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What Cured My Halitosis/Bad Breath - Tonsils and Adenoids - BEWARE SIDE EFFECTS, CHOKING ON LIQUIDS, 9YEARS SCAM????

Everything related with bad breath can be found here. Everything about products, research, news about bad breath......
Jimi Stein
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Post by Jimi Stein »

he he where did you buy it? On amazon?

It looks like a penis, joking, but go for it, I think the problem is inside and that puss coming out might be colorless....

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Post by Corpsebreath »

Jimi Stein wrote:he he where did you buy it? On amazon?

It looks like a penis, joking, but go for it, I think the problem is inside and that puss coming out might be colorless....
Haha i think it looks like a vagina kind of.
I bought it on ebay. It's a cheap usb variant made in China thing. Cost like 50 dollars including shipping.
It's 5.5 mm wide, too big to look around the sinuses unfortunately. I tried. You need 4 mm max for that.
But works fine if you just wanna check out the noids.
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Post by halitosisux »

Yesterday I tried to have a look at mine. I tried using a dental inspection mirror tilted at the right angle at the back of my throat whilst shining a flashlight at the mirror. For a brief moment I had a very clear view. But the gagging reflex was so bad I had to stop. The mirror steams up, but if you rub some alcohol on it first, the moisture does not condense and it stays clear.

I could see some strange yellow/white blotches and lumpy tissue. No idea what is normal/abnormal.

Aldi in the UK occasionally sell a DIY endoscope type thing for looking into blocked pipes or under floor boards etc. The tip has a tiny camera on the end and is about 5 or 6 mm diameter. I might try to get hold of one. Maplin also sell them.

Please be careful though because anything could fall off and become lodged somewhere. Best to go and see a doctor or ENT who can look up there very safely.
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Post by Miffy90 »

This adenoid thing is interesting - I had my tonsils out 5 years ago because of tonsil stones, and it made no difference to my breath whatsoever, but whenever i look at the back of my throat the patches where my tonsils were are white under the skin - i was never sure if this was scar tissue of if there is still something under there? Might try and see an ENT to check it out.
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Post by 9YearsToFindCure »

Miffy90 wrote:This adenoid thing is interesting - I had my tonsils out 5 years ago because of tonsil stones, and it made no difference to my breath whatsoever, but whenever i look at the back of my throat the patches where my tonsils were are white under the skin - i was never sure if this was scar tissue of if there is still something under there? Might try and see an ENT to check it out.
Those white patches at the back of your throat aren't your adenoids, it's scar tissue like you said. I still have some too. You can't see the adenoids by looking directly in a mirror, they're behind your nose or up your nasopharynx. Your ENT can check them with a viewing scope but he'll probably just tell you they look healthy. You have to plead your case and demand an adenoidectomy to get almost any ENT to consider going back in to remove them.
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Post by FedUp »

Does anyone know how much an adenoidectomy roughly costs in the uk privately? I am currently selling a lot of my possessions to get this treatment. I can 100% confirm the smell and taste are coming from my adenoids, although i still feel like shit because the smell is strong i feel hope knowing this can be cured. I know i will not get it for free via the NHS, it's tough enough to convince an ENT that this actually is the cause. if something looks healthy then they can't justify surgery- silly.
Tonsillectomy - Check
Sinus CT Scan - All Clear - Check
Dentist Examination - "Gums very good" - Check
Endoscopy - Check - H Pylori Negative
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Post by Corpsebreath »

FedUp wrote:Does anyone know how much an adenoidectomy roughly costs in the uk privately? I am currently selling a lot of my possessions to get this treatment. I can 100% confirm the smell and taste are coming from my adenoids, although i still feel like shit because the smell is strong i feel hope knowing this can be cured. I know i will not get it for free via the NHS, it's tough enough to convince an ENT that this actually is the cause. if something looks healthy then they can't justify surgery- silly.
You can get all of this on ebay.
Adenoid curette: 5 dollars
3,9mm endoscope, small enough the enter the sinuses: 120 dollars.
That's all you really need. I have already ordered everything, and if my ENT doesn't agree to take them out, then i'll do it myself.
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Post by Jimi Stein »

Please dont play with yourself.
Brain is very close, if you get infection, you are gone.....

