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Everything related with bad breath can be found here. Everything about products, research, news about bad breath......
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Post by joe1 »

i can give u guys mi facebook. if thats ok with you... it is more than a picture. its like a thousand!! and i consider my self quite atractive :mrgreen: ;) 8)

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Post by terranpatriot »

anyone considering putting a face pic up here has to be certifiably insane. google indexes all these posts and threads. if you're anything like me and super paranoid about even the thought of someone finding out you are self-conscious about your breath, you shouldn't put anything that can easily identify you.
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Post by Virtuous Viking »

I swear I was a tit's hair away from posting my pic before terranpatriot totally oppressed me with his avatar :) Merde, c'est incroyable! If I were gay I'd majorly do you/him.
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Post by halitosisux »

Why should anyone else putting up their photo on here have anything to do with your decision to "out" yourself by placing your photo on here. Though, HG, maybe if you had just led by example, others might have quietly followed you?

It's got nothing whatsoever to do with having the balls. We all cope with and look at this problem differently. If you are happy with the whole world potentially knowing all about your situation, then placing a photo on here is an easy decision to make. If not, then it's just like terranpatriot put it.
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Post by hali_grl »

Last edited by hali_grl on Thu Jul 19, 2012 8:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Tibya »

google indexes all these posts and threads.

There goes the SEO expert :-)
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Post by hali_grl »

Last edited by hali_grl on Thu Jul 19, 2012 8:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by halitosisux »

Religious people are all the ****ing same.
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Post by exume »

what did u use t0 cure y0urself :?:
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Post by Tibya »

hali_grl wrote:tib
im not sure if your referring to me but comments like that is exactly why i will no longer share. you all can be really discouraging a member by the name of free started posting about her cure and mentioned how she'd follow up and never did despite all the pm's ive sent her she never replied and i truly understand why. I research possible cause for bb and share my research and this is what i get. I believe weije was right some ppl are just to lazy or cowardly to research and try new things. thanks for solidifying my decision i have no time for negativity ive found my real deal cure and couldnt be happier i hope you all find yours. Goodbye! \:D/ \:D/
Hey, I was not. I don't know what mislead here. I am not here to make comments or belittle anyone. I'm sorry if this lead to some kind of misunderstanding. I research a lot myself. Why do you think I am posting so many messages.? Please do not leave. We all need everyone here. I don't know what went wrong. Is there anything I can do to make you stay?
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Post by terranpatriot »

hali_grl wrote:tib
im not sure if your referring to me but comments like that is exactly why i will no longer share. you all can be really discouraging a member by the name of free started posting about her cure and mentioned how she'd follow up and never did despite all the pm's ive sent her she never replied and i truly understand why. I research possible cause for bb and share my research and this is what i get. I believe weije was right some ppl are just to lazy or cowardly to research and try new things. thanks for solidifying my decision i have no time for negativity ive found my real deal cure and couldnt be happier i hope you all find yours. Goodbye! \:D/ \:D/
Nothing worse than bad breath, other than having bad breath coupled with instability and a lack of mental clarity.

Tibya wrote:google indexes all these posts and threads.

There goes the SEO expert :-)
lol. very true. you know what they say, sometimes you can take yourself out of Google, but you can't take Google out of you. #techjokes
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Post by hali_grl »

Last edited by hali_grl on Thu Jul 19, 2012 8:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by deebo »

hali_grl wrote:
This will be my last post goodluck........... =;

ps- exume
i will pm u my email address
What just happened ?? HaliGrl is one of our main contributing members here . I for 1 follow her posts like a hawk . Not sure how this tread turned so sour so fast over pics but its not worth having HG leave this site .

Most of us are going through really tuff times with this medical issue . It can drive us to major anxiety and stress , and we can lash out with unkind words at even those we usually show respect .

On this site ,most of all ,we need to lend each other Support for our ordeals. Before there are any cures for us , the best thing we can have is a place where people understand what we are going through. This is 1 of the main reasons Jimi Pays hard cash on this site for us . And we Beg him to keep it up !!

HG . I apologies for myself and any others if we are driving you away . If you're going through drama , believe me ,I understand what this condition can do to make everything harder in life . I hope you did find a cure or something that helps curb your symptoms . Please consider sharing your findings . Keep in touch .

skype skunkhugs
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Post by mike987 »

What on Earth just happened?

I hate to sound like an ignorant MAN, but Hali, are you on your period or something?

From my initial post, you seemed to show some sharp defensiveness. Of course I'm aware it's a serious topic. My first post was my way of saying 'Eeehh.. I don't know if I want to post my photo..'

I was looking forward to seeing your topic getting started and people posting pictures, so I recommended you go ahead and post yours... I figured more would follow... maybe even my own... Who knows?

Everyone here values you as a friend on the site... It's troubling to see you getting upset like this and vowing to leave while boasting about a cure that you'll be keeping secret.

If you want to put your Christian values into practice, you'd share everything without condemning others.... That's an annoying thing about humans that is extra noticeable in religious individuals, because it demonstrates their hypocrisy. They're always eager to point out sinners, or in this case, lazy people who aren't constantly researching a cure.

Hali, you're a wonderful contributor to this forum. I'm sure you've helped many people already... For what you can't seem to see though... the 'lazy' people...... Well many of us have been where you were. Many have tried dozens and dozens of 'cures' and have failed over and over again. I know what it feels like to feel at a total loss, and it's not at all easy to just pick up and try again. Some people might have been accepted their fate and just come here for comfort in the companionship of others like themselves.

Others, like myself at this moment in time, are looking for new ideas and are actively trying them out.... I'm not at the forefront of research, like you... But I also work a full time job in a country where the next new cure isn't just sitting on a drugstore shelf.

If you think most of the people here don't do a damn thing to try and help themselves and simply come here to whine and complain, you're so very wrong.
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Post by terranpatriot »

She's not going anywhere. The last three 'last posts,' as she's called them, are evidence of that. The real issue at hand is the disservice that you can be doing to someone by being excessively empathetic or allowing someone to go off in a bout of self-pity. For those of us who actually interact well with people in the real world, as opposed to internet fantasy land, we actually know that people aren't like that. Self-pity will only make her worse. It's what makes BB so crippling.
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