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Guys what do you think about parasite cleanse?

Everything related with bad breath can be found here. Everything about products, research, news about bad breath......
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Guys what do you think about parasite cleanse?

Post by Gluten-free »

I'm back after a while. I have been ready about parasite so much. That I am convinced that parasite is my problem. Maybe it's your also. I had a food poison 9 years ago. And I have been suffering from bad breath for 4 years. It got worse with time. Now I have like a thing farting in my gut on the left side sometimes on the right. Sometimes I pass gas without knowing. And people react around me, like sneezing and even coughing. The People allergic to me, PATM, thing.

I will start my parasite after my water fast. In January I will start with my 3 month parasite cleanse. They say that parasite can give you body odor and bb. I was planning to do my cleanse then write something, but I am like that is maybe in March 2020. Meanwhile people are desperate.

Don't think because you live in first world country that you don't have parasite. I live in a first world country and have been travelling in only first world country.

Read for yourself maybe you can have hope. This are the websites that I have study. ... id-plaque/ ... asitology/

This woman pass a 12 inch roundworm on a 4 day dry fast.This woman past a 12 inch roundworm on a 4 day dry fast.

Parasite cleanse diet and supplements to kill them. ... turally-2/

After reading you can search further on this topic success. I will write after my cleanse.

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Re: Guys what do you think about parasite cleanse?

Post by Gluten-free »

Not everybody that have parasite knows it. And Doctors don't detect it every time. But it's not normal that we have bad breath something is wrong in there. Maybe you don't think so. But read this to quotes from the websites that I red.
This is a quote from a blog ... -about-it/
"Parasites are so common, and manifest in so many different types of symptoms, that I screen every patient who comes to see me. That said, there are some cases that are obvious; for example, when you have a kid that’s grinding their teeth at night, picking their nose, and itching their butt, I can tell you before the screening that they have a parasite.

Digestive disturbances and diarrhea are common symptoms of amoebas, and constipation often indicates a hookworm (as does lung and sinus congestion, which typically goes hand in hand with a clogged digestive system). Even ordinary gas could be caused by an amoeba or by candida.

The skin is the largest detoxification organ there is, so worms often cause rashes and psoriasis as a healthy body tries to throw off the toxicity of the parasite. Achy joints and rheumatoid arthritis can be caused by tissue parasites, and bad breath is another major indicator of a parasitic infection.

Fatigue, exhaustion, and brain fog are also common symptoms of parasites. Many times, I’ve put people on a parasite program, and they’ve come out feeling energized—because they’ve been bogged down by a parasite sapping their energy for years. That fatigue and lack of get-up-and-go can also lead to depression, anger, and neurological issues."

This is another quote from this site: ... ad-breath/
"Parasites should be considered as a possible cause of bad breath in children. According to the report,1 researchers decided to investigate the relationship between parasites and bad breath when a mother told them that the bad breath of her child infested with pinworm – a common parasite – disappeared after anti-parasitic treatment.

To investigate, the researchers gave 82 youngsters an anti-parasitic medication and another group of 80 children an inactive placebo. All of the parents of the children in the study had complained that their child had chronic bad breath.

Stool samples collected from the children were tested for the presence of parasites, such as pinworm, at the start and end of the study period.

Of the children found to have parasites in their stool samples, 18 of 28 who were treated recovered from halitosis, compared with 2 of 24 kids with parasites that received a placebo. Among those who did not have stool parasites, 14 of 52 improved with the treatment compared with 10 of 48 taking placebo.
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Re: Guys what do you think about parasite cleanse?

Post by nolab »

in the past I was also very convinced that parasites was the cause, but after chemical and herbal parasite treatment.. it just wasn't the cause.
i don't think that parasites are "farting" in your belly
you can check it out with a stool test maybe? they check for parasites too..
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Re: Guys what do you think about parasite cleanse?

Post by Gluten-free »

nolab wrote: Sat Feb 08, 2020 6:10 pm in the past I was also very convinced that parasites was the cause, but after chemical and herbal parasite treatment.. it just wasn't the cause.
i don't think that parasites are "farting" in your belly
you can check it out with a stool test maybe? they check for parasites too..
Nolab, I am sure. I am doing my juice fast and parasite cleanse and I notice that the farts in my belly became worse. And if you read the blogs that I posted you will know that they hide very well. You just need to break the biofilm before you start with the herbs. When you are doing parasite cleanse you need to adjust your diet so they can starve. Maybe you didn't do it well. I posted for those that really want to be free. If you don't want to be free. Keep waiting for another solution.
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Re: Guys what do you think about parasite cleanse?

