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Laser Surgery Was the Cure for Me

Tell us your story with bad breath
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Laser Surgery Was the Cure for Me

Post by sonoitarick »

It's been a while since I last posted and sorry about that but I wanted to be sure before I put anything on here as I don't want to give anybody any false hopes.
But it's now been over 3 months since I had the laser surgery by Dr. Krespi in Manhattan and I have to say that it has worked!

My breath really controlled my life. Not being able to talk close to someone, having to turn my head every time, avoiding conversations with people I would have wanted to talk to just b/c I was worried about my breath, carrying around a small toothbrush and toothpaste in my pocket and in the car, going to the bathroom on social occasions to brush my teeth, these things had become second nature to me. Not that any of it helped. I still got those comments like when I asked my old boss if I could go to lunch and she says "Be my guest with that breath", or something about a guy I used to work next to needing a "gas mask", "dragon breath" from an old girlfriend, "that's yucky" from my 5 year old, just brushing my teath and my girlfriend says "why does your breath smell funny already", "you have the worst breath" , people whispering to each other after talking to me, offering me mints saying "Take one", overhearing things like "I just got a whiff of it" and on and on my whole life ever since I was 15 when my buddy said "You have bad breath _________". I'm 45 now.

I had tried everything as I can see a lot of you all have as well-all kinds of mouthwashes, sprays, mints, tongue scrapers and all of that garbage but of course none of it worked. I had been to many dentists for one reason only-not to fix my teeth (my teeth were fine, after all I brushed 15 times a day) but to fix my bad breath. They all looked at my teeth and said "It's not your teeth" and they could do nothing more except give me the usual advice on diet, no coffee, etc, things I had heard a thousand times before.

For these reasons I have really felt for a long time in my heart the problem had to be deeper, something that was ingrained inside my body that no mouthwash or toothbrush could ever get to. Basically I all but gave up and decided to live with the problem. But then I read an article in the NY Post about this doctor in Isreal named (I think) Finkelstein who claimed to have the cure by lasering the tonsils or something to that effect. I did some research on the net and found this great site we're on on which it had posted a conversation with that doctor about the procedure. What he said about the problem being inside the tonsillar crypts made a lot of sense to me. These crypts could hold all kinds of bacteria that stink to high heaven and when you breathe the stink comes out. If you close up those crypts (caves as I call them) the stink gets locked in and the bacteria will die with no air and no more bacteria can get in.

I did some more research and found the hospital in Isreal where Dr. Finjkelstein worked and was actually ready to make an appt with him. Believe me, to fix this problem I would gladly pay any amount for the plane ticket, surgery, etc. But fortunately I saw in one of the posts by Dr. Finkelstein that he mentioned a doctor in the US who did the same procedure and mentioned Krespi. I then found Dr. Krespi in NYC and made an appt as I only live just outside the city. Sorry this story is longer than I planned.
At first I was discouraged by Dr. Krespi b/c he told me the same things I'd heard before about diet/coffe/etc.. He did state that my breath was bad but "believe me" he said "I've smelled worse". But I kept harping on the laser surgery wanting to try that. First he said lets do a CAT scan of the sinuses b/c there were polyps in there he saw with the tiny camera he stuffed up my nose and he wanted to check the sinuses further. I had the CAT scan and that came back that I had a deviated septum whatever that is.
So the doctor suggested that we do an operation to clean out the sinuses of the polyps and straighten out the septum. He said the polyps in the sinuses could be a cause of bad breath too so I agreed. I also wanted him to do the laser surgery and he agreed to do that at the same time as the sinuses--while I was under. The sinuses were covered by my insurance and so was the laser b/c it was classified as a "tonsillectomy by laser".

I went in to St Luke's Roosevelt Hospital and went under and came out feeling none too good I have to say. My throat was killing me and my nasal passages were all blocked up with padding stuffed all the way back up my nose b/c of the sinus procedure that was done; and I was supposed to keep those in until the next day but I couldn't take it so I pulled them out myself (Don't try this at home folks). I didn't even tell my wife the reason that I had the procedure b/c I am that embarassed by the bad breath problem. She thinks it was to help my breathing.
Anyway my throat hurt like a sore throat hurts for about a week to 10 days. Now that it's back to normal I am able to say what effect the procedure has had on my breath.

Really, it has changed my life! It felt at first and still feels somehow like my breath is lighter than it was. Thats the only way I can describe it. No "sense" of an odor like I had before. And I've been testing my breath with other people-getting really close when talking like I wouldn't have dreamed of doing before. Huddling in court with a client to talk strategy and getting right up on him and no backing away, no turning of heads to talk sideways. People not reaching for a mint or some gum after talking to me, thinking it's THEIR breath that's bad.
Being able to get in someone's face in an argument instead of backing off -not b/c I'm wrong but b/c I'm afraid of my breath- That's no small thing as an attorney, believe me. And it helps in the self-esteem category too. Being able to lean with my elbows on the table at dinner with someone while talking instead of having to lean back in my chair so as to spare them the stench. It's almost too hard to get used to b/c over the years I conditioned myself to avoid exhaling in the presence of others. Or at least to exhale AWAY from others. But I'm getting there.

