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Everything related with bad breath can be found here. Everything about products, research, news about bad breath......
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Post by Free2breath911 »

Hello guys Im not new here but I promise It seems like the devil doesnt want me here! I cant remember my old password for the life of me! (Sucks)

I went by name waiting2exhale. Anyway I am back on....Its been a minute but alot has taken place over this time away.
Lets see....ok Ive got to point I almost lost my mind!!!! I think I may have been to 5-6 doctors since my last post. And Finally to the "Supposidly" to the best ENT specialist in my area.


After being seen my 3 medical doctors they have diagnosed me with Servere GERD. I had blood work done, h-phlori, & camera down my nose.
Now I know your probaly saying "nope thats not it for me"
And so did I....I was diagnosed with GERD when this bb first began but I swore It off. But the doctors swear this is the cause! Not only do the ENTIRE doctors office know ALL of my medical business they know me by name now!!
Yes Its sad.. The nurse know me personally! Ok so…the diagnosis Is GERD…I fought this diagnosis so hard n my doctors face til I was in tears! I was so sad because he could not find anything wrong with my throat besides the eroding from the cronic ACID! I suffer with throat pains and I kept telling him Its in my throat that hurts…how could Acid reflux do this!
It got heated in the exam room! To the point the doctor had to calm me dowm! All the pain from this had reached it peak and I took it all out on my ENT.
So after I calm down the doctor told me to “Trust his diagnosis” And give this medication Nexium one shot! And in 2 months he will see me again. He showed me what the acid was doing to my throat and how the Stomach Acid has creeped into my esophagus for so long and onto my tounge for so long. That it has eroded my throat and that has caused the coated white tounge and EXCESSIVE mucus production.
He also told me I have rhinitis (which I already knew) and that just has been contributing to the main issue of BB)
Before the BB I had PND anyway. So long story short. I began to realize that I have been having heartburn for so long that I has become a common thing to my life! Then he explained to me how my back problems have contributed to this as well. I have slight curve in my spine (on the left side) which has my stomach slightly higher on the left side) my main compliant has always been persistant bb associated with throat pain on left side.

It all made sense! I told the doctor how I would take a TUMS before bed a when I wake up my tounge is LITERALLY snow white! I have been suffering from ACID REFLUX!! I even though this doctor put me on this nexium I had gained so much weight during the same time my bb suddenly began! And I realized that all of SHIT has been giving me a living hell was because of ACID REFLUX! Ive removed my tonsil, have not seen my family in years, removed so many teeth, and I still was suffering with BB! GERD will cause you to have BB, throat pain, so much mucus, not only that the root cause is eating bad and weight! This has confused me to the point I have lost 20 pound since. And strangly enough I use to sit in my house because people would smell my bb from feet away (though still here) I can go out now!
The nexium was so expensive that ENT put me on prilosec OTC until I can begin nexium next week . I cannot begin to tell you guys how quickly my bb changed! Not completely gone off prilosec because everywhere Ive read and the ENT even told me…people with servere GERD will have to be on the meds for a minute to allow the eroding to heal with no distraction from the ACID! Also It is extremely important to lose weight ASAP! And completely change diet FAST! I am so shocked by this! I am going to do another post today and explain more. Theres more! People please get checked for BILE REFLUX OR ACID REFLUX! PLEASE!

Jimi Stein
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Post by Jimi Stein »

great post, thank you very much, I am really happy for you, but you know many people here took nexium too and it did not help.

maybe we are different, it is so funny doctors are so different. Some claim there is no way smell comes from the stomach, that the stomach acid is not the cause, others claim it comes from stomach.

It makes sense. I had the tube down my stomach years ago, very painful, after that tube i always had problem with stomach, heartburn, pain where the opening is.....
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Post by Free2breath911 »

I cannot tell u how SICK of doctors I am! I am going to try this nexium only because I know for sure I suffer with heartburn BAD. Even in the morning on a empty stomach....BURN coming up.

I understand were you are coming from though. I also jump stumbled upon Alka-Setzers too and they help with heartburn. They have become apart of my daily routine.

But If anyone has unexplained BB associated with, Bad reflux coming up! Try to focus on heartburn as the cause (possibly)
Ps I went to see a Primary care doctor and she wants me to poop in a cup next month for testing and do a GI scope as well. UGH!
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Post by waitingforrelief »

congrats, free2breath!!!!!

that's great great news. i've known people with reflux and their breath is really sour. was that what you had? like very sour breath.

how long were you on nexium before you saw improvement?
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Post by Free2breath911 »

Yes sour sour sour! My mouth is always like I just ate a pickle ALWAYS!

I am on prevacid...starting the nexium next week
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Post by clara0 »

That is great that you found the cause :)
But one more thing, as I know the medecine doctors use for it basically works on the muscle of the stomach to prevent the acid reflux, I suggest you to find out what causes GERD in your case and work on it. a certain food? stress? people with GERD should avoid certain foods especially before bed ....because all we know that chemical drugs cure the symtoms not the cause and I would say ALL have side effects.
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Post by elliott »

Hate to throw a wet towel on this, but your doc said what most inexperienced doctors with BB (read :ALL Doctors) say.

