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First Post - Can anyone help?

Everything related with bad breath can be found here. Everything about products, research, news about bad breath......
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First Post - Can anyone help?

Post by keeptrying »

Hi there,
I’ve been watching these posts for some time, but finally decided to post my story. It is complicated but hopefully someone can help or advise. It all started around 10yrs ago in my early 20’s, I live in the UK but was living in India for 6 months. I had my wisdom teeth extracted and was given antibiotics, I remember above my eyes and forehead swelling due to allergic reaction to the meds.

After a few weeks I started feeling thirsty more than usual, soon after tinnitus developed in both ears and then floaters appeared in my left eye. Then my mouth started to feel very dry and that’s when the bad breath started. It seems to have got worse over the years. I get a yellow coating on the rear of my tongue, even though I tongue scrape (white phlegm) and I clear my throat often. If I gargle with grapefruit seed extract I pull up a lot of transparent mucus from my throat. My lips also are very dry sting, and have light white patches on the upper lip, have to put cocoa butter to help. I had tonsilloliths too, but these have stopped since quitting dairy.

Doctors in the UK haven’t been able to help. I’ve had an endoscopy (H Pylori negative), Diabetes test, water deprivation test (results Ok), PPI meds,Paranasal sinus scan was clear, basic skin prick test (10 allergens) showed positive for tree mix allergy but docs weren’t concerned. Tried Proton pump Inhibitor, Nasal spray to reduce mucus (No difference). Prescribed Diflucan 50mg for 2 weeks, felt slight reduction on tongue coating and very tired. RAST blood test against a food panel was clear.

The best breakthrough I had was my own course of action as I believe the issue may be fungal/yeast, I went on the candida diet for 2 weeks (with very little fats) using GSE, coconut oil, Apple Cider Vinegar. It was hell, I was shaking and my legs felt so weak. However after week 2 my tongue coating disappeared and thirst was gone, tinnitus even seemed less/different, dark circles reduced.

The following day I was flying to India eating Gluten free meal, I was given a bread roll which was labelled gluten free (must have contained yeast), shortly after eating a few bites my stomach cramped up. It felt like a bomb going off in my stomach, needed the toilet straight away but could not go. It took 2.5 days before passing bowel movement. I wasn’t able to continue the diet and symptoms soon returned.

Went to a nutritionist, sent a stool sample to an independent lab in America and was positive for a parasite (Blastocyctis Hominis) ,and lowish levels of good bacteria. Tried taking lots of oil of oregano, GSE and other immune support but still no change. Also tried probitoics VSL 3 but no difference. My doctors/gastro completely ignored me when I told them about the parasite results. Here are two pictures, one showing the tongue coating and the other showing white patch on the upper lip.

Tongue - Image

Lips - Image

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Post by halitosisux »

As I read through your post I started thinking two things. One was a possible thyroid connection (relating to your thirst) and the other was the possibility of parasites.

Has a thyroid problem been ruled out from your analyses?
You should try different doctors if you can, regarding obtaining treatment for the parasitic infestation you've been diagnosed with.
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Post by Ihatemybreath »

I found your lips very sexy. Text me, baby. X.o
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Post by FedUp »

Your tongue looks like mine after if I haven't bothered to scrape it for a week or so. this condition sucks does it not?
Tonsillectomy - Check
Sinus CT Scan - All Clear - Check
Dentist Examination - "Gums very good" - Check
Endoscopy - Check - H Pylori Negative
Post nasal space cyst removed - Check
Wisdom Teeth Extraction - Check
Mouth Swab Clear - Check
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Post by keeptrying »

Thanks for your posts.

Halitosisux - Regarding the thyroid, Docs did some blood tests and they weren't concerned about the thyroid. Trying different doctors for the parasite treatment is difficult, I'm UK based and would need to go private. Even then from what I understand, many allopathic docs do not see Blastocystis Hominis as a problem, even if I change I would need to find a doctor knowledgeable about Blasto.

Ihatemybreath - made me chuckle

Fedup - This condition does indeed suck, I feel my life is on hold. That pic was one day of non tongue scraping.