Anyway this was my experience and it looks like I'm over the bad breath problem after so many years. I hope this helps those of you to decide whether the laser procedure is for you. This problem is really hard to endure for people and no one else seems to understand the depth of it except those who suffer from it.
There was a guy named ICE that posted something on here about his problem being with "halitosis stones" in his tonsiallar crypts. I would say to ICE that it seems like a no-brainer if you close up those crypts the halitosis stones would stop getting in there. So he especially might want to look into it.
Thank you very much for this great site which allowed me to find Dr. Krespi and (knock on wood) find the cure to my problem. :P

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Post by blue10 »

was this expensive
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Post by Jimi Stein »

but can you answer me why were you away so long? almost 6 months or something like that?

So he just cleaned your sinuses and that is it?
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Post by Jimi Stein »

I read your post again and this is amazing. I must say you are just a spammer because you away away so long but now I believe you.

I am doing interview with Dr. Krespi ASAP and also I would like to do an interview with you if tha is possible, because you are a big breakthrough. I would like to call you if that is possible and make an interview.

What do you say buddy. Please we need more info for other people.
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Post by sonoitarick »

I don't know exactly how much it cost b/c my insurance paid but it was definitely in the thousands for both the sinus operation and the laser on the tonsils. The laser being the cheaper I believe.
I actually had 2 procedures, with the laser on the tonsils being the one that I wanted and the one that I think did the trick.
I was away so long b/c I've been busy at work and I wanted to be sure about the affect the procedure had on my problem, also I don't go on this site at home b/c I don't want my wife to know. Sounds stupid I know.
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Re: Laser

Post by Jimi Stein »

sonoitarick wrote:I don't know exactly how much it cost b/c my insurance paid but it was definitely in the thousands for both the sinus operation and the laser on the tonsils. The laser being the cheaper I believe.
I actually had 2 procedures, with the laser on the tonsils being the one that I wanted and the one that I think did the trick.
I was away so long b/c I've been busy at work and I wanted to be sure about the affect the procedure had on my problem, also I don't go on this site at home b/c I don't want my wife to know. Sounds stupid I know.
Can I call you to make an interview
it would be confidential believe me, I do not want anybody to know about it that is close to you.
It costs alot for foreigners like I am. I will do the interview next week with Krespi if he is available

I also beleive that sinuses are making pus that is smelly and it sticks in my throat and nothing helps to get rid of that. But my nose is not blocked, just infected probably, I can feel the infection I have inside.
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Post by oceanside »


this is dajavu all over again. Sonoitarik, what the hell motivated you to F..K with our lives?What you did was unforgivable. You know we suffer in anguish, pain, and literally to the point of s*****e b/c of this F..king nightmare. Are you sick in the head? You now reappeared and think that everything is ok. You gotta win our trust again. I've suffered this since the age of seven years old. Teased, made fun of by kids, cried in agony, lost out on so many things b/c of the BB. Now you reappeared and say all is great. Your life as a powerfull attorney has never been better. Dude, what the H.ll are you saying to us?

Yes, more than anything in my life I want to be cured. But following the footsteps of a liar to freedom is sickinning. I wished someone with integrity, honesty, and a heart of gold was the first to report being cured, but you. Dude, I just don't know. I wish Jimi, Ice, Jess, AW, someone we could trust and believe in reporting a cure to us. But you. lied and disappeared for months than return for more. Oh my God!

Furthermore, you keep decieving your wife by saying you don't want her to know that you have halitosis and don't want her to see you on the internet conducting an internview with Jimi. That's your wife, your soulmate, how can you not share your soul with her? And lying to her a/b your surgery with Dr. Krespi, everything you are sharing involves lies and deceptions.

Again, there's not a time I wldn't do to be cured, but following your footsteps in finding a cure is nothing short of selling my sould to the devil. Goosh I wished you never came back.

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Post by Jimi Stein »

I think sonoitarick is good, but smile guy was a spammer

but it was really strange that you disapeared fot so long

that was not good
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Post by oceanside »


I am sorry for my angry tone towards you. I was nasty b/c months ago I started to belive that the laser tonsil removal was a possible cure for us. When smileguy than you dissappeared everyone's hopes were destroyed. You should had continued talking to everyone as they were so happy for you and happy that a cure was possible.

Anyway, that's the past. Welcome back. I look forward hearing about your success, new life w/o halitosis, and freedom to be a normal man without constant 24/7 bad breath, crazy nightmare. I hope someday I too can be cured as well. I look forward meeting you and talking to you soon. Please share your story with all of us.

