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Cured after decades of suffering

Tell us your story with bad breath
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Cured after decades of suffering

Post by health_freak »

Hi everyone,
I would like to share my story and tell you what has worked for me at last.

As far as I can remember, since my childhood, I suffered from bad breath. No matter how often I brushed my teeth, used mouthwash, or (as an adult) flossed after every tiny piece of food, the bad breath (and taste) came back after one hour or so.

I always was very self-conscious about this topic, and, over the years, I developed downright mental issues, like severe depression and some kind of social phobia. My social life was, of course, quite limited. I habitually chewed gum and I always made sure that I didn't have close contact with others. As a teenager, I even started smoking and drinking alcohol to "camouflage" the foul smell.

I was too ashamed to consult a doctor about it. But I had my tonsils removed at the age of twenty, and a wisdom tooth was removed in my early thirties. But this did not improve anything.

So the years went by, with flossing, all kinds of mouthwash, chewing gum, smoking, and drinking ( I very often found an opportunity to have a beer or two, or some cocktail).
Overall, I was not a very healthy person. I suffered from several severe allergies all year round, I often had sinusitis, plus I was a bit overweight, and I had some kind of binge eating disorder (self-diagnosis). (Perhaps because eating continually didn't make me notice the foul taste in my mouth?! :-k )

Four years ago, I became interested in a healthier lifestyle. So I tried Yoga and eventually quit smoking and drinking (after 25 years!!!) :mrgreen:

Nearly three years ago, I read the popular book "wheat belly: lose the wheat, lose the weight" by William Davis,

which was an international bestseller. I found it very convincing. According to the author, the so called "brain fog" (a certain dizzyness or numbness in the mind) is related to gluten sensitivity - even though a celiac testing might be negative! I chronically suffered from brain fog since my childhood! So I gave it a try and started a strict gluten-free diet.

In the following months, I began to feel much better! The brain fog vanished, my mind was much clearer. My allergies became less grave. And the best thing: the bad breath vanished and never came back!!! =D> In a popular German pharmacy journal, I found that celiac disease can indeed be a rare cause of bad breath. Here ... ensitivity
an English article.

In early 2018, I went even one step further. Again inspired by a book - this time by Helmut Wandmaker, a German author - I started to follow a strict raw vegan diet, as the book promised miraculous benefits from that lifestyle.

With only one exception during a three-week holiday in Japan, I eat exclusively fruit, raw vegetables, and some nuts and oils. No spices, almost no salt, and no coffee.

What shall I say?
My breath (and other body odours) got even better! Even in the morning, my breath is fresh. My tongue, which used to be grey or white all the time, is now always a healthy pink.
Other benefits:
My allergies have completely vanished. I have lost a significant amount of weight. I am really athletic now, and I have a lot more energy. I never get sick (before I caught a cold quite easily). My mood stabilises more and more (I was depressive for years).

At last, I am "redeemed" from bad breath. This, plus the other benefits from the radical change of my diet, has made my life much better. It was really worth the effort.

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Re: Cured after decades of suffering

Post by Sachijay »

Thanks for sharing 😊😊😊
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Re: Cured after decades of suffering

Post by 1freshmouth »

Omg...this just gave me confirmation! I have been a vegan for over nine years and I still suffer from bad breath. However, I have tried going on a raw diet but would only last two or three weeks. Within that 2 to 3 weeks of being on a raw food diet, I would notice my breath getting better. My tongue would start to get pink and my stomach and digestion would feel so much better. Unfortunately, I would always revert back to eating cooked food and then my bad breath would immediately come back with a vengeance! I have been telling myself for months to stick with a raw food diet because that’s the only thing that has gave me good results with my bad breath.

Thank you for sharing your success story. I was feeling frustrated and down because I just left a meeting and my bad breath was filling up the conference room. People were covering their nose coughing and I dread having to speak at this meeting. Once I left the meeting, I was talking to myself out loud and asking God what can I do to get rid of this bad breath because I can’t continue to live like this. So, I go on the website to check to see if anybody had any good success stories and the first story I read was yours. It just confirmed what I need and should do to help get rid of this bad breath . I plan on starting my Raw food diet today. I’m going to the grocery store now. And I hope that I actually stick with this diet because I have seen good results as well from it.

I do have a lot of questions though. How long did it take you to see results from your bad breath going away? How long have you been on the raw food diet? How long have you been cured from bad breath? Did you have a white coated tongue before going on a raw food diet and has your tongue changed to pink? What foods do you mainly eat? Is there any raw food that you ate that gave you bad breath? Do you eat more fruits or veggies? Thanks again,
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Re: Cured after decades of suffering

Post by Jaim618 »

What protein do you eat on a raw food diet?
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Re: Cured after decades of suffering

Post by health_freak »

Hello again, sorry that my reply comes so late... and please excuse my peculiar English!

@1freshmouth: I just would like to encourage you to keep up the raw food diet! At first it may seem hard, but it is worth the effort! I am eating raw food for 18 months now. The bad breath disappeared after maybe 2 weeks. Of course the detoxing process after the conversion to raw food takes much longer - I understand that you older you are (and the unhealthier your lifestyle has been beforehand), the longer it takes, sometimes years. The white coat on my tongue disappeared maybe after two months. Now it is pink most of the time - it is only very rarely minimally coated, and I think this is the consequence of eating to much protein, like nuts. At the moment, I eat maybe 45% fresh fruits, 45% veggies, and 10% nuts, oils and dry fruits. During the first year, I ate tons of nuts, because I thought I needed the calories and the proteins. But meanwhile, I am happy with mainly fruits and veggies.
Not any kind of raw food seems to cause bad breath - but funnily enough, I noticed that eating salt plus drinking large amounts of water does!
Anyway, "ultraorthodox" raw foodists propagate you shouldn't eat any salt at all, and you should drink not too much water, as the food contains already plenty of water.
As for any other questions, I highly recommend to read the relevant books, like "The sunfood diet success system" by David Wolfe, or "Mucusless diet healing system" by Arnold Ehret, or the books by Markus Rothkranz, just to name a few.

