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Constant doubts about BB

Tell us your story with bad breath
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Re: Constant doubts about BB

Post by curebringer »

If you can smell it yourself, you probably have it. Also if you have mucus in throat it's almost a guarantee.

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Re: Constant doubts about BB

Post by lauramouse »

I never know what to believe. I tell people to be honest with me but there's always the nagging feeling that they're just telling me my breath doesn't stink so as not to hurt my feelings. I keep getting mixed signals from people. I guess that's what you'd call it. For example, my best friend said "P.U." a lot when we were out once. (If you don't know what that means, it's just an expression some people say when they smell something stinky.) Every time she said it I asked if it was my breath, but each time she claimed it was something unrelated. Like the first time she said it she was driving and she all of a sudden pinches her nose and goes "P.U.!" I asked if it was my breath and she said it was the smell from the fertilizer in the fields.

Later we were in her house's mudroom, which her roommate keeps scented with a pine air freshener. She immediately held her nose again and said she hates the smell of pine. She then said "P.U." like four times even though we were only in there for a few minutes!

Small things like this happened throughout the day and it really messes with me. Most of the times she said it were in closed spaces. Was she smelling my breath and then covering for it? Did she just happen to be hanging out with me on a day there were a lot of stinky things to smell? Did she claim to smell something just so she'd have an excuse to hold her nose and not smell my breath? These questions always nag me and make me feel self-conscious over EVERYTHING.
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Re: Constant doubts about BB

Post by steffna »

[quote="lauramouse"]I never know what to believe. I tell people to be honest with me but there's always the nagging feeling that they're just telling me my breath doesn't stink so as not to hurt my feelings.

In my case friends were never criptic about my bad breath, they actually enjoy, through the years, making direct comments to my face. I have known them for 15 years or more, I am always spic and span, incredibly looked after expect for my shitty breath, and NEVER have they thought that maybe, it doesn't depend on me? When I was in university ( I never finished... ) my housemate was constantly joking about it, asking to open windows etc. She saw me brushing my teeth maybe 4-5 times a day, and after every meal, I never smoked and drink only at birthdays ( instead she barely brushed, maybe once a day and still perfect breath ). I it so hard to understand? I tried to make them understand mentioning I have health issues, especially in my stomach, however they can't make a connection. Or maybe just enjoy feeling good about themselves watching some else's miserable condition.
Now it's christmas again and all I wish is to stay home and avoid social obligations.... ](*,) If they just knew the hurt they create to an already stressful situation.
Returning to the original post of this thread, well I can say for myself I have no doubts about my bb, mainly because I myself smell it all the time, and taste it in my mouth ( even now ), in particular when I swallow the mucus.
There must be people, however, who have halitophobia and that's a pity.
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Re: Constant doubts about BB

Post by Jimi Stein »

why dont you buy something like this ... bad+breath

I bought it myself, send it is crap, but it shows if you have bb, so then you can be stop obsessing about it constantly...
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Re: Constant doubts about BB

Post by faith59 »

Anybody here tried this product ? ... th-review/ just saw this on the internet and it has high ratings but being a sufferer for 20 years I am skeptical. It claims to help with body odor.
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