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What Cured My Halitosis/Bad Breath - Tonsils and Adenoids - BEWARE SIDE EFFECTS, CHOKING ON LIQUIDS, 9YEARS SCAM????

Everything related with bad breath can be found here. Everything about products, research, news about bad breath......
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Post by StillHoping »

thank you for the update Mindy!!

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Post by 9YearsToFindCure »

Halitosisux, I did have a septoplasty too. I didn't mention it in my original post because I didn't want people to get confused thinking it was related to my cure. It's just that ENTs are very reluctant to do an adenoidectomy on its own. They want some other reason to operate because they don't have any medical necessity with just the almost non existent adenoids. They don't understand our plight.

HS, no I haven't tried those therapies.

Jiazzsy, great link. Yes, it appears tonsil tissue can grow back.

Guzler, thank you. I know they will be cured. Let me know if you want to talk.

Corpsebreath, don't give up. You'll make it happen one way or another.

StillHoping, that's great that you're on a wait list. Hopefully it will happen sooner.

Archimonde, thanks for those links. I agree with you on Meow and I mentioned that to Jimi a while back. Her posts are all over the place. But the only one I ever originally read was of her getting cured after adenoidectomy and that was good enough for me.

Mindy, that's awesome. I knew it! Just take your time. It took me months until I was 100% confident about being cured. And even longer to actually join and share my story on this site. But that doesn't change the fact that even though you want to test your cure for yourself, I already know you're cured because I lived the same thing. Godspeed!

Now this is for everyone, especially my good friend Jimi ;)
I've spoken and emailed with many of you and sent you portions of my op report. Many of you have already gone to ENTs and some of you still plan to. From what I've gathered, most of your ENT visits aren't proving positive. Let me be clear, most ENTs don't know what the ***k they're doing regarding halitosis and adenoids. I don't care how small they say the tissue is or if it's only 3 small dots or if you had them out as a kid and they can barely see anything except a tiny piece of whatever. You guys need to stop going in and asking for their opinions, you just need to say you want your adenoids out (and tonsils if you still have them) and you want them to search for any other kinds of tonsil tissue whether it's re-growth or a cyst like Mindy had or FedUp still has or the guy had in Jiazzsy's link.


My ENT saw nothing until I was in surgery. The cysts/stones are under the adenoids and embedded in old tonsil tissue. Your ENTs can't see anything now. You just need to demand this procedure or tell your ENT if he won't do it, you'll keep searching until you find someone who will. Show him my op report, have him call my ENT in California if need be. You need to be aggressive and assertive. Don't act like you don't know what it is, as if poor puppy lost in the woods. We know what it is. Get these ****ing things out of us!!! Fortunately I had a septoplasty done at the same time, but if it wasn't for that, you might as well call it an adenoidectomy with exploratory surgery for other tonsil tissue and cysts. Does that sound scary?? Well too ****ing bad. You think I wasn't scared? I was terrified. You think Mindy wasn't scared? She PM'd me the night before her surgery because she was dreading it. But now we can live a normal life and kiss the ones we love. Mindy, it will be soon for you and your husband. I understand your hesitation. I went through something similar with my wife.

Jimi, your site is great for people to communicate from around the world. My hat goes off to you for that. It was helpful to me too, but is wasn't the only reason I found my cure, the French research study is what really convinced me about adenoids. I understand how much you've suffered in your life because of these dreadful condition. You've told me how badly people have treated you in the real world and how it's affected you. And for that I'm truly sorry. All of us have suffered that in some form or another. But it doesn't give us the right to be abusive to each other on this forum. Yes, you're the owner of the site, but everyone on this site who participates and shares stories, feelings, and insights from their lives are just as important. Otherwise it would just be an advertisement site. So if I defend Mindy on a thread I started, you should respect that. I wasn't trying to bash you or make you look bad as you put it. We're all trying to accomplish the same thing. Let's bury the hatchet. Cool? I still believe you have a combination of left over adenoid tissue and cysts that are causing your halitosis. You've made it clear that you wouldn't enjoy any kind of surgery or discomfort, and I know cost is a factor. But you've got to decide what's more important to you. If you want to talk again, feel free to skype me. I'm still more than willing to help you find your cure.
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Post by Jimi Stein »

Honestly 9 years I want to first wait till few others go through with it. I know from my experience if my breath is much better, my ex wanted to eat my tonsils voice cords out, she kissed me that deep and her whole presence was completely different, also other people reacted much much more friendly....

I dont know how acid reflux could cause bad breath. But sometimes I feel that when my stomach opens up kind of where the plexus is, I get more reactions.

Maybe the valves leak from intestines to my stomach, I was tested for pylori, or there is another ****ing pylori cousin that cant be detected and smells.....

But I am clueless. I would love to get a doc that would just take out my adenoids, not mess with my nose turbines......

Or it maybe just my tongue, but that I do not understand too, how can a tongue be infested with bb.....I will wait for Mindy and then if she gets healed I will go through it myself.

THe butcher told me, I drilled him like 15 minutes, asked him over and over again, he said they were scraped out, then he said he sees only 3 little dots, then again they were taken out, he got ****ing confused I askedhim so many questions and showed him the note from your doc you send me,,,,,
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Post by halitosisux »

Well, I'm gonna be keeping everything crossed for you Mindy and for FedUp when he finally gets this done. I will go to see an ENT too eventually because I want this done. I'm sure this is behind some of my issues, especially my PND. I think my mucus gets stuck up there where it becomes thick and I can feel it all the time. I have some ear problems too, like tinnitus and otitis media and the feeling I need to itch something but can't locate where. As far as I know I have no nasal bb and my mouth is clean.

