trying to eat better. I have a huge lack of concentration and I easly forget things. I'm 38 yrs. old and I feel like I have alzheimer's already. I have lots of bloating and burping after I eat meals. I stay in a seated position for at least two hours before lying down after a meal. I have back pain and other musle aches. I'm not enormously overweight, but I do exercise (go walking/stair stepper). I've also been experiencing hair loss the past few years.

I found a couple of articles regarding hypochlorhydria that I'm going to add below. They were very interesting. Let me know what you think! ... _78900837/ ... _79757242/

I'm going to keep doing research on this. I have a very bad geographical tongue and the back is covered w/ a thick white coating. The GSE and Golden Seal haven't/don't seem to work just "yet", but it's only been a couple of days. I'm going to purchase some vitamin E and B-12 supplements today and start those tomorrow. I'm not familiar w/ Liquid Crystalloid electrolytes, but I'm going to do some reseach on this and see what it is.
Why me, I believe this maybe my issue. I have tried everything, and I mean everything. I can truly account for a lot said in those articles. Thanks for the information. I too will try to do more research on Hypochlorhydria and post what I find. Very interesting...thanks!

girlie girl
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Post by girlie girl »

Very interesting article on Hypochlorhydria.... ... t=cfids_fm

Also, Below is some info I found:

Natural Remedies for Hypochlorhydria

Some alternative practitioners believe that this condition is relatively common, particularly in people with weak or brittle hair and nails, bloating, indigestion, and tiredness. It's important to keep in mind that there's insufficient evidence about the effectiveness of natural remedies for hypochlorhydria, however, here are some of the more common remedies:
  • ~Bitter herbs - Some alternative practitioners say that bitter herbs may stimulate the secretion of stomach acid and digestive enzymes. Examples of bitter herbs are gentian and dandelion. They're often recommended in liquid vs. capsule form, because it's the bitterness that's thought to trigger the release of digestive juices. Another option is to buy a herbal tea containing bitter herbs and drink one cup before eating.

    ~Betaine hydrochloride - Look for a capsule (not tablet) that contains both betaine hydrochloride and pepsin, say some practitioners. It's often suggested that the capsule be taken at start of a meal. This supplement is controversial and should only be taken under the supervision of a health care practitioner because of possible side effects and drug interactions.

    ~Chew thoroughly

    ~Multivitamin - Because hypochlorhydria may lead to deficiencies of certain vitamins and minerals, a multivitamin and mineral supplement may be recommended.

    ~Vitamin B complex - Some practitioners suggest an additional vitamin B complex.

    ~Herbs - Grapefruit seed extract, garlic, oregano oil and enteric-coated peppermint oil are some supplements thought to help if there is bacterial overgrowth.



    # Ginger Tea - Ginger is thought to aid digestion and reduce bloating. In Ayurvedic medicine and traditional Chinese medicine, ginger is considered a digestive tonic.
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Post by Larc400 »

I also believe hypochlorhydria / achlorhydria is my problem (=little or no stomach acid).

It can lead to bacterial overgrowth in stomach and small intestine, discussed here:

And vice versa: bacteria can cause achlorhydria. That's why to treat achlorhydria one needs to first get rid of bacteria, with the antibiotics mentioned here:

So... we're onto something!

The reasons I think I may have achlorhydria:

Nightly Reflux but never heartburn / acid taste
Low B12
Extreme fatigue after meals
Extraordinary breath and stench

girlie girl
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Post by girlie girl »

The reasons I think I may have hypochlorhydria:

~Occasional Nightly Reflux with heartburn / acid taste, and a constant lump in my throat
~I have such brittle nails
~Extreme fatigue after meals, always tired
~Of course, bad breath
~stomach always upset or "just not right"
~low iron, easy bruising
girlie girl
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Post by girlie girl »

I took the screening test at the link below: ... E&ccount=9

My results:

You answered 10 items out of 12 matching the detox profile.

Your score is 83%. Your score suggests possible hypochlorhydria.
girlie girl
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Post by girlie girl »

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