Let the "butchers in white" do it, they have experience
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Post by Corpsebreath »

Thanks for your concern. I know it can be risky, but i really don't want to live like this.
And i don't think it's that dangerous. I mean it's not any closer to the brain than the sinuses, and sinus infections are very common. I think the biggest risk is excessive bleeding, but not as risky as it is with tonsillectomy. A few weeks ago i cut out what was left from my tonsillectomy years ago. About a quarter of a tonsil with a crypt in. It didn't change anything but the procedure was easy. So you could pretty much say i'm a surgeon by now. Kidding. But yeah i know it's foolish, but you know.. Anyway i'll see what the ENT has to say first.
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Post by Jimi Stein »

but how you know what is adenoid tissue and what is not, come on, just I said, let the butchers do it, who are trained it this

we need proof this works, we dont want some underground surgery offices opening up soon #-o
This is me, Jimi Stein, I created this site in December 2005. Welcome.
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Post by mindyb »

please don't attempt to remove your own adenoids!
Take out a credit card with crazy interest, sell your grandmas jewelry to have a dr. do it! Don't be rash. I know your desperation, I am right there with you.
I am fortunate to be able to afford it with insurance, but take care of yourself.
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Post by halitosisux »

I've been reading a bit more on adenoids and there's a few more things I can relate with regarding problems with adenoids in the past that may relate to problems continuing in adulthood:-

I used to snore in my childhood and was a permanent mouth breather.
Bad Breath (until my wisdom teeth stench added to my confusion).
PND and I remember having metallic taste in my mouth like I was sucking on a pair of old scissors. I actually used to call it scissor taste. This stopped during my teens though.
Tonsil stones and coated tongue and tongue stench.
Itchy irritated throat.
I went to a doctor once for a completely unrelated reason and he looked in my ears and he said I had otitis media and it was a really bad case. I was oblivious. Today I suffer with constant tinnitus. Could it be related?

Not sure about DIY adenoidectomy - if you really believe it might be your adenoids causing your BB then it's worth anything to get it done properly and safely - imagine a botched job could make a bad situation even worse?

Today my main issue is PND and some degree of constant nasal congestion. I'm definitely going to ask to see an ENT eventually to discuss adenoidectomy. I'm pretty sure the private ENT who took out my tonsils said he'll look at my adenoids during the tonsillectomy and remove them if he felt it necessary and I don't recall him saying that he removed them. It's a long time ago now. Can I trust this decision? Probably not.

@FedUp, good luck for when you get this done. Are you able to get any stench from your adenoids? If you want someone to go with you to try to help convince an ENT to do this I'll volunteer to come with you!
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Post by FedUp »

halitosisux wrote:I've been reading a bit more on adenoids and there's a few more things I can relate with regarding problems with adenoids in the past that may relate to problems continuing in adulthood:-

I used to snore in my childhood and was a permanent mouth breather.
Bad Breath (until my wisdom teeth stench added to my confusion).
PND and I remember having metallic taste in my mouth like I was sucking on a pair of old scissors. I actually used to call it scissor taste. This stopped during my teens though.
Tonsil stones and coated tongue and tongue stench.
Itchy irritated throat.
I went to a doctor once for a completely unrelated reason and he looked in my ears and he said I had otitis media and it was a really bad case. I was oblivious. Today I suffer with constant tinnitus. Could it be related?

Not sure about DIY adenoidectomy - if you really believe it might be your adenoids causing your BB then it's worth anything to get it done properly and safely - imagine a botched job could make a bad situation even worse?

Today my main issue is PND and some degree of constant nasal congestion. I'm definitely going to ask to see an ENT eventually to discuss adenoidectomy. I'm pretty sure the private ENT who took out my tonsils said he'll look at my adenoids during the tonsillectomy and remove them if he felt it necessary and I don't recall him saying that he removed them. It's a long time ago now. Can I trust this decision? Probably not.

@FedUp, good luck for when you get this done. Are you able to get any stench from your adenoids? If you want someone to go with you to try to help convince an ENT to do this I'll volunteer to come with you!