"ummm, hmm... never dealt with anything like this, what can I say? hmmm some inflammation in the esophagus, just like anyone with digestive issues, like 60% of the world, nasal inflammation, check. whew it's starting to stink, gotta get this one out of here. HEY YOU HAVE GERD, Acid Reflux... some erosion starting to show around the tonsil area. I'm gonna write you a prescription for Nexium, you only have to take these once a day, they are 24 hour release. Come back to see me in 2 weeks, maybe I'll try Reglan or Kapidex next.."

I've had similar to this diatribe about 5 times. Doctor's aren't trained for halitosis, period. They give you their best suggestion, they can't just say ..

" well, I dunno? See a dentist?"

Lest they look like an idiot, and some of them actually are. I would try the Nexium, maybe it helps you. If you don't try it and report the result to him/her... this makes the poor doctors VERY angry, even though they knew damn well they were guessing your prognosis. Amazing stuff really.
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Post by john »

i take anti reflux capsules 21 years now. and still i have BB. 1986 began to eat mintgum. 1988 stopped smoking. 1990 endoscopy. doc said i have a small hernia diafragma and candida in the esophagus. starting with zantac. 1991-1995 molkosan, budwig diet and saw many of different alternative doctors. 1996 starting to floss and toothpics. discovery of tonsil stones, so took my tonsils out. 1998 one wisdom tooth out. 2000 another endoscopy, due to stomac acid my oesophagus had a scar, so i got stronger tablets. 2001 colon clean. 2005 going to BB clinic, they said, you have no BB. 2006 another BB clinic, this time it was in a hospital so non commercial, they said you have BB. i took Halita moutwash. 2008 tried moutwash from mel rosenberg, therabreath and may others. 2009 bought a tungbrush and a waterpik. 2010 metronidazole. and my almalgan fillings almost removed. 2011 another endoscpy and there was no hiatal hernia. i am getting tired.

few years ago

Post by sadbbgirl17 »

A few years ago by my MD I was given Nexium and I think at the time it was called the purple pill...anyways doctor thought it was coming from constant heartburn and I was all like no I don't think it is,so I didn't take the pills! Crazy huh
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Re: few years ago

Post by shmooze »

The hard part for many people suffering from bb is to realize that pnd, white coated tongue and bb are almost all relate to candida. And the cause of candida is, for the majority of the bb suffers, HEAVY METAL POISONING.

Many people on this forum have defeat bb with gluten diet or anticandida diet, but this will remove the effects, the bb, but not cure people permanently.
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Post by Free2breath911 »

thanks for all the replies.....I am starting the nexium next week.

I agree with the person who said that the pills are only supressing the true issue....I am going to try to go hard at this Candida diet now and do the nexium for about 2 months.

Thanks guys ](*,)
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Post by hope4now »

I thought I had GERD too and was taking OTC acid blockers, until I realized it was being caused by the chlorine dioxide mouthwash (DioxiRinse) I was taking for the bb. It was also causing skin problems. Once I stopped taking the chlorine dioxide (I was just rinsing with it once a day), the acid reflux and skin problems gradually went away. Still have bb, but no more acid reflux.

Beware chlorine dioxide! It takes a bad problem and makes it much worse. FYI, SmartMouth also has chlorine dioxide, once the two parts are mixed together. Chlorine dioxide is very toxic. It's very hard on the liver. Maybe if you're younger, you won't notice the side effects, but it's still doing damage.
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Post by willfindacure »

I too was diagnosed with GERD and my doctor called it silent reflux due to too much acid in my throat and i am having constant heartburn. And given me meds which unfortunately didnt cure my bb, which is the main reason why i have taken the meds. With my eagerness to cure this bb, I came across a site telling that mints cause acidity, so i thought that maybe this is the culprit why doctors thought i have reflux, because the truth is I dont really experience reflux when I eat. I stopped chewing gums and taking mints from then on, and didnt felt heart burn at all. I said to myself, even if i chew gums people still react, so whats the used, when what i can only get from it is acid!
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Re: few years ago

Post by josef5111 »

shmooze wrote:The hard part for many people suffering from bb is to realize that pnd, white coated tongue and bb are almost all relate to candida. And the cause of candida is, for the majority of the bb suffers, HEAVY METAL POISONING.

Many people on this forum have defeat bb with gluten diet or anticandida diet, but this will remove the effects, the bb, but not cure people permanently.
can any one please explain me whats PND is it the bad air that comes out the nose or its somethinf else. thanks
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Post by Free2breath911 »

josef...PND is post nasal drip.

Just blow your nose alot. but sometimes when u sleep it get into the back of throat and causes horrible bad breath. Kind of like the smell when someone has bad cold and sore throat.
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