Post by nolab »

ok well you asked what we think of parasite cleanse and I just stated my opinion.
didnt say it because I wanted something bad but because to save time and maybe look in another direction, but hey if it didnt work for me, maybe It will work for others..
ps. I did it well enough, also with biofilm breaker.
I am going to make room now for those that really want to be free lol
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Re: Guys what do you think about parasite cleanse?

Post by Gluten-free »

nolab wrote: Sat Feb 08, 2020 6:48 pm ok well you asked what we think of parasite cleanse and I just stated my opinion.
didnt say it because I wanted something bad but because to save time and maybe look in another direction, but hey if it didnt work for me, maybe It will work for others..
ps. I did it well enough, also with biofilm breaker.
I am going to make room now for those that really want to be free lol
Ok. It's good. I'm done with this website. I think it's good for people that only wants to hear what they want to hear. And most people want to hear there is no solution or there is a magic pill that you can use and be heal without changing your lifestyle and sacrifice. And I done belong in that type of mentality. I won't give up till I find my freedom.
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Re: Guys what do you think about parasite cleanse?

Post by nolab »

im sorry,I didnt know that my answer would offend you that much. didnt mean to

im sure there are plenty of opinions on this topic, sure someone else will write here
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Re: Guys what do you think about parasite cleanse?

Post by Gluten-free »

nolab wrote: Sat Feb 08, 2020 7:11 pm im sorry,I didnt know that my answer would offend you that much. didnt mean to

im sure there are plenty of opinions on this topic, sure someone else will write here
My conclusion isn't base on your answered only. I have post so much on this website that I know how most people think. I know what I posted that someone that is desperate enough will try it in the future. I didn't post for the naysayers. I will write my last post when I finish my experiment.

And I am not offended. I wrote my opinion so others will know that if they want to be free that they don't need to absorb the mindset of most of the people on this website, because they will stay defeated. There is no hope.
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Re: Guys what do you think about parasite cleanse?

Post by Gluten-free »

nolab wrote: Sat Feb 08, 2020 6:48 pm ok well you asked what we think of parasite cleanse and I just stated my opinion.
didnt say it because I wanted something bad but because to save time and maybe look in another direction, but hey if it didnt work for me, maybe It will work for others..
ps. I did it well enough, also with biofilm breaker.
I am going to make room now for those that really want to be free lol
This quote doesn't agree with you.

"Steve: “Is there some other way to get rid of parasites besides juice fasting more than 20 days?”

Answer: Perhaps, but for sure, herbs do not touch them. They know how to hide in diverticular pockets and behind the biofilm. You may break off part of the body of a worm, but if any part is left, the worm will grow back. I have seen many people who have done all the popular parasite cleanses, herbs, chemicals, zappers – they all have worms. As far as I am concerned, fasting is the only way to get them. If you do a fast once a year, you will keep the population of parasites within limits. I don’t think it is possible to totally eradicate them. I have never seen anything else that works – whatever people have done, when they fast, out they come.”

Steve: “What about medical testing. Does it work? Don’t they have medications that will kill them?”

Answer: Nope, it is ineffective. I know because I have supervised so many people, and many of them went the medical route. They may have a medication that will kill one kind of parasite, but not all of them. My opinion is that you need to fast and break down the biofilm before herbs, medications or other methods can be truly effective. Fasting alone can be enough if it is done properly.
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Re: Guys what do you think about parasite cleanse?

Post by Gluten-free »

Quote from this website.

"I hope you are not like I was and think you are immune, or that, if you ignore this issue, you will be OK. The parasites are not going to ignore you. Unless you have never petted a dog or cat, unless you have been vegan from birth, and likewise your parents, unless you have never eaten even once at a restaurant that serves meat, nor at anyone’s home where meat is eaten, unless you have never touched a public bathroom doorknob, and also have never been to a third world country, nor have ever gotten sick with travelers diarrhea THEN you might convince me that you don’t have parasites. But even then, you’d have a hard time convincing me.

I wish I had read fewer books about parasites, and done more practical work. The problem was that I could not find anyone who knew what to do, that really worked. There seems to be a code of silence and also ignorance in the allopathic community about this topic.

My strong recommendation is to get educated about parasites and regularly do some sort of parasite cleansing, whether you think you need it or not. All our ancestors did this regularly. We should not give up ancient wisdom so readily when the evidence is becoming clearer that it is almost an epidemic – such is the literature I have seen."
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