@Jaim618: Protein is highly overrated! If you are a normal person, and not a construction worker, or a professional bodybuilder, you won't need tons of protein - and certainly not from an animal source. There is enough protein in plants, and just to make sure, I add some alga, hemp seeds, or nuts.

Bye, and have a nice day!
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Re: Cured after decades of suffering

Post by Jimi Stein »

so you say you are 100% raw foodist for almost 2 years? I don't know anybody who sustained that long....everybody switches back to vegan after a while.....
This is me, Jimi Stein, I created this site in December 2005. Welcome.
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Re: Cured after decades of suffering

Post by health_freak »

Yes :lol: ! Once I made this decision, it wasn't too difficult to sustain... I just wanted to stay slim, fit, healthy, and pleasant smelling! ;) :D
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Re: Cured after decades of suffering

Post by Thiscantbelife »

Did you have bad breath from both mouth and nose or just your mouth?
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Re: Cured after decades of suffering

Post by health_freak »

So far as I know, it came just from the mouth!
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Re: Cured after decades of suffering

Post by 1freshmouth »

Ugh... this raw food diet is so hard. I’m going to start over in October.
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Re: Cured after decades of suffering

Post by stillfighting »

Congratulations to you.. I have 3 questions

1) After starting gluten free diet after how long you realized that you are cured ?
2) Do you think you got cured from Gluten free diet or Raw vegan diet ?
3) How long since you are cured ? Because every time I try something new I feel like I am cured but after sometime it returns.

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Re: Cured after decades of suffering

Post by health_freak »

Hello again!
1) I cannot remember exactly when the bad breath got better after banning the gluten, sorry! Maybe after one or two months I suddenly realised that the familiar smell occured less and less frequently and got less strong. But sometimes it still occured because I still consumed sweets and other unhealthy snacks, and rarely dairy products. [-X
2)/3) I think the raw food did the trick, at last. After changing my diet in March 2018, the bad breath disappeared quite promptly (and re-appears very, very rarely under the above mentioned conditions). But I think that, overall, I'm cured :D !

(Plus, as I think I have mentioned before, the raw food diet brings many, many other benefits, e.g. all skin problems magically disappear, your skin gets really soft, you look much younger and fresher (I am 44 years old, but people tend to believe I am at most 30!), you hair gets less oily, your sweat doesn't smell anymore, you will lose a significant amount of body fat and you will become very fit and athletic, allergies may disappear, even your mind might become clearer and sharper, you are alert and less tired, you need much less sleep, and so on. ----All this - and much more - you can check up in the relevant literature and on raw food websites - or just try it out, of course :) )
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Re: Cured after decades of suffering

Post by TheWanderer »

Wow, congratulations on being cured! A gluten-free diet is on my todo list although I got tested negative for celiacs.

May I ask what symptoms did your bad breath cause in others? For me, people are coughing a lot when I talk to them. Was that also the case for you?

Also curious about the allergies that are now gone. What were these allergies? Maybe dust mites and pollen? Or was it just a runny/congested nose in general without an underlying allergy?
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Re: Cured after decades of suffering

Post by health_freak »

Hello Wanderer (and everyone else)!
TheWanderer wrote: Tue Oct 01, 2019 6:32 pm Wow, congratulations on being cured! A gluten-free diet is on my todo list although I got tested negative for celiacs.
Thank you! :D I reckon if you are really desperate, you should just try out a change of diet, no matter what the test results say!
TheWanderer wrote: Tue Oct 01, 2019 6:32 pm May I ask what symptoms did your bad breath cause in others? For me, people are coughing a lot when I talk to them. Was that also the case for you?
Well, people didn't cough, but they used to back away and cringe when I spoke, and they always kept some distance (so did I, of course). They often offered me chewing gum or strong mints, or made remarks (in a roundabout way or more directly). Plus, in middle school I was badly mobbed and bullied by my classmates for being smelly (and fat and ugly and a smart-ass). It was really unpleasant.
TheWanderer wrote: Tue Oct 01, 2019 6:32 pm Also curious about the allergies that are now gone. What were these allergies? Maybe dust mites and pollen? Or was it just a runny/congested nose in general without an underlying allergy?
I had severe allergies against animal hair, dust mites, and pollen. Symptoms were a running nose, swollen throat, itching and burning eyes, itching inner ears, difficulty in breathing... so I had to pop antihistamine nearly all year round.
As for the dust mites, I underwent an immunotherapy for five years, but with poor result. When hoovering my apartment, or going to some shops for vintage clothing, I produced tons of snot after a few minutes.
I could not stay in cats owners' apartments for more than 30 minutes without nearly dying.
The pollen allergy caused several cross allergies against nuts, fruits, and raw vegetables - which is funny, because this is NOW the only food I'm eating! It is really quite miraculous, and my otolaryngologist wasn't too enthusiastic about my recovery - I think she would prefer life-long patients to be able to subscribe lots of medicine and long term therapies... :roll:
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Re: Cured after decades of suffering

Post by Jaim618 »

So what do you eat for dinner? I get it’s mostly fruits and veggies...looking for recipe examples. I am a “foodie” as much as I would love to convert for obvious reasons... not sure I could handle it.
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