I just want to say also, that meowkitty was always very nice to me and I don't think she was any more crazy than anyone else on here trying to help themselves and desperately trying to survive at the same time. We don't know if there really is a separate or related issue of "PATM" or whether it's just in the mind, but I can just imagine how horrible it must be to suspect that you have this in addition to worrying about BB.

9years and Mindy thanks for all the brilliant feedback
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Post by FedUp »

Got a letter yesterday.

i've been listed for endoscopic adenoidectomy which has a cyst in it. and a removal of a sinus cyst also... which i didnt know i had. 27th May i think. i really hope this is it. 4 more weeks of torture. time seems to slow down when you're waiting so badly for something.
Tonsillectomy - Check
Sinus CT Scan - All Clear - Check
Dentist Examination - "Gums very good" - Check
Endoscopy - Check - H Pylori Negative
Post nasal space cyst removed - Check
Wisdom Teeth Extraction - Check
Mouth Swab Clear - Check
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Post by Jimi Stein »

how did they find out you have cyst? With ctscan?
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Post by Corpsebreath »

It's really starting to seem that these cysts are a common cause for BB. FedUp you have mentioned in the past i believe that you have done a ct scan of you sinuses which came out clear. Did they simply miss the cyst then or do you need to look for them with an endoscope or something?
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Post by FedUp »

cysts were found via nasal endoscope. i want this nightmare to end. i had one removed a few years ago back there. im hoping this time will just wipe it all out.
Tonsillectomy - Check
Sinus CT Scan - All Clear - Check
Dentist Examination - "Gums very good" - Check
Endoscopy - Check - H Pylori Negative
Post nasal space cyst removed - Check
Wisdom Teeth Extraction - Check
Mouth Swab Clear - Check
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Post by mindyb »

I just had my 2 week post-op appt. today with my ENT.
I was a very short appt., he said I'm healing well in the nose and scabs have fallen away.

I asked him to tell me about these cysts he removed from my tonsil area. He said, "Ahhhhhh Yes." He told me he thought IF anything they were my cause of bb. He said they would very likely hold on to bacteria to cause bad breath and taste.
He told me they should not come back, because that was my first question.

The cysts were found a little farther back from where the tonsils were removed, not adenoids to clarify. They were not found until operation day, not showing on CT scan or the office visits.

Nothing to say about how my breath is currently. The crap taste and fumes as I call it, are not there today.... and haven't been for a few days.

I would suggest any future ENT visits for anyone, to have dr. look HARD for cysts any where an ENT is able to explore.
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Post by Jimi Stein »

All the scabs are off, stuff healed. I think you should be bad breath free now. Are you? Do you still get comments? Nose rubs?
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Post by FedUp »

Booked for 21st May... 2 weeks plus and counting. i really hope this ends this year.
Tonsillectomy - Check
Sinus CT Scan - All Clear - Check
Dentist Examination - "Gums very good" - Check
Endoscopy - Check - H Pylori Negative
Post nasal space cyst removed - Check
Wisdom Teeth Extraction - Check
Mouth Swab Clear - Check
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Post by StillHoping »

Fingers crossed Fedup!! It looks like Meowkitty is back, from her recent posts - I really do think this was a cure for her and she is only just dealing with PATM now.
Last edited by StillHoping on Mon Apr 27, 2015 8:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by mindyb »

Feeling hopeful. Cautiously optimistic is how I would describe it.
My mouth is different, in a good way., everyday for a week. I have had no reactions. My kids are the BIGGEST indicators and I have no negative vibes from them. They have been in my face with no pausing, or moving away. I think I am a master at reading body language. Its crazy how I even hear what others say, I'm so busy reading them.

I am having dinner with friends tonight. Still testing, but I am on the positive side. And Yes I have a few friends who love me regardless, but have DEFINITELY indicated I have bb.

Fed Up, Awesome.
If you get to meet with the doctor. Tell him you are concerned with cysts anywhere in ENT cavity and to pleaseeeeee look closely for them.
I was also able to contact my dr. via a portal on my healthcare site. I don't know if you can do this or have access, but it is just another way you can express your concern so the surgery has a positive outcome. Can't wait to read about your journey.
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Post by Jimi Stein »

That is good news. So if you see no reactions, you are good. How long have you been of antibiotics?

How strong was your bad breath before. How far could people smell you? Was it chronic? 24/7??

Thanks Mindy for update, we are happy for you
This is me, Jimi Stein, I created this site in December 2005. Welcome.
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Post by mindyb »

No reactions last night.
I have had bb since I was 18. My life in high school was great I was outgoing and social. Never a comment, ever.
I go to college at 18, and the comments started coming.
It honestly seemed to start after I my wisdom teeth extracted. I woke up in major pain home on a break from college. My mother took me an emergency dentist. I remember the place being a little shady. Anyway he yanked them out and did not stitch anything.

My bb was only room filling if I was in a small space. So basically if I didn't talk, I was ok to be around others. Yes, chronic, everyday bb. It was bad. Described as fecal so so many times. I am now almost 40, it's been a long road with bb. I'm hoping this is the end of the road, however it'll be a long time before I am truly confident.
I had success a few years back by taking Lufenuron. It was short lived, it must have killed the bacteria food particles for two weeks then it repopulated. I was very disappointed.
I've had a few successes managing the bb, but it was not proven very much.
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