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Post by jess »

Sonoitarick, if you're really cured then I'm very happy for you. But How do you know that you are trully, 100% cured. I mean, seven years ago, when I first realized that I had bb, it was really terrible, to the point where I would get really bad reactions from people just by breathing through my nose with my mouth close. In the following years I've done all kinds of things including having a tonsillectomy to get rid of the problem. Now to this day I can say that my bb condition is 75% better than it was seven years ago, but not completely cured. So I'm just curious how do you know for sure that your chronic bb is COMPLETELY cured?

Kristen (jess)
Last edited by jess on Sat Nov 04, 2006 5:25 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by sonoitarick »

Ok, Oceanside and Jimi, this is my reply:
Just b/c I was away for a while doesn't mean that everything I said was BS. I am not saying that my breath is perfect ok-in the morning and after a long weekend of drinking on Monday morning my breath is as bad as anythting. I have issues w/alcohol and the dentists always said that alcohol makes my breath bad. But after a while I figured out they were full of S b/c even when I stayed off the booze my breath stunk like you know what.
I am telling you that for a lousy couple thousand bucks you can find out if this is what's the problem for you. And don't say you don't have the money doucheb--g-----for this you have the money. And I am NO shill for Dr. Krespi either.
Keep wasting your money on those stupid mouthwashes and rinses. I had a doctor actually calling ME up asking when I was ready to buy some more of his snake oil BS.

I'm done with it. I'm here b/c I want to help some people who have the same problem as me. I am talking about an affliction here. Thats what we have. As long as I live I will always remember and I will always have inside me the fear of this problem. Yes Jimi I will give you an interview. But i don't want my number broadcast all over the internet.
I will try to send you a pvt message but if I'm not successful send me some help.
Oceanside, keep the faith. I'm praying for you brother.
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For Kristen

Post by sonoitarick »

I can't say its COMPLETELY cured. I can just say that as bad as it was before, its not controlling my life any more. That's all I ever wanted. I just wanted to be like other people. I don't want that disadvantage.
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Post by austuser »

Does anyone know if laser tonsil surgery can be performed in Australia? And also, the proceedure you had on your sinuses, is that pretty standard? Or does is it only done by this krespi guy?

BTW, what you're saying makes a lot of sense. That "bad breath smell" is exactly the same as when you squash a tonsil stone and take a whiff. So sealing the cavity which holds these stones and bacteria is bound to help.
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Post by Ice »

Well well well, whos back :-k
Glad to hear you are better if not great. But I am little bit sceptical, because u were away for so long, but ok lets put that away for now.
The laser surgery helped u???
Yes I too had deviated septum, had a small operation twice, because, the first time i hit myself in thenose after surgery and got infected, and after the second time, nose is OK, but again not completely straight, he was a bad surgeon, now I see....
I don't know about polyps?did he check that or not?,I did have a CT, taht picture of my scull,and nothing special...
I have crypts, or caves whatever u want to call them, and small whitish stones, but I don't thiink there is any doctor in europe that performes laser op. ,maybe in Great britain??
I am saving money, but it will take me about half of the year to save I hope enough for the plane ticket and the laser op...
I am glad if the operation helped u, and really hope u aren't just messing with our heads...
so who is next? =D>
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Post by oceanside »


Thank you for your prayers, Sonoitarick. As angry as I was to find out that you're back, I truly am glad that your nightmare has finally ended. That's all of our hopes and desires as well. You of all people curtainly know that b/c we, all of us are "soulmates". I don't mean that in a sexual way but we have something in common that perhaps 99% of the people can never understand, the dept of our pains and misery that we deal with each and everyday of our lives, 24/7. I was very depressed for the most part of my teenage years and in my early 20s b/c of shame and embarrassement this bb nightmare has done to me-and all of us for that matter. I am still struggling with situational depression b/c of the bb. You lived throught it yourself, Sonoitarick. Yes, I will begin to call Dr. Krespi's office to arrange some sort of counsultation since I already had a deviated septum performed on me many years ago. I also had nasal septoplasty done. None helped. Like Ice, I also had sinus xray performed, ENT can't find anything wrong but he confirmed halitosis.

Sonoitarick, you will probably get several angry emails from members b/c they (we) feel you abandoned and betrayed us. However, don't take it personally ok? It's healthy for them to get the anger out of their system, and when they are done being mad at you they will recieve you back with open arms. You have to realized that when you left the site/members without even one email to let them know that you havn't forgotten a/b them/us, that wld have made all the difference in the world. Again, welcome back and please be open and honest with us, as we are with each other. Honesty will always prevail no matter what circumstances we face. Ok?

You will get alot of attention from this day forward b/c you are this first confirmed case of success by laser tonsillectomy by Dr. Krespi.

Congradulations. You are SAVED. Let's hope and pray they all of us may find freedom as you had.

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