I'm not giving up yet though - I had two days of my mouth feeling fresh, no lips stinging, no dryness in the mouth. And this was the first time trying candida diet and talking loads of antifungals.

I had never felt so happy in all my life, to walk out of the house without taking a packet of mints in my pocket. I felt free! Then I went on holiday and the diet was unsustainable, back to square one but I also feel whatever this is has grown resistant to the antifungals.
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Post by halitosisux »

I did some very brief reading on this parasite last night. The symptoms can be worse than irritable bowel syndrome. Any doctor who doesn't think this is worth eradicating in a person with unexplainable health problems, or refuses to take it seriously should be put in the same category as the doctors who thought helicobacter pylori in the stomach was harmless.
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Post by aydinmur »

You must more often brush your tongue before further investigation(s)
-Murat Aydin
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Post by keeptrying »

Hi Dr Aydin,
I brush my tongue with an Orabrush several times a day, but almost as soon as I've done it the coating is back. If I gargle with Grapefruit seed extract then I produce a lot of clear mucus from my throat.

I'm considering going to , as they treat blastocystis hominis using a triple drug therapy that has been quite successful in Australia. However I'm not convinced that blasto is at the heart of it, as so many have little or no issues with Blasto.

I've also posted on curezone, and someone thinks it could be cavitations in the jaw as they have similar symptoms to me and have been diagnosed. There is one scanner in the UK that can identify cavitations.

I managed once to clear the tongue coating with GSE, coconut oil, Apple cider vinegar and a very low carb diet and exercise. But was straight back when I had a bread roll.

Does it look like a fungal issue?

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Post by Jimi Stein »

WOW that is heavily coated tongue, you can see how thick the coating is....
do you have tongue brush? Not scraper, called tungbrush
This is me, Jimi Stein, I created this site in December 2005. Welcome.
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Post by keeptrying »

Hi Jimi, I don't have a tongue brush. I found any form of tongue brushing didn't really help. The Orabrush helps a little but can leave the tongue sore sometimes.

The coating in the picture was taken in the evening after brushing/scraping in the morning, After tongue scraping the coating starts to come back almost straight away. It comes as a transparent mucus from the throat.

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Re: First Post - Can anyone help?

Post by Chloe88 »

Hi! I have just read this post & we have a lot in common. I realise this is a few years old so hopefully you got rid of it as this condition is hell. I developed bad taste/bad breath, nausea, tinutis in the ears, itchy scalp, blocked sinuses, undigested food in stools and a thick white tounge that even when I do 30 mins of coconut oil pulling and then netti pots and tounge scraping comes straight back. Even when I do these and I am close to someone they put their hands to noses. Anyways I did a lot of parasite tests as my mum had one from bali and my sister as well. Nothing showed up for ages but then I finally got an answer. I had blastocystis hominis parasite. In January I did the antibiotics but I still have the bad taste and well as tinutis, especially when I eat gluten. I am going to retest but have a feeling it's still there...
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Re: First Post - Can anyone help?

Post by TomHappyHippy »


Welcome to the forum

I too live in the UK

My research and multiple visits to ENTs and dentists suggest that chronic sinusitis is the route of my bb

Bacteria filled mucus flowing through the sinuses and down the back of the throat where it combines with food to cause big problems

Its hard to find an ENT that will deal with this problem, soon I'm gonna take a trip to London and visit one of the private ENTs to locate the source of the sinus infection

Hope this info helps out

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Re: First Post - Can anyone help?

Post by jo317 »

Is it possible you just have a yeast allergy?

I have the same exact symptoms as you and am currently suspecting an allergy. I also thought I had a fungal infection at one point. Maybe I do. But I ordered actual antifungals online. You can get the same antifungals prescribed by doctors without a prescription if you buy from them as pet medicine (The ones I took were marketed towards fish tanks but are compositionally exactly the same). You do have to be careful with this because there are many that are sold that are ONLY for fish. I took them for 2 weeks and saw absolutely no change at all.
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