Yes, I poked the area with a cotton bud and that tonsil stone smell came out of there which is the same "smell/taste" that I get every day in my mouth. Yesterday I could taste it strongly and a colleague even asked "did you shit yourself?" lol don't know why i'm actually smiling as I write this. I got home and was cooking food when all of a sudden I could taste it very strongly from that area. And thanks for the offer, it's ridiculous how much we need to convince people about this condition. Every morning I can smell my breath but after a few minutes I can no longer smell it.

As for your PND, does it get worse after brushing your teeth or drinking coffee or any other dairy related products? i wasn't even aware of the drip before i clocked on about the breath issue. thinking back i must of had drip for years but since i never had to worry or even think about halitosis it didn't bother me. I must of had BB since around 21- 4 long years. didn't clock on until early 2012 just after i turned 22. i feel so embarrassed lol. i dont think PND causes BB unless you have a sinus infection which clear up quickly. the sinus rinses do help quite a bit if you use them religiously. i recall using mine for a few weeks and the drip disappeared pretty much but still the smell was apparent to others as i was told to stop farting (was nasal breathing only). There must be some simple reason for PND. so far adult life hasn't been good at all, at least for me. hopefully can turn this around whilst i'm still young.....hopefully.


I've recently discovered I have very smelly feet too lol. Every where i went I kept smelling a very strong sweaty sock odor which kinda smelt farty as well- which i thought was my breath. Well it turns out because I wear the same shoes day in day out, never washing them causes a horrible odor too, since i've cleaned the shoes- they're still not 100% fresh but the stench has gone... seems all the sweat just attracts that bacteria causing the foul smell. The same smell was in my slippers too. Stinky shoe odor can be room filling too.
Tonsillectomy - Check
Sinus CT Scan - All Clear - Check
Dentist Examination - "Gums very good" - Check
Endoscopy - Check - H Pylori Negative
Post nasal space cyst removed - Check
Wisdom Teeth Extraction - Check
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Post by halitosisux »

I would sure like to know whether that's something normal or not, when touching the adenoids. I haven't tried to touch mine yet, it's still freaks me out to even think about touching this area. It all looks so far up when I look in the mirror. Anyway, Maybe it's not normal to have odour when you touch the adenoids, but it is when you have bad breath for other reasons? The only way to know is get the adenoids removed. There's nothing far fetched here, it's a known fact that adenoids can cause bad breath in adults. One thing I feel certain about is that any area when things can get stale where bacteria and mucus are being flown about, which don't have a self-cleaning system (like the nasal sinuses for example, which have tiny hairs that vibrate the mucus along and out towards the throat to be swallowed away) then it's going to stink. So maybe it depends on what shape the adenoids finally shrink down to in adulthood and what kind of history the adenoids went through in childhood to screw things up.

Yes, it's totally ridiculous how much we need to convince people to help us. Maybe one day when BB absolutely can no longer ever be caused by dental problems and not brushing teeth and other similar lame causes, then all other causes will actually get taken seriously. In the meantime we're all mixed in with the "lazy" "useless" "dirty" category of people who get bad breath because of the simple reason they need to up their hygiene or just go to a dentist.

My PND is usually much worse when I wake up in the morning and I have to spend hours trying to clear a never ending stream of thick mucus from the back of my nose. No amount of blowing helps, it just seems to want to run down the back. It doesn't smell. My throat mucus thickens for a while after I brush my teeth, but for me that's a different thing altogether. I think that's just caused by irritation of the mucous membranes that line the throat and they release mucus as a result. The same kinda thing happens when I eat chocolate or protein rich foods. I don't think PND causes bad breath either, but if you have bad breath for other reasons, then PND probably makes it worse.

I think when we're anxious and conscious about smelling bad, we'll tend to look at ourselves as dirty in general. So we'll tend to associate other smells and tend to make generalizations. Foot odour is probably a good example of this. Most people will have foot odour at some time or other. There's simple factors that increase the chances of it happening. Very simple to deal with, as you've discovered.

Best of luck to you with your ENT appointments etc and with your final outcome with your adenoids if you go ahead with having them removed.
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Wow, I have he same problem with excess mucus after brushing...interesting. It settles back to "normal" about 30 minutes later. I also get extreme mucus with sweets and breads as well. The mucus is always sour tasting and usually heavier on the left side.
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