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Talks about bad breath products, if they work, if they are useless.....etc.
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Post by wizbaby »

Am just fed tired im worthless my life is messed up. I THINK dieing WILL BE THE BEST. MY MOUTH SMELLS THE WORST ON EARTH.
i cant stand the embarrassment anymore. i have done cleaning...i v used listerine mourh wash but no luck. im done. killl my self IS NEXT

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Post by Stinkynick »

Welcome to the forum! I think we've all felt that way at one point or another, in fact I still do occasionally, but what would that solve?

Let me start by saying that if indeed you have halitosis(bad breath), and it sounds like you do from the desperation. Simple cleaning and mouthwashes will not work. This is not to say that you shouldn't do them. But overcleaning can lead to problems as well. Also using mouthwash with alcohol in it is terrible for people like us as it dries the mouth out.
There are a number of things that cause halitosis, I would suggest starting in the mouth, because most bad breath comes from or starts there. Check for tooth decay, gum disease, pericoronitis, periodontal disease, etc.

Next place to look would be sinuses, tonsils/throat..etc
There are also cases in which bad breath comes from the stomach as well, but dont go crazy, the key is to eliminate possible causes methodically one by one and remaining patient in the mean time.

Know that you're not alone in this and there are some very helpful people on this forum
Best of luck
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Post by wizbaby »

=D> thanks SN. today was horrible in who use to respect me no longer.... those who arent mu very good friends now has d chance to fool my by always holding their nose when i talk.... they fan their fence even wen i stay 10 feet away talking...they just wanna make people knw i got BB
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Pericoronitis & Gum Disease

Post by trenski »

Stinkynick wrote:Welcome to the forum! I think we've all felt that way at one point or another, in fact I still do occasionally, but what would that solve?

Let me start by saying that if indeed you have halitosis(bad breath), and it sounds like you do from the desperation. Simple cleaning and mouthwashes will not work. This is not to say that you shouldn't do them. But overcleaning can lead to problems as well. Also using mouthwash with alcohol in it is terrible for people like us as it dries the mouth out.
There are a number of things that cause halitosis, I would suggest starting in the mouth, because most bad breath comes from or starts there. Check for tooth decay, gum disease, pericoronitis, periodontal disease, etc.

Next place to look would be sinuses, tonsils/throat..etc
There are also cases in which bad breath comes from the stomach as well, but dont go crazy, the key is to eliminate possible causes methodically one by one and remaining patient in the mean time.

Know that you're not alone in this and there are some very helpful people on this forum
Best of luck
I have advanced gum disease and pericoronitis; I was diagnosed by my general dentist. I have an appointment with periodontist in September. Do you think this is causing my chronic BB and nasal odor? Once I'm treated by periodontist will the treatments eliminate/cure my BB and nasal odor. Thanks
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Post by Stinkynick »

I couldn't tell you for sure whether or not treating gum disease would cure you, but it's a damned good place to start wouldn't you think? I started my journey with root canals and tooth extractions( all of which were necessary) only to find out that now my bb may be coming from acid reflux.

All I can tell you is the mouth is the most logical place to start, and to remain patient and follow what your dr tells you.

I forgot to mention that I have nasal odor too, I'm working on an acid reflux diet right now and will post back on progress soon, it seems promising, but too early to jump to conclusions.

A list of your symptoms would be helpful
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Post by trenski »

I have mouth and nasal odor. My mouth stays dry all the time; and bad taste in mouth all the time also. I have gotton all wisdom teeth extracted and still have chronic BB and nasal odor. I have severe gum disease. Thank You
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Post by Stinkynick »

Gums are definitely an issue that cannot be ignored. Starting there will be best. Keep in mind there is no overnight cure for gum disease, so if you're underlying cause is the gums, your cure will take time, patience, and vigilance. Most important is patience. It's so easy to feel sorry for ourselves but the bottom line is we need to make lives for ourselves, with or without bad breath. We can't press pause on life till we figure this out so don't give up hope but continue to live your life, enjoy yourself.
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Post by glory_x »

how can you tell If you've a nasal odor? Its clear to me that breathing soley out my nostrils i stink a room up, but how can i tell?

hi glory

Post by jamesmcavoy »

Welcome glory
You get a fact that mouth odor cannot stink up the whole place .
Only nasal odor fills up the room or some of the area .

For the person with gum disease , u are sure to get very much bad taste and bad breath .
I wont wonder if u have gagged bcoz of ur bad taste .
The good part is it can be completly cured by too much salt water gargling and using strictly antibacterial tooyhpaste like colgate total .
But u need to do salt water gargle very often as u can and it sure will take at least a week but result is 100% .
Also chlorexidine mouthwash is advised for gum disease and works excellent .

Tooth extraction causes swollen gums and if infection is not treated then it can result into gingivitis and perio disease .
Gud luck and do not use any other thing even if ur dentist says to .
We do know alot better and effective than dentists .
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Post by MrChips »

jamesmcavoy- You say mouth odour cannot stink up the whole place. Only nasal odour fills up the room. Is this true?
This is the first time I have come across this 'fact'.
I have nasal odour and I know for a fact that I fill up large spaces very quickly.
Where did you come across this fact?

mr chip

Post by jamesmcavoy »

Dear chips ,
If u hav nasal odor ,do u know thr reason for it ?

Use baby shampoo saline 4times a day to clean nasal passage .
I dont know why people cry for such curable things .
I know nasal odor can hav different reason too but if u can tell exact reason then we can cure it .
The fact is fact , unless you have a very strong periobreath from mouth ,no mouth odor can fill up a room .
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Post by MrChips »

Mr Mcavoy,
No, unfortunately I don't know the reason for my nasal odour. Im guessing its post nasal drip or the like.
Anywhoo, after some quick research upon the idea of washing out the nasal passageways with a baby shampoo saline solution, I see you are in fact correct with your idea. 1% of baby shampoo in the saline solution, which I would hazard a guess at being just a drop, maybe 2 drops at most.
I, for sure, will try this out later when I arrive back from the shops.
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Post by wizbaby »

I think am beginning to smile again.!
my bb is no longer as strong as it was. I only smell bad now only if I fail to brush Twice a day.
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Post by Jimi Stein »

buy a juicer and start juicing carrots, apples, you will feel better. And change your diet to a clean diet. Mostly raw food. And I suggest no animals product, cheese, meat, eggs, milk
This is me, Jimi Stein, I created this site in December 2005. Welcome.
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Post by Jimi Stein »

wizbaby wrote:I think am beginning to smile again.!
my bb is no longer as strong as it was. I only smell bad now only if I fail to brush Twice a day.
so what did you change? How did you get better?
This is me, Jimi Stein, I created this site in December 2005. Welcome.
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